Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife



"Please....let's talk Phoenix." He pleaded in a way that could have softened my reserves if I hadn't known he impregnated his secretary.

I gave him the coldest look I could muster,?cold enough to freeze hell. With face void of emotion, I met his red-rimmed eyes and told myself that he was the man unworthy of my tears.

Ace looked spent. The scent of strong alcohol reeked from his body. He must be so elated with the news of a child on the way, he was celebrating in advance, I thought rather sarcastically.

"Please, let us talk Phoenix." He pleaded, this time he was desperate. But no matter how he begged, my hardened heart refuse to allow me to submit to his wiles.

An unsympathetic smile stretched from my lips. I don't feel anything for him anymore. The unbearable pain he caused numbed my emotions.

It was unbelievable to think the tables have turned, for an unknown reason he was pleading to talk to me now when looking back on our fifth wedding anniversary I was the one this desperate to talk to him but he wouldn't listen.

"We don't have anything to discuss Ace. If I'm not mistaken you asked for a divorce."

He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out of him.

If he hadn't gotten Angela pregnant, I think I could find a way to forgive him but knowing there was an innocent child involved, there's no way I would take him back.

Pain glittered on the hue of his ocean blue eyes, he repeatedly swallowed hard. But the pain he feels now was no match to the pain he inflicted on me for the past five years of our marriage.

I want Ace to suffer more.

"P-please listen to me Phoenix." His voice trembled, he raised his head towards the ceiling to hold the tears back.

"There's nothing to talk to Ace. I'm done with you." I walked past him with my chin fiercely raised.

He was the man who thought me to be strong and I'm doing it just right now.

I heard the thud sound on the floor. I didn't look back to see how hopeless he looked as he knelt on the floor for it will only break my heart even more.

"To think that you kept doubting that Vien was your daughter even after her death was beyond forgivable Ace. I could forgive you for cheating countless times but to deny your child was the greatest insult to me as her mother!"

I closed my eyes firmly. A warm stream of tears drifted down my cheeks until it reached my parted lips and I tasted the saltiness of my tears.

This is painful, I thought as I broke down into a sob, reminding me how I lost our first child. It was the night I caught Ace cheating with another girl, consumed by pain, I drove through the night with Vien beside me on the driver's seat.

The innocent baby girl even smiled at me, thrilled by the adventure I promised her. I stepped on the accelerator and drove furiously, I was in so much pain and all I want to do was to get away from Ace.

"Mum...cared." The child said in which she meant 'scared.'

I remember Vien's pleading ocean blue eyes staring intently at me. There was worry in them. My heart broke and I pulled the car into a stop and hugged my daughter tight as I can and mumbled an apology, tears welled down my cheeks.

If that moment, I knew what would happen, I shouldn't have brought Vien with me. The sound of horn furiously blaring tore the silence of the night, a fast-approaching truck losing its control screeched through the pavement.


I woke up by the sound of panic voices and hurried steps. I try to get up but my whole body hurt like hell. I was lying on a stretcher.

Where was Vien? Panic froze me, I almost stopped breathing.

"Save her! Save her." I heard a paramedic screamed. My fear deepened after realizing Vien was trapped in the car.

Despite my condition, I manage to crawl away from the stretcher, blood dripping down my wounds.

"Please calm down Ma'am. It's dangerous. The leaked gas will explode soon."

I ignored the paramedic and run but my weak legs gave up, I stumbled to the ground before I could even move my legs.

"Vien! Vien!" I screamed in desperation.


An ear-shattering explosion deafened my ears, the car Vien was in tumbled upside down before it was devoured by raging flames.

Right in front of my eyes, I watched my daughter died in flames.


I raised my head towards Ace, he was crying, his knees still bend on the floor.

The incident happen few years ago but the same shot of pain still numbed my heart . A mother should?be buried by her children when she dies, but it was different for me. I watch my daughter lowered to the ground. And no amount of words could describe how it killed me inside.

"If you did not cheat on me, Vien our daughter would still be alive," I said out loud in a surprisingly calm manner despite the rage that burned inside me.

Ace raised his head towards my direction anguish and desolation occupied his deep-seated eyes.

"I'm sorry Phoenix."

He was crying. I firmly closed my eyes until I saw starbursts. I fought all the urge not to hug him into my arms.

"Please leave now Ace," I ordered, my teeth gritted tightly. My chest heaved with intense pain that held me captive for so long.

"I said out Ace..... Don't you dare wait for me to drag you out!" I screamed when he made no move, the last of my patience fled.

"I'm not leaving this without talking to you Phoenix!" His determined eyes fixed on her own as he got to his feet.

I?looked away.

The door closed. Ace was already out of my sight but my mood didn't improve a bit. I sat on the bed like a melted candle. I buried my face in my palms, broke down, and cried.


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