Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Chapter 169 - Be good and go back to sleep

Chapter 169 - Be good and go back to sleep

While Raymond and Seline are having their lovey dovey time Scott is in call with his mother. She is in her cloud nine due to the recent incidents. Who would have thought that her lost dream will again blossom into the new hope.

She has already completes seeing the videos for hundredth time when her son called. How can she control her excitement when her two twins are spending quality time with their partners. Jean and Scott are stunning and looked like a match made in heaven. Her little princess is also very charming and very perfect with Raymond.

As it is after having lunch Jean is already in deep slumber beside him. She is sleeping with her head on his chest while he entwined around her like a vine. "Mom, did you see the news" Scott asked her casually.

"You are best , this has been my dream to see Ray and Sally together. Are they really that close" his mother squealed loudly.

Scott frowned at her. "Mom, Jean is sleeping here. Could you talk little slower "Scott interrupted his mother while he planted a butterfly kiss on Jean’s puffy lips.

"Oh.. Sorry. Is she fine" Susan teased her son. Scott understood her inner meaning and chuckled softly.

"She is absolutely fine mom. But sleeping" Scott mocked at his mother and caressed Jean’s face with his slender fingers ever so gently

"Ohh.. Let her sleep. I don’t want my loving daughter to wake up because if me. By the way you both looked very perfect in yesterday’s event. Jean was awesome, right" his mother played along with him grinning from ear to ear. She could anticipate what had happened after that.

Scott eyes instantly darkened remembering how toxic Jean looked that previous day. It has been very tough for him to control his urges. Thinking about their recent moments together he suddenly pulled her towards him and started to kiss her roughly unable to control his desire.

Jean is dead tired to wake up so she just succ.u.mbed to his wishes and snuggled deeper into him. This made Scott to turn on even more.....His mother got to know what is happening and she chuckled, her son is really like her father..

"Dear son, let my daughter sleep. And moreover we still have some important things to discuss. It will be better if you go some where so we could talk in private"

His mother didn’t beat around the bushes after understanding her son’s struggle to keep his self control.

"No" Scott voice is hoarse and filled with desire. Her impact on him is becoming more and more dangerous that he is barely able to allow her out of his sight...

"I know, I know. But it is about your grandparents, they called us to talk about Sally and Raymond. They also want to know where you are."

"Oh they did really talk about it then." Scott said and looked at the woman who is sleeping peacefully curled up on him.

She still have many problems to handle and thinking that one of it will be because of him, his heart started aching very badly.

"I think you don’t want your woman to listen anything about it. So it is better if you go into the other room." Susan could feel her son’s pain and she felt pity for him. Why should it always be her son and daughter in law to face all these hurdles.

"Uhmm...wait" Scott slowly moved Jean away from him, so gentle that she should not wake up....but with their current position became impossible for him not to disturb her from her beauty sleep.

Jean squirmed a little and her eyes fluttered open. At that moment she looked so vulnerable and delicate like a kitten who needed protection from others . He felt very guilty that she will have to face his stubborn and arrogant grandfather in order to marry him.

"Where are you going" Jean pulled his sleeve when he is about to get out of bed. Her voice is so sweet and innocent that it clenched his heart tightly squeezing it.

She is actually very vulnerable and sensitive who put up a mask of cold and haughty personality just to protect herself from this tough world. And when it comes to family matters she is even more prone to the hardsh.i.p.s.

Scott gave his best smile he could make in this situation. "Be good and get back to sleep. I will return soon after this call and by then I expect you to be in deep sleep Ms. Grey." He kissed her forehead before tucking her corners.

He started to call her Ms. Grey after their previous day incidents...

After seeing her pout cutely he kissed her once he left with his heavy heart. His mother could do nothing but to wait patiently for her son to complete his wife slave chores, but she felt very contended with the love that both shared..

"What did that old geese said" Scott asked rather harshly. For him no one is more important than his woman not even his own grand parents.

"Scott, he is willing to forgive Black family only if they personally apologize to him and they themselves must ask for Seline’s hand for marriage. Then only he is okay their marriage"

"It is good to hear mom. At least I don’t have to pacify his arrogance about this. What about Grey’s" he whispered the last line very slowly.

He don’t want to take any risk of letting Jean know about this. She already has enough in her plate. He don’t want to trouble her again about something he could handle solely.

"Scott you know he is so stubborn. His ego would never allow him to go easy on Grey’s and you should also know that he will be very angry if he get to know that you have a collaborated project with them"

"Mom, he don’t know that I know about this rivalry matter. Even the Grey’s don’t know about this, except for that b**** Vanessa."

Scott gritted his teeth angrily. She is even brave to send her own daughter back of him.

"Watch your words, son. Any way he will get to know about you and Jean very soon. He even asked me today about your relationship status" Susan sounded very worried.

"What did you say, mom" Scott could imagine how messed up it would be... if he get to know about Jean.

"Scott, if I say that you are in relationship they will ask you to bring her to meet them. It is your luck that they don’t care about business anymore. So they don’t know anything that is happening in the city."

"Mom, don’t beat around the bushes. Quickly say me what you did" Scott’s voice is so cold and dangerous that she shivered involuntarily.

"I said that I am not sure., he said he will find a girl for you" His mother blurted out. Feeling very scared how her son will react.

"What about dad. Didn’t he say anything."

Scott sneered thinking about the other girl. Never in his life he thought of any other woman as his wife. The only person he wants to turn old with and spend the rest of his life with is Jean, not any other random woman. Never...

"He is totally happy with you both. Though he hate Grey’s it is little surprising that he only hate Adam’s family. He is very excited to meet his daughter in law. You can expect him to dote on her very much but when your grandpa called he isn’t there with me. I didn’t know what to do so.. ." she sobbed thinking if she messed up her son’s love... the last thing she wished for her daughter in law is a problem from her family side

"You don’t worry about grandfather. I will handle it and what about black’s" before his mother responded to him. Jean came inside the room rubbing her eyes slightly like a little child.

His expression turned soft as he pulled her into his lap and kissed her slowly yet deeply. Before resting his head on her chest as she pat his cheek soothingly...She is always his best medicine to wash out his stress and tensions.

"What did I say Ms. Grey, shouldn’t you be sleeping now. Do you want me to.. " his voice is little annoyed and it is so deep and seductive that his mother instantly blushed.

Her son’s demeanor will totally take u turn with the presence of his Jean. She can see that he is distracted from the main track,She thanked her daughter in law for saving her from her angry son.

"I listened you are talking to someone angrily so I came to see why you are worried. How could I sleep when you are struggling " Jean muttered and rubbed her face against his chest like a little kitten.

"Hmm.. I am talking to mom. Now be good girl and sleep" Scott kissed her dotingly. He totally loves this version of Jean when she act like a spoiled child yet a caring wife..

Jean’s eyes instantly lit up. She is clearly excited and is very happy to talk to his mother. He started feeling jealous, whenever he use to call her she was not this excited. "Scott I want to talk too. Give me your phone"

Jean jumped on him totally excited...

Scott eyes instantly darkened seeing her struggle to reach his phone. Her cleavage can be clearly seen making his throat dry up.

"No, no need. Let us sleep" he growled and his voice is hoarse as he stressed the word ’us’ ever so seductively. Making his mother blush again...

"Hey I need to talk to mother. Why are you so jealous" Jean pouted and stretched her hands to take the phone.

His mother is beyond happy while enjoying her son’s struggle. Jean really didn’t take a note of his sudden changes, poor son... "Hi mom, I will do video call so..." then the call got ended.

Jean frowned unhappily seeing Scott cut the call. "Enough, Jean. I am feeling sick and you are worried about mom but not me" he shoved his head roughly into her neck and inhaled her soothing scent. Making her yelp as he bit her while breathing heavily.

His warm breathe tickled her as she squirmed aggressively, her sensitivity near he neck is little more than others. So it effected her more than any others.

"Hush... don’t move." He growled and locked her in embrace before kissing her deeply while it moved to her neck then to her neck and then.. She could sense that he is disturbed about something....

"Is everything fine" Jean asked him as she combed his hair with her fingers as she pressed her other hand to his cheek before caressing it..

Scott didn’t answer her but continued his relentless actions slowly making Jean succ.u.mb to him. They again had a blissful moments before getting disturbed by his annoying twin sister.


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