Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 299

Chapter 299 – Vol. 5 –

As the three of them returned to the Savior House, Ash noticed the door was wide open and walked inside. There were several bags and small boxes littered around the area, and she could hear Opah and Metsumi speaking at some other part of the building. 

Then, Ash heard a voice she hadn't wanted to hear anytime soon, at all. 

"Yes, in terms of the preparations being made, we have full confidence that the goal in mind will be achieved," Talo said, walking alongside Metsumi as they came out from the nearby hall. They ran into Ash, who was now standing in the middle of the living room with her arms crossed, and Talo smiled. "Ah, we were just talking about you." 


"Metsumi was curious to know what we had in mind for your expedition in the near future. I was just letting her know, but, I suppose we can reiterate the information just a little. Sit with us?" Talo gestured toward the couch and Ash made no effort to walk over there. With a shrug, Talo took a seat themselves and began to say: "After having some rangers do a bit of scouting, we have come to understand that the demons remain almost as active as when the battle was had." 

"What do you mean?" Ash asked. 

'Many of them still remain inside the city's walls, while others walk in and out the open portal at random moments throughout the day. A few Nightmares were spotted as well, though we estimate that even their ilk should not pose too much of a threat for you." 

At that, Ash narrowed her eyes at them. 

I wouldn't put it past Niven to find some way to make his forces stronger just to screw me over. At the same time, though, the demons have been level-locked in the different places I've seen them at, so, it might not be any different from when the battle first happened. No matter what happens, though, I'll be ready.

"So, what's this plan of yours?" 

"It is rather simple though we expect it to be effective," Talo replied. "We will be using a sort of pincer tactic to funnel the creatures deeper into the city. You will take the point, of course, while mages and archers flank the enemy, throwing projectiles at them from a relatively safe distance away. The Lust demons will still pose a threat, however, so some of your group will need to remain with them so that they do not get swarmed while you go ahead and move the plan forward." 

Talo's face changed as they began to describe the strategy they had in mind, as the many voices of the Royal Council echoed in the background as they spoke. 

"At the same time, we will set up heavy artillery, fire mages, and cannons, to continuously attack any demons coming out of the portal from behind you so that you do not get surrounded yourselves. While this is happening, another barricade will also be formed at the city's walls, and then, well, little by little, Pearl will be retaken."

"Did you come up with all of this yourselves?" Yumi asked, looking impressed. 

"Ah, no. One of our generals, who will be joining you on the expedition, did. We are merely relaying the information." 

"Is that all?" Ash asked, and the vessel of the Royal Council put on a stricken, sad face. 

"Ah, Ash, always so cold with everyone," they said, before chuckling. "Yes, that is all we have in mind. Tomorrow, your caravan will depart just before noon. Please, try not to be late. Goodbye." 

Just like that, Talo stood up, bowed, and walked out of the house, as everyone else remained inside. 

"So, where's Sin and Kasumi?" 

"Strangely enough, Sinneah asked to be shown around the city and Kasumi actually agreed to do it. I just hope our little dragon girl isn't testing her patience too much." 

"There's nothing little about her," Ash muttered. Metsumi chuckled a bit before her eyes looked away. 

"… It's so weird that this is actually happening," Metsumi said with a smile. 

"Hm?" Ash looked over at her. 

"Taking back Pearl. I mean, it feels surreal. I never thought I'd get to see the place again." 

"Don't celebrate just yet," Ash told her. "I have to go and win before that can happen." 

"And, you think I don't have full confidence in you?" Metsumi asked easily and Ash sighed. 

I'm not sure you should have that kind of confidence in me, but I'll try.  She thought before exiting the room through the nearby hall and heading back to her room to change out of her clothes. 

Behind her, Keiko shuffled up into the restrooms, probably to take a bath considering her intense training earlier, and Ash sat down at her bed, where Kaori's body lay just behind her. 

Ash snuck a glance back at her, wondering if Kaori was with her right now, before continuing the process of changing. 

Then, the door opened and just by the lightness of the footsteps that approached, she knew who it was. 

"That was… Informative," Yumi said, standing by the door. "I haven't heard much of anything about Pearl. I'm looking forward to heading up there." 

"… Did you come here to tell me that?" Ash asked, smiling a bit. 

At that, Yumi let out a short sigh. 

"Do you think it more appropriate for me to just throw myself at you with no word or warning beforehand?" 

"No, but it could be funny, at least," Ash shrugged as she turned toward the woman. 

As she'd been caught in the middle of getting out of her clothes, all Ash was wearing when she turned to look at her were the undergarments covering her privates. A light blush fell over Yumi's cheeks and Ash narrowed her eyes at her. 

Is it just a Zayama thing that you people have to be so fucking adorable? Keiko's definitely cuter, but, shit, you're both just too much. 

That thought came at the same time that Ash walked toward Yumi, grabbing her by the hands and pulling her into the room, closing the door behind her. She dragged the woman over to the bed and pulled her to where Yumi was now straddling her lap, looking down at her with some embarrassment on her face, though she wasn't acknowledging Kaori's body there at all. Maybe she was too horny to care.

"I… We aren't going to be able to really do anything," Yumi stated. "Unless Keiko truly takes her time at that bath." 

"Yeah," Ash nodded. "So, yeah, how about we stop here, you just get out of my room, and we do nothing. Does that sound good?" 

"…" Yumi glared at her a little. "I didn't say we should do that." 

"Okay, then what do you want to do?" 

"I don't know, just, when I see you now," Yumi replied, "ever since this," she gestured between them, "started I feel a pull towards you that is just unbearable. I just want to be able to sleep tonight without having to touch myself behind Sinneah's back for the fifteenth time." 

"Okay, then tell me how I can help you." 

"You don't have any ideas?" 

"Of course, I do," Ash laughed. "I just like hearing you say them for me." 

"… You're a sadist," Yumi muttered. 

"Maybe," Ash shrugged. "You know, half-demon and all that." 

Sighing, Yumi then nodded as she audibly gulped and said: 

"Could you… Use your tongue, maybe?" 

"Now we're talking," Ash smiled. "Where?" 

"… What the hell do you mean, 'where'?" Yumi asked. 

"I don't know. Back when I was in the streets, I heard some people like it up the ass. Are you one of them?" 

"A-Ash," Yumi pulled back a bit. 

"Just asking. Come on, lay down then." 

After Yumi took her clothes off and one short switching of their positions later, Yumi was now with her back to the bed by the place where Ash had been sitting. The half-demon herself was on her knees, looking down at a pair of lips so wet she wondered how strong that pull that Yumi mentioned actually was. More than that, however, she was eager to lap that up and get a taste for her again. 

Her tongue reached the other woman and Yumi let out a quick moan, as Ash got started. 

And then, the door opened. 

Keiko, wrapped in a towel, walked in and yelped. 

"S-Sorry!" Keiko said as Ash flinched and Yumi made a noise that was fairly similar to Keiko's. Then, as Keiko slammed the door closed, Ash chuckled. 

… Fuck. 

"Well," Ash thought, standing back up. "That sucks." 

Yumi silently did the same and quickly put on the clothes she'd so eagerly discarded, before making a beeline out the room with a face so red, Ash wondered how hot her skin would be if she pressed her hand against her forehead. 


She heard Keiko and Yumi exchange a word outside, before Keiko walked in, still wrapped in that towel. Ash's earlier statement held true then, as Keiko herself looked like a genuine angel. 

"… Uh… I… Well… Uhm…" Keiko said, her face just as red as Yumi's was, before then giving up on speaking altogether and just putting some clothes on. 

"… So, you want me to eat you out instead?" 


"Just asking, just asking."


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