Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-wife



The car pulled into a stop and I pushed the?door open. The large three-storey building greeted my vision as I got out of the car.

"Shall we get inside?" Catherine Grace said softly, her eyes intently watching my expression.

Tearing my gaze from the view, I looked at her and nodded. I took a deep, steadying breath and stepped forward. Catherine followed beside me.

My feet felt heavier each step I made. It felt as if my knees would collapse anytime soon. I can't wait to see Ace and yet the more I step closer the more tight my chest becomes.

A tall, bulky man in a black smart suit?greeted us when we entered the building. My eyes drifted to the name plate pinned on his clothes, Ted Andersen it says, and below his name the words Crime Investigator Officer is written.

He then turned towards Catherine and his eyes flickered with recognition. "Miss Emir," He began. Realizing who she was he took his hat off and bowed his head slightly.

My eyes surveyed the place as the two talked. I'm wondering which part of the building Ace was detained in.

Seeing him now would undoubtedly break my heart. I don't want to see him trapped in this place for the crime he didn't commit.

Deep down in my heart I know Ace didn't kill Angela even though the evidence and the circumstances point that he did it. He would never hurt anyone. Ace may not be perfect but definitely he's not a killer.

"Please follow me to the Detaining Room." The officer said, I snapped out of my burgeoning thoughts and followed behind him to the direction of the long, narrow hallway.

My heartbeat quickened and my breathing deepened.

He stopped into a particular door and pulled it open. "Mr. Greyson is inside. He is with Mr. St. Alexander." The Investigator said and stepped aside so we could enter.

"Thank you." I spoke then walked past him.

I didn't look back when the door slid closed behind me. I continue to move forward as my eyes sweep over the windowless room

The only furniture inside the room was a tiny bed made of wood, a single chair, and a plastic table. Aside from those things there's nothing else inside the room.

The soft whisper of movement at the corner of the room caught my attention. My breathing was suspended when my gaze shifted to that direction and saw Ace looking at me. Standing beside him was Lucas Nicholas.

I swallowed the huge lump in my throat as we looked into each other's eyes and figured out who would take the first step.

Lucas Nicholas, as if sensing that Ace and I needed privacy, cleared his throat and excused himself. He then pulled Catherine Grace to the door and closed it behind him, leaving only the two of us alone.

The tears I fought so hard to contain drifted down my flushed cheeks. It pains me to see him like this. I haven't seen him for days but he looked as if he aged a bit. His tousled brown hair had grown longer and it appeared as if it hadn't been brushed for days.

The black shirt he wore was crumpled and oversized.There were stubbles on his jaw and dark circles under his eyes. Evidently, he hasn't slept for days.

"Ace." I mumbled weakly. A heart-wrenching sob erupted on my lips. It was so heartbreaking seeing him this way and knowing that there's nothing I could do to help him out of this mess was making my pain worse.

In a heartbeat, he was there beside me, pulling me close and crushing me into his arms while I wept.

My soft agonizing sobs fill the small room. He was whispering reassuring words to my ears meant to make me stop crying but the words only made me cry more.?He said it's alright, he didn't commit the crime so he would be free soon. He said he was fine and he was so happy that I came to see him so I need to stop crying.

I listened to everything he said as tears continue to flow down my cheeks like an endless waterfall.

I wound my arms around his neck and poured my heart out into his chest until his shirt was soaking with my tears. His hands caress my back, consoling me to stop crying.

After pouring my emotions out, I felt the stress inside me begin to relax until my emotion subsided.

When my sobs faded, he lifted my chin using his thumb and forefinger so he would see my expression. He delicately wiped the wetness on my cheeks with his fingers.

I closed my eyes, savoring the warmth of his hands trailing on my skin. "I was so scared Ace… I thought I would never see you again…." I began when my eyes fluttered open and stared directly at his enchanting blue eyes.

My eyes began to cloud and I blinked the tears back.

"It's okay love… I'm here now. You don't have to fear anything… I'm not going away." He said reassuringly, lifted my palms to his lips and laid a soft kiss on my skin that made me gasp for air.

When he raised his head back to me, a smile was plastered on his lips. It was the first smile he ever had after he was brought inside the room.

"We need to prove your innocent Ace…. I will bet my life that you didn't kill Angela. We need to find a way to prove that it was Vince who killed her." I said tightly, my voice filled with desperation.

"You don't need to worry…. Your father was helping me and so Claire….Lucas Nicholas was also helping me find evidence that I didn't commit the crime… So please don't worry." The words were spoken so softly. Ace was surprisingly calm even after what he had experienced. How I wish I could be as cool as him.

"Once this trial is over, I will be waiting for you to come home." I swallowed the lump forming in my throat before continuing, "Faith will be waiting for you…. And so Vien."

His exquisite blue eyes clouded with pain by the mention of Vien's name. "If only Vien was waiting for me too," He whispered weakly with a distant look in his eyes. "If only she's waiting for me too." He repeated, this time a tear fell from his cheeks.

It was the first time I saw him cry while saying our daughter's name.

My fingertips touched the tears and wiped it dry. "Look at me Ace…." I ordered and he obediently followed.

When he looked deep into my eyes, I took the chance to tell him the truth. "Vien, our daughter is alive...."

The words were spoken softly and calmly and yet the look of bewilderment spreading on his face was indescribable.

Aghast, his eyebrows shot to the ceiling. His eyes then popped out, "W-what a-are you talking about? Vien died in an accident."

I shook my head. "No, she did not."

"Is this a dream? There's no way you would tell me she's alive if she's not." Ace was shaking his head in disbelief. That is exactly my reaction when I learned that my daughter was very much alive.

"She's alive, Ace…" I gingerly wiped the tears on the corner of my eyes. "She's now safe and in good hands. Lady Ravenwood and father were taking good care of Vien and Faith right now.

"I-I couldn't believe it. H-how?" He asked in a hoarse whisper.?His eyes glowing with emotion as he looks at me.

"Vince faked her death and kept her away so we would suffer and we actually did. But father hired Lucas to keep a close watch on Vince and that is how he found out that Vien was alive. Lucas saved our daughter, Ace."

He rapidly blinked back the tears but failed to contain them. A tear fell… then another… and another… Before he knew it his cheeks were soaked with tears.

I wiped his tears with the back of my palms and wrapped my arms around his neck. It's my own way of saying I understood what he felt. I'd been there too.

"I. Will. Never. Forgive. Vince." He whispered when he recovered. He said each word between gritted teeth while his arms protectively wrapped around my waist.

Silence descended upon us as we held each other. We savored the short moment feeling the warmth of our bodies and the?momentary comfort it gave us. We both knew that after this, we would be separated again so we need to cherish the magical moment now.

"I will be waiting for you, Ace. Please promise me that whatever happens, you will come back home so Faith, Vien and I would be together again."

"I promise love…I will make sure that we will be together again." He whispered and sealed his promise with a quick kiss on my lips.


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