Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 2: DIVORCE

Chapter 2:DIVORCE

"I want divorce Phoenix."

I turned my gaze and stared directly at Ace, the love of my life,?my husband of long five years.

I swallowed hard.

'Please Lord let this be a dream.' I mumbled, shut my eyes, and prayed that when I lifted my eyes open I would wake up from the nightmare.

He was still there when I opened my eyes. Unimaginable pain clutched my heart, I nearly stopped breathing.

I slowly let go of the glass of champagne I held which suddenly felt so heavy against my fingers that trembled.

My husband's expression remained cold and stony and it made me feel worse inside. We shared five years of marriage and yet he looked at me as if I'm a total stranger—not the same woman he vowed to love for the rest of his life in front of the altar.

I yearned to hear him say that the words he'd spoken aren't real and merely a part of his prank just like before when he tried to play a joke on me. But the expression his face had did not have a sign of humor nor his lips stretched into a wide boyish grin. This time I knew that my greatest fear finally came to life.

My shaking hands fumbled on the top of the table. It seemed that my throat went dry as we kept on fighting each other's gaze without uttering a?word for five minutes straight. The champagne might be able to console the dryness of my throat and as my fingers touch the champagne glass I accidentally knock it down.

The contents spilled on the cream-colored cloth before I was able to pick it up. The glass was now empty—just like how hollow I feel deep inside.

My eyes landed on the mess I made on the table cloth, if I can only see how my heart bleeds now,?It must be as red as the stain on the white cloth.

"Why Ace??Am I not that enough?" I said out of impulse, and without a trace of contempt on my face. I should be overcome with rage by now but instead of feeling angry towards my husband, I look at him with forgiveness on my face.

Five years ago in front of the altar,?I promised the Lord to love him for the rest and the remaining days of my life. To serve him. To be an understanding wife.?To give what he wants as long as I could provide it. True to my words I will be willing to give him everything even if it means letting him go for the freedom he asks for.

"It's not you who is the problem, it's me. I'm?sorry I fell out of love." He replied rather calmly, making me wonder if he shared my pain too.

I saw the faint embers of regret strike his sad,?tired eyes. Silently,?I died inside. I felt that his regrets were directed towards our marriage.

My chest tightened making it difficult for me to breathe. The feeling of plunging the knife repeatedly stabbing my heart intensified. 'I don't love you anymore' are the words which are a wife's greatest fear.

After I sacrificed all my dreams just to make him happy he broke my heart into thousands of shards in return. The damage has been done,?my irreparable heart was beyond salvation.

Seeing how he was taking this break up lightly twisted my fragile heart. He showed me no pain as he bid goodbye making me wonder if he ever loved me before.

I know that I have no right to ask for his love since we both knew that my parents forced him to marry me at gunpoint after they found us entangled in his bed on the night I successfully seduced him.

"I want a child Phoenix and as my wife, you failed to bore me a single one. Since you can't?fill the responsibility of providing me an heir then I have no further reason to stay in this marriage."

A frown came across my face after hearing him.?It seems he was trying to blame me for not providing him with a child again. It makes me want to scream and slap his face with the hardships I suffered just to give what he longed for—a son.

"I'm doing all the best I could to conceive a child Ace! Can't you see all my efforts to give your heart's desire??I go on a regular check-up,?undergo strict diets, and obediently follow my doctor's advice.?Even if sometimes it was difficult following everything the doctor says I follow it anyway. And even if my phobia with needles was huge, I bear all the pain from multiple pricks I receive?from injections whenever we go to the clinic."

The lengthy reproach I shot him sent me on the verge of tears but in return, he just looked at me with his cold,?distant eyes without even bothering to fake sympathy for the sake of our good old days.

At this point,?everyone inside the restaurant was looking at us now. But to clarify things, people's interests are solely directed to him.

They shot him an admiring glance while I on the other hand received nothing but an uninterested casual glare like an extra.

I understand that some people almost worship him as their idol since aside from being a Billionaire in his own right and an award-winning car racer he was blessed with a devilishly handsome face as well.

Ace Carter Grayson, the man sitting like a demigod on the opposite chair in front of me, was once a notorious playboy who graces the front cover of illustrious magazines inside and across the country.

Ace was so popular that I doubt there's a person on earth who was not aware of his existence. That person must be living under a rock to not know the sexiest man on earth.

He was the perfect description of every girl's dream but to me—Ace was my nightmare.


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