Mr. Fang's Feisty Mistress

Chapter 367 The People After Her

Storming off from the dining room with the newspaper in hand, Shi Wenqian returned to her room.

As soon as she next to her Queen-sized bed, she went straight to the contact list on her phone.

A few seconds later, she placed the phone on her ear.

"I want you to do something urgently for me."


Glancing at the newspaper in her hands over an afternoon tea, Song Jujing released a deep sigh before snapping it shut.

Putting the paper on the table, she picked up her teacup asvger gaze remained fixed on one spot.

Walking into the living room, Zhang Liling saw her mother lost in thought. Her brows furrowed slightly as she walked toward her.

Seeing the cover page of the newspaper, her eyes widened in realization.

'Is that why she seems all lost?'

Clearing her throat, she took a sit next to her mother.

"About this, I'm sorry. I never intended to reach out to the Song family about my brand. I don't even know how the got the invitation." She said, trying to explain how someone from the Song family came to her party.

She had been shocked when she first saw the news. And at that time, she was wondering what her mother would be thinking about if she saw it.

This was one of the reasons why she left Mr. Fang's place in the morning after breakfast.

She was worried about her mother seeing the news, but from what she was seeing now, it seems like she was just finding out about it.

In the front page of the newspaper, the headline suggested that Song Jujing was trying to reconcile with her Song family.

Then reading the full article that talked about Song Alex being at Glint's launch party, the Writer posed a question, asking if the Song family was planning to reconcile with their lost keen or if they had already made peace in the secret.

Many people were curious about the answer to that question and just like that, it led to the digging of the past.

"It's not your fault. The invitation card reached Zhang Xiaoling too and a few people you didn't know on a personal level." Song Jujing replied on snapping back to reality.

Putting her teacup down, she crossed her leg over the other to stare at her.

Taking her mother's hand in hers, Zhang Liling squeezed it gently.

"Do you want me to say anything to the press?"

"There is no need, the matter will pass."


A few hours later, a rumour broke out on the internet concerning Glint.

Somehow, suddenly, a thread started making rounds on the internet and soon, it blew up.

Staring at her phone, Zhang Liling couldn't believe her eyes.

Her eyes were nearly about to pop out from their sockets. "What?!"

Glaring at a certain comment, she felt like stoning someone to death.

"Who is this idiot?! I made those formulas in the lab myself, what are you talking about?!!!!"

"I told you not to get worked up over the news," Song Jujing who was sitting on the couch with her hand on her forehead, looked tired as hell.

Hearing that advise, Zhang Liling looked like she was not about to accept it.

"How can I calm down when someone is already trying to sabotage my brand?! How can they come up with baseless rumours without an evidence?"

"That's why they are baseless rumours." Song Jujing retorted with her gaze down.

"Mum, my brand was only launched yesterday and they had already started to attack me just 24 hours later!"

"That shows you that you have enemies. Everyone does."

"Still, why must they come for me? Am I the only one who is being hated to this extent that has to endure this shit?!" Zhang Liling argued

Immediately, Song Jujing raised her gaze to meet her furious pair of eyes.

"Have you see the one that was written about me?"

"That's not my aim." Zhang Liling said, making things clear as she stormed off into her bedroom.

Currently, negative news about Zhang Liling and her mother were making rounds on the internet and this stared by noon.

Some people were saying that Zhang Liling only had to go through a manufacturer to produce he makeup products.

They said she only changed the label of another top cosmetic company and rebranded it to hers.

A good number of orders were saying she was only able to start her own brand because of the influence of her Zhang family.

In case people didn't know, someone went as far as reminding everybody of the kind of person that were surrounding her.

'Zhang Renshu is her father, her mother is the celebrity Editor-in-chief and her boyfriend is Mr. Fang. She has it all, so what is there in setting up a brand?'

As for Song Jujing, a handful of people were instigating that she was trying to get her Song family on her side again after disgracing them several years go.

Where these keyboard warriors was coming from, was what Zhang Liling didn't know about it.

Currently, she was about to lose her mind.

She was about to bury a host of people because this was only 24 hours since her brand was launched and now, people were already after her?

Were they trying to ruin her reputation and close down her business?

Just this morning, she had been happy with the number of orders she had gotten so far, plus she had went on to place another batch of huge order from her manufacturer.

Who knew that something like this would happen 10 hours later?

After some time in her bedroom, Zhang Liling returned to the living room with her phone in hand.

This time around, she sat on the couch next to her mother.

"Mum, who do you think is after us?" She asked almost on the verge of tears as she felt a lump in her throat.

She was truly pained and was at a loss on how to get through the current situation.

Won't her business close if this situation was not managed?

"There is just one person who would go to any extent to make sure that I am disgraced."

Taking her eyes from her phone screen, Song Jujing added as her gaze narrowed.

"Shi Wenqian."

"Shi Wenqian? That woman would do something like this?" Zhang Liling inquired, her eyes widening in surprise.

Never for once did her mine go to her stepmother.

What other business did she have with her for her to attack her and her business?

"I already refused to join my father's company because I didn't want to deal with her antics, but it looks like she will never leave me alone."

"She won't, until she dies." Song Jujing said through gnashing teeth.

At the moment, Song Jujing wanted to kidnap Shi Wenqian and bury her alive, but unfortunately, she couldn't.

The timing was wrong.

"Mum, are you sure Zhang Xiaoling is not a part of this. She came to my launch yesterday, she must have been so jealous. I know her very well."

Even at the juncture, Zhang Liling was not going to let any idea disappear from her head without pointing it out.

That stepsister of hers used to bully her and that wouldn't change now that she was doing well for herself.

She wouldn't rule her out of the picture for having something to do the rumours spreading online.

"It doesn't matter if she joined hands with her mother. Shi Wenqian is the one at the head of the pyramid. That woman has more powers and influence over her children."

In summary, Song Jujing was suggesting that if Shi Wenqian was tackled, then her children wouldn't have any powers left to them.

"I wish I can get my hands on that woman!" Zhang Liling promised through gritted teeth as she slammed her fist in the arm of the couch she was sitting on.

Just when she was plotting her revenge with a bitter heart, she head her phone start to ring from the side.

"Mr. Fang." She announced as soon as she saw the caller ID.

"He must be worried after seeing the news. Tell him not to think too much." Song Jujing commented just before she answered the call.

"Where are you?"

As soon as Zhang Liling answered the call, she heard Fang Bingwen's worried tone and felt touched, but she decided to rein in her emotions.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I haven't yet unleashed my madness."

"Who do you think did this? Give me names." Fang Bingwen instructed, seeing that she sounded better.

"Shi Wenqian, Zhang Xiaoling and Shu Rushi."

"Why Shu Rushi?"

Instantly, Zhang Liling flared up. "That brat tried to ruin my party by cursing me out and repeatedly provoking me. I won't be surprised if she is a part of this after I promised to best her up!"


At the same time at the Shu Mansion, Shi Rushi was currently laughing her ass out while going through her phone.

"Who knew this matter would blow up in such a profound way? Hahahaha.... Serves her right for provoking me."


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