Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 75


"When are we heading out?" Ash asked. "Keiko still hasn't come back." 

"It's looking like we'll have to leave without her," Satsuhiro said. "Sapphire is a larger city than Pearl, so although it will take more time, it is still just a week and a half or so that I expect for us to have before the demons attack. Just a week and a half to prepare." 

"... Shit," Ash hunched over. "Can't we go get her or something?" 

"Going from Jade to Onyx, then to Sapphire would sacrifice way too much time and, let's be honest, although I like Keiko, she's not a combatant here. She's not essential." 

"Didn't she help fight off demons the last time!?" Ash asked. 

"With the assistance of many other soldiers, and even then she only took down a few enemies who were far away from the portal. Ash," Satsuhiro said, "you need to put the job over your friend on this one. We'll let Keiko know we went to Sapphire, but she'll have to make her own way." 

And with that, Ash looked away. Kaori, who was watching from beside Ash, put a hand on Ash's shoulder. 

"She'll show up," Kaori said. "She's probably almost done with the whole castle thing. And, well... We do need to go see about that site of power south before we head up." 

"Right, so," Satsuhiro interjected, "run that by me again?" 

"Yeah," Kaori turned toward him, "Lumina and Magia told us to head to these three sites of power, where, like, if we go there, we increase their strength, you know?" 

"Yes, I understand that part." 

"Well, the closest one is just south of Jade. Seems like a couple of hours' walk maybe. We can do that one and then go up to Sapphire."

"If it is as close as you say, then that should be fine," Satsuhiro said. "Get ready, we'll be leaving soon." 

"Already?" Ash asked. 

"Yes. Now that we know what we're up against, preparations will have to be made. And," Satsuhiro added, "since you can close portals, we might try something before they attack. In any case, we need to be there to discuss things with Sapphire's count. A plan will need to be made." 

Shit... Sorry, Keiko.  Ash nodded. 

"Fine, let's go." 

As the conversation ended, everyone began preparing to leave Jade. Kasumi left on her own shortly after Satsuhiro had informed Ash of the portal. The other Saviors, according to him, were informed as well and would be traveling soon. 

After a couple dozen minutes, Ash was holding a backpack filled with fresh clothes, trailing behind Satsuhiro, Metsumi, and their daughter, with Kaori next to her. 

Kaori nudged Ash's elbow. 

"You never did tell me how things went in the portal," Kaori said. "So, you closed it?"

Ash nodded, remembering the fights that had led to that. 


"Wow, that's awesome! Between that and the sites of power, feels like we're on the right track!"

Ash raised a brow. 

"Are we?" 

"Of course!" As they began to walk through the streets of Jade, the citizens looking at them, some glaring at Kaori, some showing a small amount of fear at the sight of Ash, the half-demon kept her eyes ahead. The sun hugged her skin as Kaori continued, "I mean, think about it. We have literal gods on our side, along with stat buffs, good equipment, and, on top of that, I think we make a pretty good team too. Personally, I think we'll be fine." 

Ash's eyes briefly went to Kaori's missing arm. 

Sure about that?  She thought.  You don't have many more arms to give. Hm. I don't know, maybe I'm just being, like, jaded or whatever, but... We're a long way from being ready to win, it feels like. 

Satsuhiro pulled out a map from his bag. 

"Where was it?" 

"Shit, I forgot," Ash said. 

"I remember, right here." Kaori walked up and tapped the paper at a spot below the capital. She also marked the other spots, the one near Sapphire and the one near Onyx.

"Seems close enough. Alright, let's get moving then." 


Forty minutes of walking later, they came across an inconspicuous abandoned building. It was a run-down church, with a dried-up well outside and empty stables. Grass had overgrown and spread so much, it nearly hid the building up ahead. 

"Well, now what?" Satsuhiro asked. 

Ash, feeling the pull already, said:

"Should be as simple as walking in and touching the altar."

"Alright, we'll keep watch to make sure no monsters show up. Go ahead." Satsuhiro said. 

Ash nodded and turned to walk into the church. 

It was small, as minute a building as the living room at the Savior House. Just a few rotten wooden benches were spread out, all facing an altar that nearly looked untouched by the passage of time. Ash looked over at Kaori and the blonde nodded, then both of them walked forwards. 

Before they could reach the altar, they both fell down, unconscious. 

When Ash opened her eyes again, she was in a black room. Only, this time, instead of the usual swirl of colors, one half of the room was white, and the other was gold. 

"What the...?" Ash said, looking down at herself and seeing that she still had her corporeal body. 

She looked to her right and found Kaori, who was also surprised. 

What's going on? 

Then, as questions continued to bubble up in her mind, two women materialized out of nowhere. 

The first was the one Ash was familiar with, Magia. Her flame-like eyes, golden mist hair, and voluptuous body stepped forwards from thin air, a scowl on her face. The other, Ash hadn't seen. Like Magia, her hair was almost made of smoke, but hers was colored white and was far shorter. She had a thinner body, and like Kaori, she was missing an arm. 

Who... Lumina?  Ash thought. 

"Welcome," Lumina said, gesturing at them with her hand. Magia remained silent," to one of the three original altars." She continued. "We thank you for coming." 

Behind them, a bolt of lightning struck the ethereal floor and a man appeared. He carried a trident, had the armor of a knight and a large shield.  Alkoth? 

"We... had hoped all three champions would be here, though, Alkoth has informed us of the difficulties, regarding the third Savior. In any case, we can make do with just the two of you for now." 

What do you mean?  Ash asked in her mind. 

"Allow me to explain," Lumina said. "Saviors are not just chosen arbitrarily," Lumina walked between them, pacing. "In order to choose one, we must gift them portions of our power. This is why we cannot simply make every citizen in the world a Savior, because just choosing one diminishes our strength. However, in the event that we find a person we particularly like, we can grant them  more  power." 

"Like you did with me back at Pearl?"

Kaori asked that without opening her mouth, and yet, Ash heard her. 

"Exactly," Lumina said. "It's best to see it as an investment. We sacrifice ourselves to strengthen you. Of course, upon hearing this, one might ask, 'what are the limits of this gifting process?' And, that is what we are here to discuss with you today." 

Ash crossed her arms, raising a brow. 

Uh, okay.

"Half," Lumina said, looking down at her missing arm. "Half of our power is the maximum amount of strength that we can give to a mortal. Any more than that, and we'd incur the wrath of the Higher Powers, but you don't need to concern yourselves with that. Rather, can you imagine it?" Lumina walked up to Ash. "You know what Magia has done over the years, yes? She, the goddess of Lust, Creation, and Passion, built your entire world from the ground up. Every single tree, hill, and rock is there because of her. Imagine what half of her power could do for you, champion." 

... What kind of scam is this? Ash asked, recalling many times merchants had approached her with blatant lies on the streets. 

"Now, of course, you wouldn't be able to create anything or stuff like that, but, well, I'll put it this way. You know that 100% EXP boost you have on you at this moment?" Lumina asked. "That can go even further. That effect is directly linked to the amount of power Magia poured into you, the amount I poured into my lovely Kaori," Lumina continued. "And we can provide more.... at a personal cost," she shared a glance with Magia, who looked away, annoyed. 

"What do you...?" Before Ash could finish her question, Lumina continued. 

"But, at this point, that is a cost we are willing to pay. See, this situation with the war has gotten out of hand. At this point, desperate measures must be taken, otherwise, humanity will be lost." 

"Why do you care?" Ash asked quickly. 

"Simple. Because although we are immortal and are at no real harm, our power is fueled by you. Your love, your order, your lust, it's what gives us our strength," Lumina gestured at the other gods. "Without you around, well, it's like this. Imagine starving for an eternity, but being unable to die from it. That's how it would be for us."

"Regardless," Magia finally spoke up, without looking their way. Almost like she wanted to keep her eyes as far from Lumina as she could. "The point is this. There are three Original Sites of Power, both of you are in one right now. Go to all three, empower them, and we'll be able to gift you much more power than what you have already. This is called the Bonding Ritual." 

"Once you leave here, touch the altar and you will receive your first third of this power," Lumina said. "It would be best if you did this  before  Niven kills everyone in the world. Understood?" 

Both girls nodded. 

And, at that moment, Ash remembered the vision she had. She walked around Lumina, moving over to where Magia was sitting. The goddess glanced at her with half-lidded, tired-looking eyes.

Behind her, she saw Lumina walk up to Kaori and hug her tightly, an embrace that Kaori returned. 

"You're doing wonderfully, my dear," Lumina said. "Keep up the good work!" 

Ash looked back at Magia, who smirked. 

"Something to say, darling~?" 

"... Who's the boy you were talking to?" 

"Hm?" Magia narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?" 

"I saw this vision where, I mean, I think it was you, you were walking with some kid. Anything to tell me about that?" Ash asked. 

For a moment, Magia didn't say anything. 

"And what would telling you of the past do exactly? The present is all that matters," Magia shrugged. "You have a war to win. Stay alive until the end and maybe we'll have this conversation." 

And just like that, both Ash and Kaori disappeared. 

When Ash awoke, she was on the floor of the old church. She stood up, helping Kaori get to her feet as well. 

"Hm, that wasn't sketchy at all," Ash muttered. 

"So, we need to go to the others," Kaori said. "Let's touch the altar." 


Both girls walked up and placed their hands on the white stone. 

Instantly, it began to glow, and words appeared above them. 

Updated Trait: Quick Learner

Old Description: Proficiency, attunement, and attribute EXP increased by 100%

New Description: Proficiency, attunement, and attribute EXP increased by 200%

Ash gawked. 

"I... I'm not good at math, but that seems important."

However, she noticed something else. Even though she was right in front of the altar, the pull she felt from Magia was noticeably weaker now.


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