Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 91 - VISITOR

Chapter 91 - VISITOR

A week later.

The phone ringing aloud on top of the alabaster study table captured my attention. Sighing, I lowered the reviewer on top of other academic books I'd been skimming over an hour ago and reached for the phone. I vacated my seat and touched the answer button after gingerly glancing at the screen.

Alexander's calling. The frown scrunching my eyebrows faded instantly. My spirit lit up. It's been a week since papa and I last talked. I missed him badly. It's uplifting to hear his voice again.

"How did your interview go yesterday, Beatrix?"

I could imagine father standing on the terrace with phone in hand, eyes roaming below the garden. I suddenly missed Crawford Mansion, I wished I was there.

"It went well, papa," I replied cheerfully. My gaze wandered around the books neatly organized on the shelves by alphabetical order. "The Principal inquired if I'm related to Clarissa Crawford. She was shocked when I told her the truth. It took her a moment to respond when she recovered, Mrs. Foster told me I look so much like?Grandmama."

Papa chuckled, he found the thought amusing. "I assume she told you she will wring my neck the next time we meet?" The words were said more of a statement, than a question.

"That's exactly what she said, Papa,"?I replied, puzzled. I could feel he's trying to suppress a smile. "Is Mrs. Foster a close family friend, Papa? I haven't heard you mention her before."

I moved closer to the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves on the wall, surveying the huge selection of romance books. A thick bound with a sky-blue spine caught my wandering eyes. Surprise made my eyes wide when the author's name caught my attention. A good book by my favorite author. Yeah, I'll read it later. Since it's within my reach, I carefully pulled the book out and placed it on top of the study table. 'I'll be reading you later baby' I thought to myself, patting the book before giving my undivided attention to Papa explaining Mrs. Foster was a relative.

"Mrs. Foster was more than a family friend, Beatrix. She's my distant cousin, that makes her your aunt. Mrs. Celine's Foster's middle name is Crawford."

So that answers my question why Mrs. Foster?possesses a slight resemblance with grandmother. Crawford's fine aristocratic features stand out and it's not difficult to spot the resemblance.?"She's so nice to me, Papa. She even agreed to keep my identity a secret until the family lawyer changes my real name into Beatrix Crawford."

"I'm glad she did. I'm sure she will protect your identity. Mrs. Foster had been running the University for over a decade now. In case, I forgot to tell you, Harvey University is owned and founded by the Crawford's. 'Harvey is our great-grandfather's name. He valued education so much that's why he founded a large University that focuses on?building careers."

I nearly dropped my phone to the shiny floor. That was a huge surprise. It took me a moment to react. "If that's the case, papa, why do I need to keep my real identity a secret?"

"I want people to see the real you, Beatrix. Show them what you've got and impressed them with your intelligence. Anyone can love the rose but only a great heart can include the thorns. I mean, I want people to like you just the way you are and not simply because you're Beatrix Crawford, a rich, beautiful heiress from one of the most powerful clans in Cordova."

"I know you want what's best for me, Papa. I understand now. Thank you, I'm enlightened, papa." I replied and looked at the mirror hanging on the wall and realized the broad smile on my lips.

Father and I talked on the phone for another thirty minutes. She asked about the latest progress in school and I told him that I have an entrance exam tomorrow. He told me 'good luck and I can do it' He too excitedly asked about Faith Vienne and I told him Madam Stella was spoiling his granddaughter too much. Faith Vienne was keeping Madam Stella busy by sewing baby clothes with cute designs. Imagine being a baby and having the most successful fashion designer in the world sew your baby clothes. My daughter was indeed extremely lucky.

I asked father how my brothers are doing and just what I'm expecting him to say, my eight brothers are busy at work and they are not at home at the moment. My brothers are busy handling the family business. Even Grandmother, who rarely leaves the house, wasn't in the Mansion today. She left the house early and went to a friend's house. I sighed deeply. The mansion must have been sad now that Faith Vienne wasn't there. I was suffering the same fit of melancholia from being away from home.

The swivel chair squeaked when I slumped on it. I placed my phone on top of the table and massaged my slightly aching temples while sinking back on the soft cushion behind my back.

My temples ached a bit by reading nonstop for hours. I needed to review, my exam would be tomorrow. I don't want to get a low score, that would be embarrassing.

Perhaps, I needed a short break. I told myself while still massaging my temples. Last night I barely slept, Faith Vienne had woken up at three in the morning, that would be another reason why my head pounded now.

A soft knock on the door sounded. Before it opened I straightened on the swivel chair. A servant in uniform entered.

"Miss Beatrix, you have a visitor."

A frown scrunches my forehead in confusion.

Visitor? I don't have a close acquaintance here in Britannia. I wonder who's that visitor. Perhaps it's just a mistake.

"Did the man give his name?"

The servant nodded. "Yes, Miss Beatrix. He said he's Mr. Marcus."


"Shall we receive him in the parlor, Miss Beatrix? If you don't want to entertain a visitor, I could simply tell him you're not at home."

"Oh, He's a family friend. Please tell him I'm coming down. Served him tea or coffee please." I replied when I recovered.

"I will, Miss Beatrix." The servant nodded before she hurried to the door and closed it behind her.

I'm quite surprised that Marcus knows where I am. Perhaps he asked papa about me.?When the seat was gone I hastily abandoned my chair and moved to the mirror. I brushed my hair using my fingers and tied it in a low ponytail behind my back. When I'm quite satisfied with my appearance, I took a deep long breath, walked to the door, and rushed outside.

Too preoccupied with my thoughts, I didn't notice Ace moving towards the library. I bumped into him, my head slammed on the hard muscle of his chest.

"Sorry. I didn't see you." I mumbled. When I raised my head to him, saw him watching me intently with the unusual expression on his handsome countenance.

He was looking as handsome as ever.

His sleek hair was still wet, it was neatly swept backward. The musky scent of aftershave, soap, and fabric conditioner reek from his body. I have to fight the urge to close my eyes as his heavenly scent invaded my nostrils.

He smells just perfect. I wanted to bury my head in the crook of his neck and just inhale his scent all day until I was full of him. Unfortunately, that was nearly impossible. I have a visitor to attend to.

Ace was not wearing a plain white t-shirt. Instead, he was wearing a red shirt with tribal designs. He looked good in white but he looked even better in red. At the bottom, he wore black loose jogging pants. He looked good in whatever he wore. He could wear tattered clothes and he could still carry them with an air of dignity.

For the first time, I became aware that he's holding three thick books in his hands. He wasn't able to come to the library earlier since he was strolling in the garden with our daughter. Maybe Madam Stella took Faith away from him so he would have enough time to study. The two of us will be taking our entrance exam tomorrow.

"Your visitor is impatiently waiting for you. Go downstairs. I'm sure you don't want him to keep waiting."

"O-of course," I replied, embarrassed to be caught off guard. I Ignored the sting of jealousy I thought I detected from his tone. Probably it's just my imagination.

He didn't say anything more. Instead, he walked straight to the library soundlessly. I wonder if he's mad or something. He appeared calm and composed but I could feel he was not in high spirits.

I shrugged my shoulders and briskly moved to the staircase after hearing the door closed behind.

Marcus was seated on the sofa when I reached the parlor. When he saw me, his face brightened in an instant. He gave me one of his dazzling smiles, showing a perfect set of pearly white teeth. He looked good—but not as handsome as Ace—said a part of my head.

True, Marcus is handsome, almost irresistibly charming but there's something about him which I find lacking but I couldn't put it into words. But when I'm with Ace, I feel as if I don't need anything else. Everything seems to fall completely in place when I'm with him.

"Beatrix, I'm happy to see you," Marcus said. A grin stretched across his lips. He abandoned his seat and quickly moved to approach,?kissed my cheeks before I could even turn away. He carried a bouquet of fresh flowers and quickly gave it to me.

"Thank you, Marcus" I mumbled.


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