Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 71

71  Vol. 2 - Chapter 36


Just wait, and it'll mess up eventually.

Keiko was currently engaging the Zayama Warrior for what had to be now, the 10th time, give or take. She didn't know the precise number, only that now, she was just one victory away from reaching level 22.

Haruna had suggested that, before they attempt the next floor, Keiko should continue sharpening her skills and gaining at least a few more levels. Currently, she was in the middle of what was probably the easiest fight she'd had against it yet, with her and the Zayama Warrior clashing swords, dancing around the room.

Now that her own level surpassed it, even though she guessed this creature must have had a Sword Proficiency of 8, her numbers gave her enough speed to make dealing with its powerful and precise blows far less difficult.


With her Spirit Eye, she found that the creature would soon lunge in for a sweep in an attempt to sever her legs. Before, the vision would have shown her with her legs cut off, as she wouldn't have the speed to react in under two seconds. Now though, it showed the full attack, as she did possess the agility to move out of the way with ease.

She jumped up. The Zayama Warrior was to her left. She raised her blade and, mid-air, swung it, from the left to the right, slashing through the creature's neck. Got it!

She looked back to confirm what she thought and saw its armor falling to pieces.

EXP Gained: 60

EXP: 230/230

Level Up!

And so, she gained 2 more Attribute Points.

She placed them both into her Dexterity, leaving her status looking like this:

Level 22

MP: 100/100

EXP: 0/240


STR: 25

DEX: 38

CON: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

L: 5

In all honesty, even though she'd technically only fought one enemy since arriving here, Keiko could feel that the difference between the woman who had arrived here some time ago and the version of herself that existed at this moment was night and day.

She was struck by a different sense as well at this point. That being that, if Kaori were here, the woman would undoubtedly run up to hug her, a grin on her face and wide, bright eyes looking back at her own. Or that if Ash were here, she'd raise a brow and smirk a little, impressed by what she saw. She wanted to see those reactions, and yet, she couldn't.

I guess there's no other way to put it, Keiko thought. I miss them. I've only been away for a few days, and I already wish I could see them again.

However, for now, she had to remain focused. If anything, so she could come back a better version of herself.

Keiko looked toward her teacher, finding the woman giving a proud smile.

"A little sloppy at points, but otherwise, good job."

Keiko looked back at the creature's armor.

"... Am I ready though?" She asked.

"I don't know. All we can do is head up there and find out."

After some time where they waited so Keiko could catch her breath, they proceeded onto the second floor. This time, the room was had grey walls, made with a strange type of wood she hadn't seen before, with lit sconces at the corners. At its center, not one, but two figures sat with their legs crossed.

As Keiko and her teacher walked up the steps, they sat up. One was carrying a katana the same size as Keiko's, while the other had a spear. So, there are two enemies?

Level 20

MP: 100/100

Level 20

MP: 100/100

"Ah, I see," Haruna quickly assessed the situation. "Whereas the last floor was meant to test your ability in single combat, this floor is supposed to test how you deal with opponents when you're outnumbered. Of course," she said, "since we're both here, we can cheat our way through it. Your call."

A small amount of shame prodded at the back of her mind, but she tried to wave it off.

"If that's the test then it's not worth it to stay here for long, I think," Keiko stated. "But, any tests that are 1 on 1, we should go through those fairly."

Her integrity wouldn't allow her to just cheat all the way to the 5th floor.

"Instead," Haruna continued. "We can instead take this as a test on how to fight when you've got an ally nearby. You'll have to maintain awareness of my position as well as yours, making sure not to get too close to me. Of course, I'll do the same."

This is... kind of disappointing. Keiko sighed but unsheathed her blade and walked towards the sword user. The both of them prepared and soon, the next fight started.

The first thing Keiko noticed was that there was a certain sense of chaos to this. With a second battle starting right next to hers, the sounds of blades clashing that weren't hers and her opponent's, the sliding of Haruna's feet against the floor as she moved in her half of the room, it did serve to distract her.

However, once her fight started properly, it became far easier to focus.

And, of course, as she and Haruna were fighting as two, this was far easier than it should have been. Haruna defeated her opponent in no time at all. It took Keiko more effort than it took her teacher, but soon, she parried a blow and slashed through her enemy, defeating it.

EXP Gained: 60

EXP: 60/240

The armor fell in front of her. Keiko sighed.

... You have to do this, Keiko. She told herself. Just shrug that shame off.

The stairs to the left of the room unsealed, and Keiko gestured towards it.

"Let's keep going?"

"Sure," Haruna replied.

Their time on the second floor was but a fraction of their time on the first. However, as the two entered the third floor, a floor designed much like the second, Keiko felt something strange about this one. Not just that, but as there was only one figure here, she remembered her own words earlier.

Well, I asked for 1 on 1 tests. Looks like I'm getting one. Keiko thought.

This Zayama Warrior was different from the others though, in that it was not holding a weapon. Its hands were empty, by its sides as it waited for the girls to walk up.

Level 25

MP: 200/200

Wait, this thing has a Wisdom of 20? Keiko's eyes widened as she made the realization. This is a mage!?

Keiko took a step back as Haruna accepted the challenge.


And instantly, the Zayama Warrior began to cast spells in her direction.

"Well, I didn't expect this kind of test," Haruna stated. "Have you figured it out?" She asked.


"A mage," Haruna confirmed. "I suppose it makes sense when evaluating how a warrior deals with different enemies, but Zayamas aren't known for their abilities with magic. Well, outside of the Spirit Eye and a few... Whatever."

She walked up and held both her swords out.

"What will this thing have up its sleeve, I wonder."

Keiko took a step back as Haruna accepted the challenge.

And instantly, the Zayama Warrior began to cast spells in her direction.

It pulled a hand back and pushed it forwards, sending a bolt of lightning directly at Haruna. Haruna dodged it, likely thanks to her Spirit Eye, and charged in.

The logic of a fight like this, Keiko thought as she saw Haruna try to close the gap, closely follows that of a fight against a spearman or anyone whose range is longer. The pressure is on Haruna to move into it. What this enemy has to do is keep her at bay.

Haruna raised a blade and Keiko thought the fight would end right there.

It can't though, she's too fast.

And then, the creature said:


And it disappeared.

"What?" Haruna asked, baffled.

Keiko watched as it reappeared behind her.

"WATCH OUT!" Keiko yelled, her heart momentarily freezing as she watched, and Haruna turned, just as a bolt of lightning was sent her way. It landed on her chest and Haruna was propelled back, crashing into one of the wooden walls, sending ripples of electricity throughout her body.

Haruna gave a pained expression as she tried to stand.

Should I step in? Keiko began to walk forwards and Haruna yelled at her.

"Don't! Remember what we said? We do 1 on 1 tests on our own. I'm fine." Keiko froze on the spot and Haruna shakily stood to her feet. The mage appeared to be waiting for her to do so.

Then, Haruna got into a fighting stance and visibly calmed herself down. Then, she ran forwards again. She did so with the same speed as before, reaching the creature and posing like she was about to attack it. Only, now, they knew what it would do, of course.

It didn't teleport though. Instead, it went to punch her, stopped just before it reached her abdomen, and from its fist, a blade made of wind emerged.


Haruna, seeing this, had the speed to twist her body at the last moment. Instead of full-on stabbing her as the attack certainly would have done, it sliced through the side of her abs, and leaving a thin trail of blood as she spun around it.

Then, did the creature teleport behind her.


Keiko was so shocked, she knew for a fact she wouldn't have been able to do what Haruna did then.

She turned, raised her sword, and threw it in at the Zayama Mage, like a javelin.

As the mage maybe hadn't anticipated this, it quickly tried to cast another teleportation spell.


But it was too slow, and Haruna's blade stabbed through its ethereal head, making the armor collapse. The enemy was defeated, and Haruna fell to her knees. Keiko quickly ran to her side, while Haruna had already begun to heal herself.

"Okay," Haruna said, hissing as the wound in her side stung. "That thing is tricky."

"Are you alright?" Keiko asked.

"I'm fine, it didn't cut too deep. But," she said, "you'll have to wait before you can try to take it on. And, with its mobility, I don't think us fighting it at once is a good idea."

"Uhm, what do I do then?" Keiko asked.

"I think, ah, shallow cuts like this are a b... I think," she continued, "you need to stand and watch for a bit. Just see what it can do. You have the stats to fight it as you are, we just need more information before you can step up."

Keiko nodded.

... I had told Kaori I'd be back in a few days or so, it seems like I won't be able to keep my promise, considering we still have the 4th and 5th floors to get through.



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