Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 42


The group made it back to Pearl about an hour later. The sun was starting to peek over the horizon. The crimson-haired Savior glanced back as she approached the gates, looking at the survivors. Their eyes told Kasumi everything. Each one had the same wide, stunned expressions, showing their whites as they walked behind her. She sighed. 

All this did was remind her of why she retired. 

Who would want to live like this?

Kasumi's shoulders slumped as she remembered the destruction she witnessed. That had just been a small village. She didn't want to imagine what it would look like if such a thing happened in Pearl. 

As they approached the gates, a few guards saw them, said something to people Kasumi couldn't see and opened the way in. 

"We'll need to inform everyone at the castle about this," Jonoko said to her. 

She nodded reluctantly, hating the fact that this whole thing was keeping her from a good nap. 

"You can handle that. I'll talk to the Saviors," she stated. 

"Hm, I imagine preparations will need to be made. Especially... considering that other portal right next to the city." 

The walk to the castle was arduous but Kasumi and the others managed it, a scowl on her face the entire time she walked. Inside, she saw warriors, servants, couriers, and nobles all running around, looking like their collective heads were on fire. 

Maybe news has already made it here. 

Kasumi made a beeline for the room she and the other Saviors had been in when they were preparing to head into the portal. The door was half-open as Kasumi approached it. She heard two voices speaking to each other as she went in. Satsuhiro and Takomaro were talking, a map of the area around Pear laid out on the table at the center of the room. 

"... bother with that," Satsuhiro said. "We should be getting ready to fight, not study the portal like it's a damn science experiment." 

"And once we're ready to do battle, what then?" Takomaro asked. "If we can gain information before the demons come out, maybe that would give us an advantage. And, if that's the case, we'll need you there to-, oh, Kasumi?" He looked at the crimson-haired woman, his eyes falling on the bloodstains on her clothes. 

Kasumi sighed and stepped forward. 

"I"m guessing you've heard about the portal outside of the village?" She asked.

"Yes," Takomaro replied gravely. "I... I'm guessing you were there?" 

Kasumi nodded. 

"I got there a little bit after the fighting had started," she sat down, putting her feet up on the table and closing her eyes. 

"What can you tell us?" 

And so, the Savior began to recall the night's incident. 

"Outside, I, eh," she took a deep breath, "I could see everything changing. It was like reality itself was being messed with. The sky had turned violet, everything around me was violet too. I saw them coming out of the portal and into the village, and I cast an invisibility spell and went in." 

"Why were you there? Did you see this coming somehow?" Takomaro asked. 

"I had gotten a letter from my ex-husband saying that a portal had opened up. Did you hear about it?" 

"Yes," Takomaro responded. "A small number of fighters were sent just in case, they must have gotten there just before you did. Still, more warriors weren't sent because no one thought the demons would attack so quickly. The portal outside of the city has been there for a few days now, that one opened up in one night and they attacked the same day." 

"Maybe it has to do with the size?" Kasumi speculated. "Anyway, I went in and helped some people out. They're in the castle too right now. The demons were about as strong as they were inside of the portal." 

"Satsuhiro?" Takomaro asked. "What do you make of this?"

"Hmm." Satsuhiro stroked his chin, looking down at the map as though it had some insight to offer, "If I had to guess, I'd say that the portal is casting some sort of spell that affects the area. Probably makes the demons stronger. I can't imagine what sort of spell would do that though. Regardless, if it's connected to the portal, then that would explain why things felt so weird when we got closer." 

"The magic would likely be spreading as we speak," Takomaro speculated.

"I think so," Kasumi agreed. "The village felt the same way. Whatever spell is doing this probably covered the place up and gave the demons some room to work with."

"So, what we have so far then is that the portals alter the area around them, allowing the demons to be as powerful outside as they are inside and that the bigger they are, the longer it takes to function," Takomaro said. 

"Good, now, may I fucking leave already?" Satsuhiro asked. He and Takomaro locked eyes. 

Takomaro sighed. 

"Fine. If you feel your family is in actual danger, then go ahead." 


With that, Satsuhiro stormed out of the room.  I'm guessing this is about those girls I saw in the pond. Kasumi thought. 

She and Takomaro were left alone. 

"Anyway, good work, Savior. But, I'm afraid you won't be able to rest just yet." 

"Yeah, I guessed as much," Kasumi groaned. Takomaro chuckled. 

"It's good that you got to see some action though before anything happens here. Only the gods know how long it will be before the demons try to attack the city." 

"Has anyone told Jade about this?" Kasumi asked. 

"Yes, reinforcements are on the way. However, because we don't know how long it will take for the portal to change the area, they may not be here in time." Takomaro began pacing back and forth slowly. "The demons could come out in one day, in one week, or one month. We have no way of knowing. If we're lucky though, maybe we'll have those reinforcements get here before then. Maybe along with some other Saviors." 

"Yeah.... That's it for me though," Kasumi stated, getting up. "I need to get some sleep." 

"Enjoy your rest, Savior, but keep your guard up. You need to be ready to fight at a moment's notice." 


With that affirmation, Kasumi walked out and began making her way back home. She saw the group of citizens and guards she'd saved speaking with some authorities and tore her eyes off of them as she passed. She felt strangely cold. A shiver ran up her spine. 

Too many demons for my taste.  Kasumi thought. Fuck this. If only I could just give someone else my traits, my stats, my spells. Let someone deal with everything. 

She sighed. 

No. It'll probably be a while before my life goes back to normal, huh? 



Back at Satsuhiro's farm, the half-demon's eyes remained fixed on the forest in the distance. With every minute that passed, something frightening happened. She could feel herself getting stronger. 

Of course, in any other situation, this would be something to celebrate. Here though, she understood it meant the demons in the distance, the ones she could currently see between the trees in this very moment, were getting stronger too. 

"So," Ash started, "how much longer till we get the fuck out of here?"

Metsumi chuckled. 

"Hopefully, not too long. I'm guessing the girls will be done soon. Just keep your eyes on them, Ash," she instructed. "If they start running for us, we need to be ready." 

That made Ash raise a brow. 

She couldn't remember what Metsumi's level was. She hadn't checked it since she got here. 

Level 15

MP: 10/10

Ash was surprised. 

"What?" Metsumi asked when she saw Ash scanning her. "Did you think cooking and arguing with Satsu was all I did?" She laughed as Ash couldn't help but crack a smile. "Nah, we've been out here for a long time, Ash. On occasion, a girl has to loosen up. It's better for our marriage if the both of us take out our anger on the monsters in the forest rather than on each other." 

"But, what do you use?" She asked. 

"Well," Metsumi turned to her and put her arms on her hips. "Look at me. You tell me what I use." 

"Uh, you smother things to death with your tits?" 

Metsumi blinked. 

"HA!" She burst out laughing, putting an arm around Ash. "No, no, no. I fight with my hands. These babies," she flexed her left biceps, "aren't just for show, you know?"

Ash nodded. 

"Gotcha." She looked down for a moment, then she remembered something. "Oh, we should probably send the Council a letter. Tell them to send our armor out to..." 

Before she could finish the sentence, she felt a change in the air. 

Above, the sky was gradually turning violet. Metsumi noticed it too and all light-heartedness faded from her expression. 

"I don't like that," Ash said. 

"Neither do I," Metsumi replied. "We'd best get ready for a fight." 

"I don't think we can take a horde of demons on our own," Ash told her. 

"We don't have to. We'll just carve a path through to get out," Metsumi looked at her, "I'll have to be honest with you though, Ash. Because of that strange effect, you're going to be the strongest one here. We'll be relying on you to get us out." 

And that statement made Ash's heart go cold. 


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