Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 47

"Hm?" Takomaro asked. "Do the two of you know each other?" 

"No, well, not personally," Ioko responded. "She's a Zayama. Apologies, I got distracted. Where were we?" 

The Zayama general then began to explain his plan to the Lord. Keiko could barely focus on it though. In between the details, how he wanted the lines of catapults behind the walls, that archers could be placed around the portal to pick off enemies as they come out, all she could think was  "Seriously? He's a Zayama too?" 

She wondered if maybe they'd met sometime before, though she doubted it. Nobody liked to associate with failures like her. 

"Thoughts?" Nathan asked everyone in the room. 

"Well..." Satsuhiro started. "If escaping truly isn't an option, then, fine. In addition, I'd suggest we let the first streets go." 

"What?" Takomaro asked. 

"The status effect diminishes in power the farther the demons are from the portal. We can let them get through a portion of the city and fight them at the edge of their power. If we assume they'll begin their attack once the whole city is covered..." 

"That would mean most of the fight would happen at the Castle area," Nathan understood. 

"A large part of Pearl would be destroyed," Satsuhiro replied "but the fight would be the most beneficial for us at that location... That is, of course, if we assume they'll begin the fight the instant that the city is covered. Of course, it's also problematic that we don't know the limits of this effect. It could cover far beyond the city, it could stop before the city is fully engulfed. We don't know." 

"Preparations can begin immediately regardless," Ioko added. 

"... Then I believe that's it then," Nathan stated. "Takomaro, Satsuhiro, keep working with the mages to see if you can find a way to dispel that portal. I don't expect you to succeed but try it anyway. Ioko, prepare the soldiers. Saviors, do what you can to help. These are dire times, everyone, but we can pull through. We always do." 


Once the meeting was over, everyone got to work. As for Keiko though, she couldn't do much but help Ash whenever she asked for her, which, lately, wasn't too often thanks to the current situation. 

As she and the group were walking out of the castle though, a voice called out to them. 

"Saviors," Keiko heard Ioko say. 

"Yes?" Satsuhiro replied. 

"May I have a moment with her? I have not gotten to speak to a relative in a while." 

What?  Keiko thought.  I... He wants to talk to me? 

"It's up to her," Satsuhiro shrugged. "Keiko? What do you say?" 

"Uhm, I..." She didn't know how to process this information. Then, she remembered that rejecting a senior's request like this was bad manners. "Yes, yes." 

"Alright. We'll wait outside then." Satsuhiro said.

"Thank you," Ioko replied. "May I take your hand then?" 

"Of course," Keiko nervously replied. 

He led Keiko to a balcony near the exits where they could get fresh air. The entire time, Keiko felt nervous. She hadn't prepared for any potential verbal lashings. There were a few things, a few people, from the compound she missed, this part was something she could do without. 

"Well then, Seiyo," Ioko said, using the Zayama word for  junior. "I heard your name was Keiko?"

"Yes, seiya," Keiko bowed. She kept her hands clutched together, mostly to keep them from shaking.

"Heh, relax, seiyo. I just wanted to learn more about you, you being a family member and all. You are not in trouble or anything." 


"I suppose I should tell you a little about myself first though," he said. "As you know, I am a general working for Jade. I have spent very little time in the capital though, it seems these days the life of a soldier means traveling more than a nomad. Not that I mind it though. The world is an interesting place."

"I see..." Keiko replied.

"So, how did you get here?" He asked. 

"What do you mean?" 

"How did a Zayama end up running with a bunch of Saviors?" 

"Ah... Um... I was recruited to help train one of them. The half-demon," Keiko specified. 

"Oh... I see. May I see your attributes?"


Willing herself to display them in front of him, she imagined that the numbers were floating over her head. Thanks to the fight at the ruins, she'd managed to level up two times, earning 6 attribute points, 4 of which she put into her Strength and 2 of which she used on her Dexterity. She needed to stay sharp, after all.

Level 3

MP: 100/100


STR: 8

DEX: 17

CON: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

L: 5

"Ah, good. Diligence is the way to success, I am glad to see you are no slacker. So, this training, how's that been going?" 

"Very well, seiya." Despite his reassurance, she couldn't drop the formality. "Ash, uhm, the Savior, is a quick learner." 

"Most Saviors are, it's something I envy quite a bit. I may have reached my current position with fewer grey hairs if I had such a talent," he said with a chuckle. 

Keiko forced a smile, trying to ease her nerves.  He... He doesn't seem like a harsh man. 

"And your Spirit Eye?" He asked. "I see you meet the requirements, but... By your blindfold, I'm guessing you have yet to unlock it." 

Her heart went cold. 

"Y-Yes, seiya, I apologize, I have not managed to unlock it." 

This was it. She waited for the insults that usually followed. Instead, a question was lobbed to her that she did not expect.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked. 

"Huh?" Keiko asked, her head snapping up at that. 

"If you have been putting in the effort, then your lack of results is not something to apologize for," he told her. "What's important is that you're trying." 

"B-But, I'm already 18," she said, "and I have yet to unlock it. I... My time's running out." 

"Then you'd best double your efforts, cousin," he stated. 

"No matter what I do though, nothing seems to work!" She caught herself yelling and quickly knelt. "I-I'm sorry!" 

"Ha! Keiko," she heard him take a step forwards. "If it is not your path to unlock your family's power, then that is the road that has been chosen for you by Alkoth. As long as you try your hardest, it is not something to apologize for. I do have one question for you, though." He stopped. "What have you been doing to unlock it?" 

"What? Well... Meditation," Keiko answered, slightly confused. "Is... Is that not the way?" 

"Haha, yes, it is, but well, meditation can take different forms. I'm sure you're aware of that. If one form of meditation doesn't work out for you, then try another." 

"I, what do you mean?"

"Wait here." 

With that phrase, she was left alone. For a moment, she wondered if that was the end of the conversation and this was his attempt at a prank. If he was muttering "yes, she's not worth my time," as she waited. After a while though, she heard footsteps approaching. 

"Extend your hands," he instructed and she did so. Then, a book was dropped into her palms." 

"W-What is this?" 

"It is a book written in Braille," he said. "It details the lives of different Zayamas. Now, no, I'm not telling you to read people's entire biographies, but there are a few sections that talk about how the process of unlocking their Spirit Eyes went. How it happened for some people." 

"Where did you get this? This castle has a book about Zayamas? Why?"

"Oh, no... Admittedly," he sounded somewhat embarrassed, "it is a book I wrote myself, recently. I'm somewhat of a student of our history."

With awe, Keiko bowed. 

"Thank you." 

"Don't thank me yet, there's no guarantee this will do anything to help you, but, if it does, then that would be something to celebrate."



Keiko was led out of the castle a few minutes after the general had taken her to talk. Ash looked back and saw her carrying a large book, which looked slightly funny in her hands, due to her small frame. 

"Good luck, seiyo," The man told her. "I look forward to fighting with you in the battle to come." 

"Y-Yes, sir. Thank you, seiya." 

And so, the two Zayama's parted ways. It was strange seeing a Zayama without their blindfold, as Ash could see the clear, crystal-like color of the man's pupils. Ash walked up to Keiko and spoke up. 

"How did it go? Old dude give you any trouble?" She asked. 

"No, no... It was... Better than I thought it would be." Keiko told her. Then, the Zayama raised a hand and Ash took it, so she could lead her along with the others. 

"We have one more place to go to before we can rest," Satsuhiro said. 


"An old inn. The other Saviors in the city are meeting up there, so we can make our own plans." Satsuhiro replied. 

"Other Saviors!?" Kaori asked, pleasantly surprised. 

"A few, yes. It'll likely be up to us to fight the Nightmares that come through. We'll need to coordinate with them." 

"Alright, let's get it over with then," Ash thought.  Like it matters. The only plan we should be coming up with is "so, where are we running?"

They moved into the heart of the city, where Ash had earlier seen the half-demon in the streets. He wasn't here anymore, and she wondered if maybe he'd ran out at the first opportunity. Satsuhiro led them to an inconspicuous-looking establishment and they walked in. 

Ash didn't know what to expect. As she entered the building, she found that a single table had been placed at the center, with a small fire in the back providing the room some warmth. The only people inside were all dressed in golden armor, and all of them looked at her group as they came in. 

"Well, it seems like we're ready to start," Takomaro, who was standing at the back, said. 

There were four Saviors here. 

She knew Takomaro, so she glanced over him once and disregarded him. One of them made Ash raise a brow though. She was a thin woman, as thin as Keiko, who was carrying an insanely large hammer on her back. She grinned when she saw them. 

"Hi!" She waved at the group and Ash narrowed her eyes. "Wow, it's so cool to meet you!" 

"sigh  Hey, Mizaki," Satsuhiro said.

No one shared her energy. To her right, was a dark-skinned woman with crimson-colored hair who had been glaring at Ash since she came in. Beside her was a white-haired man. Ash almost confused him for another half-demon, but he didn't have any horns or violet eyes. He was sitting with his feet up on the table, twirling a blade in his hands. 

"AY!" The guy stretched his arms. "MORE TITS!" 

Satsuhiro ignored him, walking up to Takomaro. 

"Where's Alkoram?" He asked. 

"He left." 


"Just that. He left." Takomaro shrugged. "You can't technically force a Savior to do anything, and he simply believed that this fight was hopeless." 

"Well, that's good to hear," Satsuhiro replied sarcastically. 

I happen to agree with the guy, whoever he is.  Ash thought.  This is literal suicide. 

"I'm surprised you're still here," Satsuhiro said to the white-haired man. "Akiven, you haven't considered running too?"

"Of course, not. I live to fight," Akiven shrugged. "If I go out, it is what it is." 

"And you," Satsuhiro turned to the crimson-haired woman. "Kasumi, did they drag you here?" 

It took the woman a while to answer because she was staring at Ash with so much raw hatred that she visibly had to tear her eyes off of her. 

"Whatever..." Kasumi said, closing her eyes and leaning back with a sigh. 

What the hell is her problem? Well, I mean, I don't know why I'm even asking myself that. I know what the problem is. 

She hoped this meeting wouldn't drag on for too long.


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