Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 6 Spreading Rumours

Mr. Fang's first reaction when he saw her in that state, was to rush to her side and try to wake her up. Out of instinct, he totally forgot about his health challenge, and only focused to try and get a response from Zhang Liling who looked like blood had dried from her body.

If not for the emergency, maybe he would have noticed something so odd and rare at the same time.

Zhang Liling's scent did not affect him. His nose did not hurt, no tears were threatening to brew in his eyes, and he didn't feel any incoming headache. He was completely normal.

Mr. Fang knelt on one knee and tried to get a response from Zhang Ling by slapping her cheek gently. "Hey! Wake up!"He didn't even know her name, and so couldn't address her by it.

That method failed, so he had no choice but to lift her in his arms and walked away in quick steps.

If only the unconscious Zhang Liling was able to witness this beautiful moment with her crush, the world-renowned business magnate holding her in his arms with a panicked expression on his face, she would have leaped in excitement.

Unfortunately, she was not in the condition to see, hear, perceive or feel anything and so this golden moment, passed by.

An hour later, Zhang Liling groggily opened her eyes with the feeling of pain on one side of her body. She still looked out of it and was still trying to find out her location when she heard a familiar voice coming from around the corner.

"Liling, are you okay?" Tungmei rushed to her side with a worried gaze and tried to help her up.

"Where am I?" Zhang Liling asked with a confused gaze as she looked around. She found her surroundings unfamiliar.

Tungmei heaved a sigh of relief after seeing that she was fine, then went ahead to explain things and satisfy her curiosity.

"You are in the school clinic, Mr. Fang brought you here."

"Mr. Fang?" Zhang Liling asked with a surprised gaze. She could only remember blacking out after she tried to bow. As for the incidents that happened before she regained consciousness, she was unaware of them.

Tungmei heaved another sigh and sat next to her on the hospital bed. "Don't even get me started. Right now, the news about you fainting, and Mr. Fang bringing you over here in his arms, must have spread to the ends of the university."

Zhang Liling was still trying to get over the fact that she has been in her crush's arms and missed it, when the issue of a rumor based on the event, came up.

The only thought in response to that was that some people were tired of living. Spreading rumors about Mr. Fang was like asking for a death wish.

"Where is Mr. Fang? I hope he doesn't find me a nuisance." That was her only worry.

Tungmei felt like smacking her forehead for not knowing how serious the situation was.

"I was in class when a course-mate came to tell me that you fainted and was rushed to the school clinic. I was almost scared to death, but at first thought, it was a prank. Its's good that you are fine now."

Zhang Liling had asked her to wait for her and look after her backpack in the process. Fifteen minutes into the job, she got the shocking news and had to rush over.

"Yes, I'm fine, thanks for watching over me," Zhang Liling managed a smile. Colour had slowly returned to her face, and she no longer felt weak like before, thanks to the drip.

Tungmei suddenly leaned over to ask, "The doctor that attended to you said you lacked blood and had pulled yourself to its limit, what did she mean by that?"

In a simple well-furnished office that happened to be arranged for Mr. Fang during his stay at NYU, Mr. Fang was currently scolding his personal assistant for being absent during the earlier incident.

Bolin didn't dare to raise his head until he finished admonishing him. He had left a few minutes before the end of his class to take an important call for him, and also handle an emergency over the phone, hence his disappearance.

Still, this was not enough reason for him to explain himself because of Mr. Fang's disposition, and it was his first time being in that kind of situation, given his health challenges. He took the correction and promised not to let that kind of situation repeat itself.

Mr. Fang could not continue scolding him as there was another important matter to handle.

"A good number of students saw me carrying that girl in my arms. This is a good profitable and potential gossip. Stop my name from spreading along with the gossip."

"Yes Sir, I will do that right away!" Bolin replied and left to take care of the matter.

Under no circumstance should any kind of gossip spread with Mr. Fang's name attached to it.

Zhang Liling had already spent twenty minutes being awake when she learned of the latest gossip with her name, which caused Tungmei to be a bit worried.

'Campus belle Zhang Liling faints and gets admitted into the school's clinic.'

'The second daughter of the Zhang family faints in class.'

Hearing all these titles, Zhang Liling couldn't help chuckling hard.

"What's funny?" Tungmei asked with a confused gaze. She didn't see anything funny in the gossip.

Zhang Liling flicked her hair and replied with a knowing smile, "I'm just thinking that my stepmother would be out of her mind when she sees this news and wouldn't hesitate to bring me back home." She also wouldn't dare to take my blood for a while.

A good number of people in S city knew that she was not the biological daughter of Shi Wenqian after she appeared a few years ago.

This kind of news could cause tongues to wag and her stepmother's reputation to be questioned so, she would want to minimize the effect on her prestige for selfish reasons.

Shi Wenqian was currently at the Zhang house instructing the servants on what to prepare the next day to welcome Mr. Zhang back from his long business trip when she got a call concerning Zhang Liling.

She was alarmed and immediately passed out an order for her to be brought home at the soonest.


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