Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 159 - BOMB

Chapter 159 - BOMB

True love is meant

to last a lifetime so


there is nothing wrong

with being patient

and making sure you

get things right.


Ace retreated out of Samantha's creepy room with quick but careful steps. He pulled the door behind him. It closed with a soft click.

As he fell back past through the cold and sinister corridors that seemed to stretch longer than usual, he heightened his senses, preparing himself from an unexpected attack. Just in case Samantha would suddenly launch at him, he could defend himself.

He still wasn't sure if Samantha left already. But a woman as intelligent as she would not dare to leave, she had nowhere to go and her money in the bank were all frozen. If she even has some extra cash with her it would not last long and she would undoubtedly die of hunger.

That reason made him believe she's somewhere out there hanging on the rooms inside the mansion. Perhaps she's lurking behind the darkness while waiting for the perfect opportunity to unleash her evil plans against him.

Now that she had fallen, she would drag him with her. But he would never allow a woman like her to bring him down.

He didn't know how long he'd been walking around the corridors when he heard light footsteps. Then there was a

chilling sensation on his nape. He stopped walking and looked around him. His eyes widened and his eyebrows shot to the ceiling when he realized he was exactly standing right in front of the door of the room Angela died!

What a strange coincidence! Of all the rooms, he ends up standing here. If there was a room he never wanted to set foot again, it was exactly this area.

He didn't want to go inside but he didn't have any option left.

The reason behind is not because Angela died in this room but because the room holds too many unpleasant memories. The room where she was murdered was once Phoenix's and his own marital bedroom. When they are still staying in the mansion, this room belongs to them.

Unfortunately, the room is where their marriage began falling apart because of his cunning step brother. It's the place that brought him sadness and desperation since the day his wife left him. To add to the unpleasant memories, he last saw his daughter Vien inside the room before she suffered a car accident.

Who could blame him for freaking out at the idea of entering inside. He woke up soaked with blood and unable to recall a thing. Everytime he looks into the room, the memories return.

He shook his head and pushed his burgeoning thoughts away. A resigned sigh emerged from his lips as gingerly stepped forward to the door. When he was a few inches away from it he noticed that it was slightly ajar.

Reluctantly, he reached for the door…. But stopped halfway.

In an instant, the morbid scenes from the video flashed through his thoughts making shivers run down his spine.

He swallowed hard and he had this sudden urge to throw up as he recalled the blood that carpeted the floor.

Until now, he couldn't believe that his stepmother was Angela's killer. Samantha was the epitome of perfection and elegance. It's unbelievable she's capable of such brutality. She just killed someone as if she's an animal and not a human being.

And to think that she didn't feel guilt afterwards and even tried to put the blame on him was unforgivable.

His jaw tightened and his fist curled into the ball on his side while the fragments of the video flash in his thoughts.

Samantha mercilessly killed her daughter in law but before she ended her life, she tortured the poor woman by stabbing her multiple times. Only psychopaths could do that and his step-mother is clearly qualified as a candidate for a mental institution.

He gathered all the courage he could muster and pushed the door open. His eyes instantly narrowed when his gaze landed on the floor.

The moment he stepped inside, a sudden gust of cold wind blew past him. The hairs on his nape stood on ends. What was that unusual sensation? He was slightly creeped out.

He was now reluctant to enter the room but he must get inside whether he liked it or not. It was the only room on the second floor he was not able to check. So he must get it done as soon as possible.

Fragments of glass crushed beneath his shoes as he moved deeper to the room. He pulled into a stop when he reached the foot of the bed and he looked around him.

By the pale?light coming from the lampshade he was able to survey the chaos around him.

The room looked as if a typhoon had wreaked havoc inside.

The expensive linens that draped over the bed were dragged across the floor. It was torn into shreds as if a wild animal reaped it with it's dangerous claws and sharp teeth.

When his gaze darted on the bed, he saw a steel scissors sticking under it.?It must be the item used in slashing the bedsheets.

Pillows were scattered all over the room, one landed near the door, the other was carelessly tossed at the foot of the bed, and the last one was hurled close to the floor to ceiling window. All of them were violently slashed with the scissors.

Whoever did that must be furious. Without a doubt in his mind he knew exactly who did it.

His sharp eyes swept over the walls where a dozen portraits hung. But the area where his wedding pictures were displayed was now empty. He didn't wonder where it all went, he already spotted them across the floor broken into pieces together with the expensive antique vase he once received as a wedding gift.

He pulled the huge closet open, peered under the bed, cast the heavy drapes aside, and almost turned the whole room upside down in search of a perfect hiding spot but he still didn't find Samantha.

His intuition nags him like an itchy bug bite. It was telling him to keep looking. Eventually, he will find her soon. He could feel that she was still there somewhere in the mansion. His only problem is how he could locate her.

After minutes of effortless search, he gave up..If she's not on the second floor then she was definitely on the first floor. Perhaps Lucas had found her already. He just hopes his friend actually found her so he doesn't need to worry about anything.

He prepared to leave.

He was on his way to the door when he threw the bathroom door a sideway glance. Suddenly he stopped on his tracks.

How could he be so stupid that it totally slipped his mind to check on that area. He almost forgot that it existed.

The door to the bathroom was slightly ajar. As he stared at it, his pulse jittered, and his heartbeat quickened. An ominous feeling suddenly descended on him.

He kicked the door open but it was so dark inside that he could barely see anything.

He gathered all the courage he could muster and stepped inside the bathroom. He reached for the light and turned it on.

When brightness spreads inside…. He wasn't prepared for the scene that was waiting for him.

Samantha was sprawled on the bathtub, a white foamy substance flowing out of her parted lips. Her eyes bulged out of her?eye sockets as she stared to the ceiling. She was as pale as a ghost.

He didn't need to check her pulse to know she's dead. Her appearance says it all. She is nothing but a cold corpse now.

Just under the bathtub a bottle of sleeping pills had fallen. The bottle was empty. Samantha consumed the drug and died of overdose.

There on the mirror a message was written in red lipstick,



Ace fished his phone inside his pocket to call Lucas Nicholas and tell him he had already found Samantha. However, he was just about to dial his best friend's number when his phone started ringing.

His eyebrows scrunched in confusion as he pressed the answer button.

"Ace? Where are you?" Lucas asked, his tone loud and urgent.

"Still on the second floor." He replied, "I already found Samantha's body," He added, glancing at the body in the bathtub.

"Run as fast as you can now…. now!"

His mouth parted open to ask him why but before he could even react, he heard the familiar beeping sound of a time bomb. His jaw dropped to the floor.

Shock hit through him like a sharp both of lightning.

Will he die?

No he can't! His family was waiting for him! He can't possibly die right now when their hardships are almost over.

He ran out of the bathroom as fast as he could. He did the last option he had. He lifted the gun he was still gripping tightly around his fingers and aimed it in the floor to ceiling glass window.


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