Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 49


On the second day, before the third where it was assumed the demons would attack, several of the Saviors gathered at the center of the city. 

Here, Takomaro passed Ash his knowledge of three spells. Spells he deemed would be useful in the fight to come. Those were Land of Grace, Sacred Ground, and Flash of Brilliance.

Land of Grace was a 50 mana spell that healed in an area, which he suggested she use on the soldiers so as to delay their fall for as long as possible. However, those who got cursed would not be able to benefit from this spell. 

Sacred Ground was an offensive 20 mana spell meant to irritate creatures of the Dark. It wouldn't do much more than that but it could provide some soldiers with brief windows in which they could inflict some damage. 

Finally,  Flash of Brilliance was a 40 mana spell that created a blinding light. However, Takomaro warned her that this spell was not to be relied on too heavily, due to the fact that if a demon's level was high enough, it would have no effect on them. 

Once those spells were gifted to her, Ash took stock of the tools she had at her disposal, checking her full status.

Level 11

MP: 300/300


STR: 40

DEX: 40

CON: 38

INT: 30

WIS: 30

L: 100



Iron Stomach (Can devour anything without suffering negative side effects)

Chosen (Savior of Magia)

Moonlight Nature (all Light and Dark spells are enhanced, though the bearer can only use Light and Dark)

Quick Learner (100% increased EXP gain)

Demon Inside (Access to Demon Form, while in Demon Form all physical attributes are increased by 5)

Moonlight Demon (While in Demon Form, all Light and Dark spells are further enhanced)



Wait, what?  Ash squinted as she saw that last trait, the question mark. I... does that have to do with the transformation I got when me and Kaori, uh, yeah? When did this get in here? 




Heal 10mp (the basic Light spell)

Lumina's Presence 10mp (slower, gradual heal on one target)

Lumina's Spirit 15mp (energy boost on one target)

Barrier 15mp (projects a white wall that blocks spells)

Empowered Light 40mp (the effects of Light magic are enhanced on multiple targets)

Curse Removal 100mp

Land of Grace 50mp (AOE heal)

Sacred Ground 20mp (AOE Turn Dark)

Flash of Brilliance 40mp (Blinding)


Dark Sphere 10mp (the basic Dark spell)

Perish 15mp (mid-range slightly stronger Dark projectile),

Decimating Touch 15mp (touch-based Dark attack)


Weapon Proficiencies:

Sword = 5 of 10 (Average)

Bow = 3 of 10 (Beginner)

Spear = 1 of 10 (Complete Amateur)


Current Status Effects:

Niven's Blessing


She had a few takeaways. Firstly, she wanted to know what the new trait at the end was.

Second, in the future, if she survived this battle, she would need to try to find someone who could teach her Dark magic. She was clearly lagging behind in that field.

Third, this influx of raw power she felt was a bad sign. If every single demon that would attack them was feeling the same way, how could the soldiers of Pearl expect to win?

This is looking pretty hopeless.  Ash thought with a sigh.  It feels like I'm going to have to do so much more than everyone else, me, one of the fucking rookies. 

Satsuhiro walked up to her, holding strange-looking things in his arms.

"Hey, your armor got here."

"What!?" Ash asked. "Seriously?"

"Yes," Satsuhiro said. "It took them some effort to get it through the gates since the portal is just outside, but it's here. Go ahead, find an empty building, and put it on." He said, placing the armor on her lap. 

Even in the darkness under the changing sky, she could see its brilliant golden glow. 

"Well," Ash said, "at least I won't die feeling half-naked."

"About that whole inevitable doom thing, how is portal's effect feeling?" 

"I'm getting stronger every hour," Ash muttered. "So, Satsu," she turned to him. 

"Oh, for the love of Magia, not you too..." Satsuhiro said, hearing that shortened name. 

"What are our chances?" Ash asked, her hands feeling the armor she'd received. At that, Satsuhiro stared at her for a moment. Then, he sat down on the same bench she currently occupied, sighing as he grasped his hands and nodded. 

"Pretty terrible." 

"Yeah, figured," Ash replied as citizens were being led deeper into the city. Some had chosen to stay for a bit longer, maybe hoping this whole problem would go away, and it was only when the sky turned fully violet that they'd realized the demons weren't changing their minds about attacking. 

"Metsumi? Opah? Where are they?" Ash asked as she saw Kaori speaking to Mizaki. The energetic Savior was showing off her hammer to the blonde. 

"With the other civilians." Satsuhiro's tone turned far softer than Ash ever remembered hearing it. 

"... And if everything goes to shit what are you...?" 

"If everything falls apart and I'm still alive, I'll take them and run away," Satsuhiro said with a shrug. "We still have to try though, before that happens." 

In that instant, Ash heard glass break to her left and looked over to see a half-demon bursting out of a store. She raised a brow, seeing that the boy she'd spotted a day or two ago was carrying multiple items in his arms, running away as guards chased after him. 

"Someone stop him!" The guard yelled out as the boy ran in Ash's direction. 

Satsuhiro glanced at Ash, who simply lowered her head as the boy ran away with the stolen goods, straight towards the closed gates. With his enhanced physique, he managed to dodge every arrow launched in his direction and, with a great amount of effort, pushed the gates open. 

"Y-You didn't stop him!" A guard asked her.  And why exactly is that my responsibility?  She thought.  Why are you asking just me and not Satsuhiro? 

"Why the fuck would I?" Ash asked, straightening her back and looking at him in the eyes. 

"You... You abominations are all the same! You're to blame for this! Spies, spies! Y-You're probably working with them!" He aimed his sword at her, with shaking hands, and Ash stood up. 

Satsuhiro got between them. 

"We have bigger things to worry about than petty crime right now," Satsuhiro stated. "Calm down." 

"You should watch what you say," Ash muttered. "This abomination might just turn a blind eye to you when a demon sticks a hand up your ass." 

The guard took a frightened step back and ran away. 

Ash sat back down. 

"They're just nervous," Satsuhiro said. "Everyone is." 

"Whatever," Ash responded. "How much do you wanna bet that if we win, no one will give a fuck about how I helped?" 

"I don't think anyone would be dumb enough to ignore you if you get the city through this." 

"Yeah?" Ash raised a brow. 

"What happens here is probably going to be written about for years to come."

On that note, Kaori and Keiko walk over to them. Keiko was still carrying that book in her hands. Kaori grinned at them. 

"Mizaki's so cool!" Kaori gushed. "She said she used to lift boulders to train her Strength!" 

Ash turned to look at her. 

"... You're strangely calm," Ash said. "The whole doom and gloom hasn't settled in yet?" 

At that, Kaori sat down next to her.

"Eh, I think... I think we'll do alright," Kaori said with a little smile. "I mean, you're a lot stronger, right? And, remember when we went into the ruins? How many demons did just the two of us take out? Here, we're with a bunch of super-strong Saviors and an entire army of soldiers! That has to count for something." 

Ash raised a brow. 

She wanted to counter with, "well, the demons are also a lot stronger," but upon seeing Kaori's bright expression, she simply shook her head and swallowed her words. 

"There is something I would have liked to have done though," Kaori muttered. 

"What's that?" 

"Um, Lumina showed up in one of my dreams..." She said casually. Ash raised a brow. 



"... Welcome to the club, then," Ash replied. "So, what did she tell you?" 

"There's a place north of Pearl she wants me to go to. But," Kaori looked up at the sky, "it doesn't seem like I have time for that." 

Ash did the same, noting the ever-darkening violet. 

"Maybe..." Ash stated. It's probably one of Lumina's sites of power. Hm... Actually, what would activating it mean for this fight? Could Lumina help us win?

As Ash thought of that, she said:

"Where is it?" 

"Um, if I were given a map, I'd probably be able to spot it out," Kaori replied. 

"Come on," Ash stood up, extending a hand that Kaori took, standing up as well. "We may as well try it." 

"Hm?" Satsuhiro stepped in, "what do you mean?" 

"Where can we find a map? Quick." Ash replied. 

"There should be one in the tavern," Satsuhiro pointed back, "but what..." 

Ash jogged towards it, with her new armor in her hands. She walked in, a vacant space welcoming her as she looked around with Kaori trailing behind. Come on, come on... Where...? She found it easily enough though, spotting a single map nailed to a wall behind a few tables. 

"Okay, let's bring this back," Ash told Kaori as she ripped it off the wall. "Actually, now that I'm here," Ash said. 

And, right in front of Kaori, she started to strip. 

"O-Oh, gosh!" Kaori turned away, blushing. 

"Heh," Ash smirked as she quickly tried to change into the armor that had been brought to her. "It's nothing you haven't seen before." 

"A-Actually, it is," Kaori replied. "I'm the only one who took her clothes off when we..." 

"Hm... You're right." Ash stopped. She'd put on her greaves, setting her breastplate aside on a table as she took a step closer to Kaori. Then, she took her hands and placed them on her chest. 


The half-demon burst out laughing as Kaori pulled back like she'd been burned. 

"Maybe when this is over we can alleviate this situation some more. For now, though," she finished putting on the armor and grabbed the map, "we need to get moving." 

"Wow, you look..." Kaori shook her head. "But, wait, d-do we have time?" Kaori asked her. "I... I'm not even a demon and I can feel things changing. What if the attack starts and we're not here? I mean, have you seen the sky? It... It feels like we were wrong about having another day to prepare." 

Hearing that, Ash nodded. 

"Yeah, that is something that could happen, but... Kaori, let's be honest here," she put a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "We can't win like this. Not how we are right now. We need help, help from someone, anyone, and if Lumina wants to keep us from getting our heads cut off, we need to take it." 

"I..." Kaori took a step back, "what if people die before we come back?" 

"More could die if we don't go," Ash stated. Then, she hardened her expression. "And, listen, that doesn't mean much to me. You, Keiko, Satsuhiro, and his family, you," she briefly let go of the map, placing it on a table, and then she put both of her hands on Kaori's shoulders. The two's faces were just six inches apart. "You're all I care about. Can you say the same though?" Ash asked. "You want to be a hero, don't you?" 

"Um," Kaori looked away, but Ash pulled her gently by the chin so that she was looking into her eyes again. 

"The way I see it, it's a few people at the start or everyone when it's all said and done, hey, you're the one Lumina talked to. It's your choice," she told the Savior. 

Hearing Ash say that, Kaori looked away again. She tucked a strand of hair behind her right ear and sighed. 

"Either way, people will die but..." She took a deep breath. "You're right. Y-You're right, yeah. Let's go." 



The blindfolded Zayama had been taken along with Metsumi and Opah to a subsection of the castle where civilians would be held until the fight was over. Currently, she was sitting cross-legged, on the dirt ground, with Metsumi near her. 

She only wanted one thing. To awaken her Spirit Eye so that she could go and fight with the others. 

However, though she'd gained a bit of enlightening advice, she had no idea how to apply it.

So, because it didn't seem like she was going to get a chance to explore this "change in scenery" she instead tried to brute force her way to a Spirit Eye. 

With her hands clasped together, she took a deep breath and tried to remember the process her teachers had told her back at the compound. 

Get a feel of everything around you,  she thought.  Breathe in. Awareness, even while blind, is key.  Then... Just cast it. 


And as soon as she tried, she felt electricity surge up her heart and to her eyes, inflicting an incredible pain in her head. 


"Keiko!?" Metsumi grabbed onto her. "What happened?" 

"N-Nothing," Keiko breathed in, "nothing. I'm just... Trying to unlock my Spirit Eye. I need to get down there and help the others!" 

So, she started to try again. 

Feel everything around you,  Keiko thought, clenching her hands into fists.  Just... Just be aware. Just... 

"Keiko," Metsumi reached for one of her hands. Keiko felt her take one and she stopped. 


"Even if you unlock it," Metsumi started, "what would you do?" 

"Huh?" Keiko asked. "Fight, what else?" 

"Against those demons?" Metsumi asked, with a soft voice. "I'm sorry, Keiko, but... there's nothing you and I can do. Hell, if I'm being honest, I think Kaori should be here with us too." 

"But..." Keiko stopped, turning towards Metsumi's voice. "I, I can't just let them go fight this alone. They need me. I might not have stats, but I'd bet I'm better with a sword than most people here." 

"I believe that," Metsumi told her. Then, Keiko felt an arm pulling her in for a half-hug. "I've seen you training the girls, after all. But, this is different. With that much raw power aimed at you... I don't think all the skills and techniques in the world would change things here." 

Keiko's lips parted but she couldn't find something to say. 

Even if this did work, it wouldn't be enough. She thought.  I... I need to do something. I need to become stronger. 

Her memories with her friends came to her, and Keiko found her soul reaching for what she imagined. She didn't want to let this stay as her reality. 

If she was going to remain with this new family of hers, she needed to do something. 

Of course, the question was, "what?"



It took quite a bit of explaining, but eventually, she and Ash were able to convince a few guards to let them leave through a back portion of the castle that led out into the woods east of the city. Looking down at the map, Kaori raised her brows as she thought about the spot Lumina had indicated. 

Uh, I assume we'll know what it is when we see it? 

"Keep jogging," Ash told her as she ran ahead. "We'll have to make it back fast." 

"Y-Yeah," Kaori nodded from behind. "It has to be close. I don't think Lumina would tell me to go anywhere too far away."

"Yeah?" Ash replied. "Maybe. I can definitely see Magia doing it though." 

Just what kind of deity is she?  Kaori wondered.  Lumina has been nothing but loving. I trust her. 

Even here, the sky held a tinge of violet, though it faded the farther away they got from the city. And so, the pair ran. They ran as fast as their armor allowed them to. It was still a strange sight, seeing Ash in a proper Savior's attire.

However, any stray thoughts about the half-demon were wiped from her mind when she saw a structure ahead. It was strange, almost like pieces of a church were still standing in the middle of the wilderness, but its roof, walls, and doors had been torn away. 

At the center of it, she could see what seemed like an altar. 

"That has to be it!" Ash said. "Kaori, get closer. Lumina might..." 

Before she could finish that sentence, Kaori was falling to the ground, unconscious. 


She awoke in a dark room. One that she understood, given what she'd been doing. 

"Lumina!" She called out. "Where...?" 

And at that moment, a figure began to manifest in front of her.  Her face lit up. As she saw the goddess appear, Kaori felt relief wash over her. She ran up to the goddess and hugged her tightly, clearly surprising the figure, who hugged her back once she realized what was happening. 

"Ah, you came?" Lumina said, and Kaori recoiled. 

"Y-You talked!" 

"Hehe, indeed," her voice was as sweet as honey on Kaori's ears. There was an inherent kindness to her that disarmed Kaori instantly. "Thanks to you, or, rather, your current position. I thank you for seeking me out, you give me hope, young one." 

Smiling at that, Kaori tried to form a more serious expression. 

"Your grace, or, uh, your holiness," Kaori got on one knee, "is there anything you can do to help me in the fight for Pearl?" 



"Uh, what?" Kaori looked up. "W-What do you mean...?" 

"At least, not directly." Lumina's face darkened. "Niven's gained too much power over the area. One site of power on my end is not enough to combat this force he's gathered... But, I can do one thing for you, specifically." 

"Uh, yeah, anything!" Kaori said. Lumina's face took on a strange expression when she said that.

"Anything? Heh, you should be careful when saying such things to a deity, Kaori." Lumina lovingly passed a hand over Kaori's hair. "We can be quite selfish, and a word like that sounds quite a bit like an invitation. Any spirit would celebrate upon hearing that." Kaori raised a brow, not quite understanding what she meant. "I have one gift to give... Unfortunately, though, it does mean that my power will be depleted upon giving it." 

"What?" Kaori asked. "How?" 

"Us gods and goddesses are not omnipotent. Our power, at least, until more of our sites of power are found and replenished, is finite. That... That is a topic for another time, though. Your fears were right," Lumina waved a hand and suddenly, a screen appeared behind her, through which Kaori could see the portal's power had spread even further. "The attack will happen in the night." 

"No!" Kaori watched with despair. "I need to get back!" 

"Right. And, before you do, here is my gift." 

A few words appeared above Kaori's head at that moment. 

"It is a sign of my absolute trust," Lumina explained. "For you are to act as an agent of my love for humanity. And to that end, I am willing to diminish myself for you." 

Before Kaori read the words, she saw one of Lumina's arms dissipate into dust. 

"W-What?" Kaori watched as a small stump remained where Lumina's left arm once was. "What did you do?" 

"As I said. I sacrificed a piece of myself for you. That, my love, is how much I believe in you." Lumina stepped closer and kissed her forehead. 

And, as Kaori felt tears pop up, she looked at the words floating above. 

New Trait Gained!

[The Protector]

[Gain the Spells of the Protector]

New Spells Acquired!

Mark of Love - Duration: 24 hours - Mark a target as an "ally" for a day. While near this target, all stats are enhanced. The longer this person remains marked as an ally, the higher the stat increase when near them. Can mark 1 ally per day.

Encourage - 30mp-  Syphon your own stats into a marked ally for 2 minutes. You determine how much of your power you wish to give. 

Loving Sacrifice - No cost - Upon activation, any incoming damage to a marked ally is instead redirected to the Protector. 

Kaori read those abilities with a small amount of confusion. 

"What are the incantations?" She asked. 

"None. These power are simply a part of you now, as they were once a part of me," Lumina explained. Kaori saw her eyes briefly move to her vanished arm. "Well, I suppose that is all. Take care, Kaori. Remember, there is always another day." 

And, without being given an opportunity to respond, the dark world faded and Kaori found herself back in that forest. 


"Kaori?" Ash asked as Kaori's eyes slowly blinked open. "Are you okay?" 

As Kaori looked at her, she closed her eyes again. 

So... How do I...? 

"Huh?" Ash asked, confused. Kaori opened her eyes again and saw the half-demon glowing white. "What the fuck?" 

Oh, it worked. 

She checked her stats to see the increase. 

Level 14

MP: 70/70


STR: 16

DEX: 16

CON: 12

INT: 7

WIS: 7

L: 100


They all went up by just 1.  She thought.  So, the longer she's marked, the higher they'll go?

"Come on," Kaori said, standing up, "let's go! The fight is about to start!" 

"What? Uh, okay, go!" 

Both girls began to run back to the city, the sky above telling of a grave battle to come. 


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