Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife

Chapter 150 - KILLED

Chapter 150 - KILLED

"He's dead." Catherine Grace repeated when I made no move.

I stood in my place, frozen.

Ybbrahim Greyson's large body was sprawled on the long couch. He was wearing a plain white shirt and black pants. There was no blood stain on any part of his body. He looked as if he was only peacefully asleep.

He was a healthy man and he did not look old despite his age that's why his death was such a shock.

As I surveyed him questions raced through my thoughts,

Did he die of natural causes?

Was it heart-attack?

If not natural causes then did someone strangle him to death? If yes, then who?

Samantha? If she killed him then for what reason? How could she kill her husband?

"A-are y-you sure of it?" I asked, still unsure.

"I am very sure of it. Years of training made me identity if a man was dead or not by just looking at the body." She softly explained, her expression serious as hell.

"Just to make sure, I checked his vitals but sadly his pulse was nonexistent. His body was hard and cold which only proved that he'd been dead for hours."

My fingers flew to my parted lips to suppress a gasp.

"H-how?" I asked in a barely audible whisper. My disbelieving eyes surveyed the lifeless body.

"Arsenic poisoning."?Catherine responds, picking the lid of a bottle that had?accidentally fallen to the floor by accident.

I was surprised that she spotted the object peeking underneath the couch. She surely possesses sharp eyes. I wouldn't have spotted the lid if it was me.

She carefully secured the lid inside a zip lock and kept the evidence inside her pocket.

Samantha's words suddenly rang to my ears. I finally realized what she really meant. "..... Now that you're dead you know who's next. He was no longer useful to me too and so he must follow you to the grave."

She was referring to her husband!

I don't feel an ounce of pity towards Ybbrahim Greyson. He never once was a father to Ace. My only regret was that he died easily. He should be alive and paying for his crime inside the jail but now that he's gone there's nothing that can be done.

"Let's get out of here, Phoenix." Catherine said, her tone filled with urgency.

I snapped out of my thoughts and straightened. Catherine grabbed my wrists and pulled me to the door. We traversed the long corridors until we finally reached the grand staircase and we ran down the stairs in silence.

It was easier getting out of the house compared to sneaking in. The servants inside the house were nowhere to be seen. Samantha must have given them a day off to perfectly execute her plan.

She could have pretended that Ybbrahim died of a heart-attack. A servant would arrive at the mansion early in the morning and she would discover that Ybbrahim died inside his room.

Then it would be announced to the news that he died of natural causes. Samantha did a great job in making her plans. Who would have thought that she was the one who killed her husband.

Five minutes later, we safely reached Catherine's car.

Once we settled inside, she turned the engine on and we headed home.


The next day, Ybbrahim Greyson's death was reported on various news outlets. It was also the sizzling headline of every newspaper.

His death—just like I thought it would be—was ruled a heart-attack. I wonder how much Samantha paid just to fake the autopsy result.

In the latest television live coverage, it could be seen Samantha wearing her best mourning clothes as she flashed her swollen eyes to the camera as if to show everyone she'd been crying.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I listened to her interview with the press. It so hard to listen to lies when I know the truth.

"Ybbrahim Greyson couldn't believe that his illegitimate son, Ace Carter killed Angela, Vince's wife and so my husband took all the blame to himself. He hasn't eaten well since then, he barely sleeps at all and he excessively drinks a huge amount of alcohol and that led him to suffer a fatal heart-attack. I'm so sorry I couldn't save him." Tears began to smoothly flow down Samantha's crimson cheeks. The press surrounding her flashed their cameras to capture her grief stricken face.

I clenched my fist in frustration as I watched the scene on the flat tv screen inside my room.

Samantha was a good actress. She's using her talent so well. Who could have guessed that she was crying crocodile tears.

It pissed me off watching her act. It took me a great amount of self-restraint not to throw the fragile glass I'm holding across the television screen.

"Justice shall prevail! I will make sure that Mr. Ace Carter Greyson would pay for his crimes. With the power and influence I have, I will make sure that justice will be served and he will spend the rest of his life inside the prison."

Watching Samantha's hypocrisy on live television was making me want to throw up. I snatched the remote control and turned it off.

After killing her husband last night, I wonder how she was able to face a bunch of people without feeling an inch of guilt.

She should be ashamed of herself.

She undoubtedly made it look like Ace killed Angela so that the attention of the public would divert to Ace. That's exactly what's happening now that Ybbrahim Greyson is dead.?Vince's issue was almost forgotten now.

I took a deep, steadying breath and lifted the glass to my lips and poured the water to ease the dryness in my throat.

For now, Samantha could think that she won.

Karma would one day knock on her door on the very moment?she least expect it.

A soft knock on the door woke me up from my deep reverie. I carefully placed the glass on top of the table and slowly made my way towards the door.


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