Mr. Rong's Lovelorn Diary

Chapter 2 - What should we name our children?

Chapter 2: What should we name our children?

Translator: DragonRider

As it happened in downtown area, it only took the police a few minutes to get there, which made Rong Yi quite depressed.

He hadn’t even had a chance to ask the name and age of this godlike handsome guy, and more importantly, if he was single.

Luckily, the guy agreed to the two policemen’s request of going to the police station to take notes without hesitation. Then Rong Yi expressed that it was his duty to go as well.

The thief really had chosen a wrong place to commit a crime. Because the nearest police station was only a block away and they could simply get to the station on foot. As Rong Yi was following that handsome guy, he compared himself with his secret crush right now and found out surprisingly that this guy was even a bit taller than him and almost reached 190cm. Moreover, his broad shoulders looked reliable but not too thick, which made Rong Yi’s heart beat fast.

This tall, extremely good-looking and warmhearted man had acted so swiftly and fiercely when catching the thief and so gentle with that charming smile when asking if he was alright.

If only the place they were heading to now was the civil affairs bureau, Rong Yi would sign his name on the marriage contract with this man instantly.


After they arrived at the police station, Rong Yi pulled out his identity card eagerly. And as he was handing over his ID to the policeman, he passed it right in front of that handsome guy on purpose, with the side stating his second gender facing up. He had learned so many lessons from that. So he had to let the man he was attracted to know about his second gender first.

However, the policeman declined his proposal on the half way.

“It’s not necessary. You only need to fill out the paper. Please put away your identity card.”

Rong Yi, feeling helpless, withdrew his hand slowly. Fortunately, the man who was in front of him was staring at the little card right now.

“You have a special name.” After moving his eyesight from the card to Rong Yi’s face, the man said that and smiled to Rong Yi, “I could seldom see someone looking so nice on the identity card.”

Hearing his words, Rong Yi also smiled without saying anything.

He was not trying to play cool. It was just he felt too nervous right now. Though he wasn’t an introverted person in the ordinary times, he tended to get stiff in front of the person he had a crush on.

Luckily, the man didn’t mind Rong Yi’s indifferent response. He even passed a sheet to Rong Yi after he had received the form.

The question on the form was quite easy. After filling out the form quickly, Rong Yi peeked at the man next to him. However, he was discovered before he could see clearly what the man was writing.

After that, the man took the initiative to move his sheet toward Rong Yi.

“My last name is Chen.” He said, “Chen Keyao... What a coincidence, we seem to be in the same age.”

Even his handwriting was so beautiful. Rong Yi felt that he just desired this man even more while the only thing he could do was smiling stiffly.

Actually, Rong Yi really wished they could talk more. However, seeing him remaining silent all the time, Chen Keyao also stopped talking.

The case was simple and the suspect had already been arrested. So it didn’t take them too much time to take the notes. As they were about to leave, Rong Yi still hadn’t got the contact information of Chen Keyao. That made his heart burning with anxiety.

If he didn’t grab the chance right now, it would be so hard for him to meet this man again.

As Rong Yi was on the fence, Chen Keyao who had already walked to the door suddenly paused. Then Rong Yi followed his gaze and saw the little girl whose wallet had been robbed.

She was sitting on the long bench in the corner with her legs wiggling. It seemed that she was at a loss with the regained wallet in her hands. There were only two policemen in the hall who were busy with their own business and might have forgotten about her.

“Little girl, where are your families?” Chen Keyao, having walked up to her, squatted down and asked, “Don’t you want to go back home?”

The little girl who looked a bit shy answered, “I... I don’t know the way back.”

She was lost.

She had planned to take the bus to get home after being dismissed from her tutorial class. However, when she had arrived at the bus station and tried to reach to her wallet, she found there was another hand in her pocket.

As a timid girl, she hadn’t dared to say anything at that moment and helplessly watched that man turning around to leave. After that, she had followed him blankly. Only after she had followed him across two roads had she realized that she had to do something. Then she had nerved herself to shout while running after the guy.

Now her wallet was back. But she didn’t remember the way back to the bus station. She wanted to ask the policemen. However, they all seemed very busy and she just couldn’t muster up the courage. Luckily, finally there was someone finding that she was in anxiety right now.

After hearing her story, Chen Keyao asked, “Where do you live?”

The little girl was too timid to tell him that. However, after being in hesitation for a while, she recognized that the man in front of her was the one who had helped catch the bad buy for her. So she took out a card from her wallet and handed it over to Chen Keyao.

“Uncle, can you take me to the bus station?” she asked.

“No,” Chen Keyao shook his head while looking at the address on the card, “But if you call me brother, I give you a ride home.”

The little girl was in a daze for a moment, as well as Rong Yi who was standing not far away from them.

“It’s too late. Your parents will be so worried if you take the bus right now.” He stood up while saying this. Then he reached out a hand to the little girl, saying, “Let’s go. Say goodbye to the officers.”

It was not safe for her to leave with a stranger.

However, Chen Keyao really didn’t look like a bad guy. After staring at his face for a while, the little girl put her hand in his palm carefully and jumped off the bench.

Chen Keyao held her hands and turned around to look at Rong Yi who was still standing still in a trance.

“I have parked my car in the underground parking lot at that mall over there.” Chen Keyao said.

With his eyes blinked, Rong Yi still didn’t utter a single word.

“... Sorry for having caught sight of your address just now.” Chen Keyao seemed to be a bit embarrassed, but he still continued, “I believe we are heading to the same direction. Do you need a ride?”

After swallowing his saliva fiercely to ease the nervousness, Rong Yi said, “That would be so nice of you.”


Rong Yi felt that he was sitting on the cloud instead of the back seat of the car right now.

After the little girl had got acquainted with Chen Keyao, she got lively in no time. She and Chen Keyao chatted with great excitement. And thanks to her, Rong Yi managed to gather some information about Chen Keyao.

There was a martial art school for children on the fourth floor of the building which was opposite to the crime scene. And Chen Keyao taught self-defense lesson to children there. He also gave the little girl whose name was Luoluo a name card, saying that she could apply for his class if she was interested. He also claimed that he only taught real stuff in his class with a reasonable price, that she could rely on him.

While Luoluo put away the card with caution, Chen Keyao who had just ‘abducted’ this little girl suddenly began to criticize her of following a stranger so randomly. He told her that bad guys wouldn’t show their evil intentions on their face.

Luoluo shook her head while saying, “Brother, you are the good guy who caught the bad guy! It was thanks to you that we can catch that thief!”

“You should thank the brother who is sitting behind.” Chen Keyao looked at the rearview mirror and continued, “If it were not for him who had stopped the thief, I wouldn’t be able to catch that guy.”

Being talked about by them suddenly, Rong Yi got frozen again.

Since he never talked too much, Luoluo still felt unfamiliar to him. So she turned her head and said to Rong Yi with her former timorous look, “Thank you, brother.”

Rong Yi smiled at her while saying, “You are welcome.”


As a matter of fact, Rong Yi’s house was closer to the police station than where Luoluo lived. However, Chen Keyao had gone the wrong way and taken a detour. Thus Luoluo arrived at home at first.

When there were only the two of them left in the car, Rong Yi fell into a super nervous state again.

How could he get Chen Keyao’s number in a natural way? He sat on his seats with his brain working fast. And suddenly, he came up with an idea.

“Mr. Chen, can you give me one of your cards?” He said that on his own, “A child of one of my relatives happens to be interested in martial arts.”

“Of course.”

When Chen Keyao was about to take out his name card, he paused all of a sudden. As traffic light turned red, he turned around to look at Rong Yi, saying, “Why don’t you add me on Wechat? You can consult me anything then.”

He looked right into Rong Yi’s eyes with a smile on his face as he was talking, which made him look sincere and attractive. And Rong Yi was fascinated head over heals right away.

Then Rong Yi pulled out his phone while thinking excitedly that Chen Keyao would be a perfect daddy since he was so gentle. It was easy to name their child with the last name Chen. So what should they name their children? If it was possible, he preferred to have a son first then a daughter. Then the brother, their dear son, would protect his little sister. Also, before their children were born, he wanted to wear a white suit on his wedding.

Five minutes after he had added Chen Keyao on WeChat, they arrived at the door of Rong Yi’s apartment.

When Rong Yi got off car, Chen Keyao rolled down the car window and waved his hand, saying, “Contact me anytime if you have any needs.”

Rong Yi nodded.

Since he was so eager to remain a devoted couple with Chen Keyao to the end of their lives, Rong Yi decided to contact Chen Keyao as soon as he arrived home.


However, before making any contacts, he took some time browsing on Chen Keyao’s Moments.

Since Chen Keyao had made only his latest posts public, so there weren’t many things for Rong Yi to read. Nonetheless, it still took him a long time, because Chen Keyao had attached his photos in two of his posts.

The first one was Chen Keyao’s side face, of which eighty percent was his hair with a signature stating, “Well, it looks like my hairstylist understands nothing about cutting just a little bit.”

Rong Yi wanted to comment on that picture. However, after thinking for a long while, he still didn’t manage to find a sentence to comfort Chen Keyao and told him that he looked totally handsome with that haircut at the same time while showing his sense of humor. At last, Rong Yi only saved the photo silently and liked the photo.

The other one was more provocative. It had been taken by Chen Keyao in front of the mirror of the gym.

With his phone in his hands, Rong Yi stared at the six abs in the picture, feeling himself burning quietly but severely.

He couldn’t find a more ideal type. Chen Keyao was like the man who had walked out of Rong Yi’s dream.

Furthermore, since Chen Keyao had seen Rong Yi’s address, he must have also noticed his gender on the ID card. And Chen Keyao hadn’t expressed a single sign of surprise after seeing that. He had even offered a ride to Rong Yi and exchanged contact information on his own.

An Alpha drove an Omega home on his own initiative and emphasized that they should keep in touch whey they separated.

What did it mean?

‘Should I take out the calendar and start to pick up a perfect date for our wedding?’

After rolling on his bed with his phone in hands, Rong Yi sat up and tried to restore his calmness by taking deep breath. Then he opened the dialog box between him and Chen Keyao with his trembling hand.

“Thanks for driving me home.”


“Thanks so much for today.”


“I want to be with you.”


While he was in a dilemma, his phone vibrated all of a sudden.

A message was sent to him. But it was not from his secret crush.

“Sorry for today. I am a dull person who likes to talk nonsense. Please don’t mind that. I wish we could still get along with each like before if it’s possible.”

It was sent by Liu Yuan.

After being lost in a fog for a long while, Rong Yi finally understood what Liu Yuan was trying to say.

This Alpha who had ranked the first on Rong Yi’s ideal marriage partner list this morning was only a past tense for him right now.

Then Rong Yi entered those words straight away,

“Don’t worry, I’ve already forgotten that!”

‘Liu Yuan, who do you think you are? You are no match to my future husband Chen Keyao!’ Rong Yi thought that.


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