Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 205

To Ash's eyes though, it was a city in name only. There were no tall buildings or gates like what she was used to. Instead, it looked like there was a collection of small cabins in the distance.  How many people even live there?  She wondered. 

The overbearing sun was harsh on Ash's skin and she already found herself sweating, wiping some of that salty liquid off of her forehead with her right wrist. 

"The city of magic," Metsumi said with a dreamy tone. "The forgotten city, the city of the sands. So many names and it earns all of them." 

"Yeah? Well, let's hope the 'city of magic' won't let us down..." Ash muttered in response as the two continued until, eventually, the canyon made itself evident. And, Ash couldn't help but take a look down the trench. 

"Careful," Metsumi told her. "I'm guessing that if you fall in, you'll die no matter what level you are." 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm just taking a..." however, Ash trailed off when she saw what justified calling Amber a city. 

It wasn't just one or two small bridges connecting both sides, but rather, on the dirt walls that made up the canyon were hundreds and hundreds of small homes built into the natural structure, leading all the way down to the base of the canyon where Ash could see people walking around like ants. 

"What the hell?" Ash asked herself as she looked on in awe. This hadn't been what she expected at all. 

"The buildings atop the canyon are mostly businesses and governmental offices. Those places are where the people live," Metsumi informed her. 

"It's... So weird," Ash replied and Metsumi chuckled. 

"But it's also a good way to keep themselves out of the eyes of monsters," Metsumi countered. "So many terrifying creatures live around here, after all. One dragon, Ash, could come here and wipe this entire city out in one minute if it wished to. This is how they lay low." 

Acknowledging that, Ash set her surprise aside as they neared a wooden structure. It was almost like a set of stairs leading up to a second floor that had its walls ripped off, with two guards standing atop it, holding no weapons. 

One of them looked down at Ash and whistled, before hopping down, off of the platform and landing in front of her. He, and the other guard, were dressed in a strange outfit made of leather, but with a white cloth wrapped around his head and goggles protecting his eyes.

Level 35

MP: 400/400

Damn,  Ash thought.  This random guard's got one of the highest levels I've seen a non-Savior have. Is everyone like that here? 

"Half-demon," he said, ignoring Metsumi entirely. "I'd ask if you're a traveler of sorts but I reckon that level of yours is a bit too high for a merchant or a simple tourist. And, with those clothes, you're definitely no local. What are you doing here?" 

"Excuse me, we're just here to-" Metsumi started before she was cut off. 

"No, you excuse me," he said, "I don't think I asked you shit, lady. I suggest you keep your mouth shut while I talk to your friend here." 

Hearing that, Ash narrowed her eyes at him. 

"And I suggest you start talking to us with a little more respect before I put a sword through your neck," she replied. 

"Oh?" He laughed. "Is that a threat?" 

"Yes," Ash said firmly. 

"A-Ash," Metsumi put a hand on Ash's left shoulder, but Ash didn't take her eyes off of the man. Behind him, Ash could see the other guard watching them with his hands by his waist, and Ash guessed that meant he was getting ready to cast a spell of sorts. 

Remembering Yumi's lessons, she was already trying to figure out how she'd fight this if these two chose to do anything stupid. 

I can use Dark Sphere on this guy, switch to my Bow, and shoot a couple of arrows at his friend. Then... 

However, the guy standing in front of her backed off. 

"Well, no need to get too agitated," he said, raising his hands. "I just wanted to know if you were someone important, is all." 

"No," Ash replied. "We're nobodies." 

As much as she wanted to brag to this idiot about being a Savior, she did recall what Satsuhiro said about not putting a target on their backs. Although, she felt like her level was already doing that, but, still, she figured she may as well try things Satsuhiro's way. 

For now.

"Then, in that case, welcome to Amber, please... Enjoy your stay," he said, stepping aside. Ash watched him for a little while longer before Metsumi gently pulled her along. 

And, like that, the two entered the city, with the eyes of those two guards following them the entire way. 

"Ash," Metsumi said, "you can't just lose your cool like that." 

"What was I supposed to do? He treated you like shit within, like, two seconds of us getting there," Ash responded. "I'm not gonna let anyone walk over you like that." 

Metsumi sighed, and then laughed a little. 

"... I appreciate the thought, Ash, but, please, try not to escalate things like that." 

"That's up to them," Ash shrugged. "Not me." 

With that being said, Ash finally began to look around and analyze the place around her. The buildings definitely looked a lot bigger up close, but there was still nothing here that reminded her of Jade. Dusty, wooden construction was mostly all there was to see, with a dirt road cutting through the street. Most people were dressed just like that guard was, with some cloth wrapped around their bodies and goggles protecting their eyes. 

Even though they were wearing these protective pieces, the tilting of their heads towards her let Ash know that pretty much everyone she passed was keeping an eye on her. 

Guards, specifically, were watching her with great interest and caution. 

A man was pulling a strange beast tied to a rope. This creature was slightly like the image of dragons that Ash had in her mind, but this thing had spikes on its head and long, almost human-like hands. Apparently, such a beast was no strange sight, as everyone merely ignored it. 

Taverns, general goods shops, bars, inns, and even a whorehouse were all around Ash, but in the distance, one building was taller and wider than all the others. 

She pointed at it subtly and leaned closer to Metsumi. 

"What is that place?" 

"If I'm not mistaken, that's the Arcane's home. It's... Probably best not to go anywhere near that place, unless we have to." 


"Well, you saw how on-edge the guards were back there. They're even worse the closer you get to the Arcane. I don't really know why, but it's worth noting." 

"Gotcha," Ash nodded. "So, what do we do now?" 

"I'll be over there," Metsumi quickly pointed at a nearby general goods store. "I want to buy some stuff so I can keep making us actual, decent, meals. Monster meat tends to not taste very well, you know? As for you... Well, you could try that alchemist's shop over there," she pointed to where there was a sign depicting a mortar and pestle. "Not quite a mage's shop, but maybe they can point you in the direction of one." 


"Don't stray too far though," Metsumi told her. "I'll be out in a bit. We don't want to get split up." 


On that note, Metsumi walked into the general goods store nearby and Ash went to the alchemist's shop. It was smaller than any of the other buildings nearby, almost like it was hiding in plain sight. As Ash walked in through an old door that seemed like it was just about to fall apart, she coughed when a rotten scent came to her nose. 

"What the fuck?" She asked as she looked around. There were flasks of different shapes and sizes all around her, on many shelves spread across the room. At the back, she saw a boy with short blueish hair stirring a giant pot. 

"Oh, crap, sorry missus," he said, in a strange accent, before quickly covering the pot up. Like everyone outside, he was wearing goggles too. 

The boy was exceptionally thin, wearing a set of white clothes that reminded Ash of a monk. 

"What are you doing?" Ash asked. 

"Trainin'," he laughed. "I'm guessin' you're here to buy potions? Jus' hold on a second. My teacher's the one who runs this place. I'm jus' her apprentice, is all." 

He tapped on a door that blended in with the wall behind him so well, that Ash hadn't noticed it.

"Madam, madam! We got a customer," he said. 

"What? Why!?" 

Why?  Ash echoed.  You're a store owner, what the hell kind of a question is "why"? 

"I dunno. She seems to not be leavin' though." 

Then, Ash heard something that sounded like metal pieces and gears falling onto the ground before the door swung open wildly. And, out emerged a small woman, maybe two whole heads shorter than Ash was. 

She looked quite a bit like Vyl, actually.

"What the hell does she want?" The woman asked the boy. 

"I dunno." 

"You didn't ask?" 



"I dunno," he shrugged. 

"Ugh!" The woman groaned as she walked over to Ash, stomping her feet against the ground before putting two small hands on her hips and looking up at Ash with a glare. 

Actually, now that she was looking at her this closely, the woman  really  resembled Vyl. All the way from the green hair to the same sorts of tattoos on her body. The only differences between the women, in Ash's mind, were the clothes they were wearing. 

And, of course, like everyone else, she too was wearing goggles. 

Level 30

MP: 600/600

So, yeah, everyone's pretty high-level, it seems.  Ash thought.

"What is it?" She asked. "Are you here to buy potions?" 

"Well, no, I was wondering," Ash started, but she cut her off. 

"Then why the hell would you come to an alchemist's shop!?" 


"Martin!" She turned towards the boy. "Always ask these people what it is that they want! I am in the middle of important research and I cannot be asked to pause for the sake of bumbling..." 

However, as she looked back at Ash, she stopped mid-sentence. 

"Oh," the woman said lowly. "Level 70, are you?" She took a step back. 

Her eyes ran over Ash's body, up and down a couple of times. 

"Well-built, strong body, half-demon, incredibly high-level," she spoke very quickly before sighing.. Then, she crossed her arms. "Tell me, Ash, what is a Savior doing in my little alchemy shop?" 


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