Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 18

Immediately after she was put to sleep


What... What happened?

The hybrid tried to open her eyes. She couldn't. Even though she felt awake, it was like there were weights on her eyelids. Am I dead or something? She wondered. Why is everything so dark?

Ash tried to breathe in. She waited, hoping that this strange feeling would go away on its own.

Then, the darkness faded.

She was launched into a room where so many colors were swirling around her, it was almost blinding. Where the hell...?

Then, she saw someone in front of her. It looked like a woman, however, as she got closer, Ash noticed a few distinctive features on her. Her eyes were like golden flames and her hair seemed like it was made of gold smoke.

Who the hell is this?

The woman got closer. Ash tried to step back, but she found that she couldn't move her body.

The woman's body was almost touching Ash's own. She felt so warm, it was uncomfortable. However, just when Ash thought she couldn't bear it anymore, the woman kissed Ash on the lips.

The uncomfortable warmth faded and Ash was left feeling normal again.

The woman took a step back and tried to say something, but the words came out distorted.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't..." She started responding but the woman shook her head.

Then, she smiled.

She pointed at herself, then made a heart symbol with her hands, and then pointed at Ash.

"I... heart you? Uh, I love you?" Ash asked and she nodded. She took Ash by the chin and pulled her closer. If Ash were in a regular body, she would have had her breath stolen at that moment. She went to place her lips on Ash's as she'd done before.

However, then, the colors in the room faded. Darkness settled back in and she disappeared.


Ash's eyes slowly opened. Oh, fuck. She reached up and placed a hand on her forehead, feeling a mild headache. She saw that she was still in her Demon Form. Her body, of its own will, sat up and the first thing she did was look for the other Savior.

She held out one of her transformed hands, ready to attack as soon as she saw her. Her eyes flickered from place to place. She wasn't there though.

Ash didn't even notice Keiko sitting nearby due to how focused she was on finding the other Savior.

Upon the realization that her target was missing, her body felt compelled to stand up and go look for her. Look for a fight, pretty much.

No! Ash thought. She's probably long gone. Stop. STOP! She tried to will herself to stay on the bed. Calm down. She's gone. She's gone. She repeated in her mind and although she could feel how reluctant her body was to stay here, her transformations started to fade.

For a second, I was afraid I was actually about to run out and go look for her. Ash thought.

Only then could she take stock of everything. She was in one of the Savior House's rooms. What a weird dream. She shook her head.

Quickly, the day's events flashed back in front of her eyes. So. I got my ass kicked. She noted with a sigh.

"Fuck." She said aloud.

"Ash?" She heard Keiko say to her right.

Oh. Keiko's here? I should probably ask...

However, as she looked at her trainer, her eyes widened.

Keiko had her hair ruffled, as if she had been in a fight herself, and had a splash of blood on her shirt which provided further evidence of that. And, somehow, Ash could find it in herself to care. When she saw Keiko, it was like everything stopped mattering and all she wanted was to get closer.

She shifted on the bed, got up, and stood next to Keiko.

She was pretty much moving automatically. Her hands went behind Keiko's body and pulled her close.

"Uh, what? Ash?" Keiko asked. The half-demon didn't respond. Instead, she leaned in and inhaled Keiko's scent. It was like a drug. The more she got of it, the more she felt like she was slowly drifting off back to sleep.

As her lips neared Keiko's neck, she stuck her tongue out and-

"Um, Ash? Are you okay?" Keiko asked, confused. "Do, ah, uhm... do you need a hug?"

Ash caught herself. She had just been about to drag her tongue over Keiko's neck. She almost pushed her trainer off of her and looked down at herself. What? What the fuck?

Then, a burning desire started between her legs. And, as she looked back at Keiko, it got stronger.

She ran out of the room, and the feeling stopped.

A message appeared.

New trait discovered!

Demon Inside: Lust

[Gain a stack of Lust after using Demon Form]

New stat gained!

Lust Rating: 3/4

[With every stack of Lust, your sex drive will increase.]

Note! Your Lust rating will only affect the desire you feel towards people that you are already attracted to! If you are not naturally attracted to someone, your Lust rating will not affect how you feel towards them.

Ash stared at the message in disbelief. She took a few deep breaths, remembering what it felt like to hold Keiko in her arms and the memory made her shiver.

Another message appeared.

Both demon-related traits discovered!

You can now see the levels of full demons.

Ash could not care less right now. She was too busy trying her hardest not to run back into that room and pin Keiko to the bed. However, as she put more distance between her and her trainer, she felt herself calming down.

Okay, okay. I can deal with this. It's fine.

Satsuhiro was outside, in the living room. He saw Ash come out and raised a brow as she took a deep breath.

"Well, you got up with more energy than I thought you would."

"U-Uh, yeah." Ash was happy to focus on anything that wasn't Keiko right now. So, she decided to talk about what she'd seen. "I... I just had the weirdest dream."

The instant she said that, Satsuhiro perked up.

"What happened?"

"I... I saw this woman. I... I don't know who she was or whatever. She, uh, she couldn't say anything either."

Satsuhiro raised a brow.

"That is fairly curious. Is there anything else you observed about her?"

"It didn't really last all that long." Ash shrugged.

"Hm. I don't think interpreting dreams is something I'm all that good at. Anyway, listen. We'll have to leave soon." Satsuhiro continued, "I don't think the city is safe for you right now."


"Some psycho nearly killed you. Ah, not the Savior. A different psycho."

"What are you talking about?" Ash looked at him with disbelief.

"Someone broke in, I don't know, maybe a fanatic or some mercenary with crowns on his mind. I managed to be here in time, but one thing's for sure. Yeah, we need to get you out of here."

"Fuck... Okay, okay, but like, Varcon." Ash interrupted him, "what are we going to do about him? I mean, he nearly had me killed!"

Even in her Demon Form state of mind, she could recall hearing him trying to tell the other Savior to end her.

"Not much can be done, to be honest," Satsuhiro replied.

"What!?" Ash stepped closer. She heard Keiko walk out to the hall, but she was focused on this argument right now. "Why the fuck not?"

"He holds too much influence. Especially within Jade's walls. Besides, you were turning into a demon, Ash. In front of everyone. All he has to do is bring that up in front of the Council and he wins the argument. That didn't look good," Satsuhiro said. "But, give the people some time and they'll forget that minor detail. For now, all we can do is get out."

Ash sighed.

"Fine. Fine. You're right. But, what am I even going to do? Isn't he the one who's supposed to give me missions and shit? What if he just cuts me off. Am I gonna live with you for the rest of my life?"

"No." Satsuhiro quickly said. "That's likely the only part where we can really do something. I can go to the Royal Council and request to have you be given only pre-screened missions."


"Like, verified." He explained. "You know how this time, he literally just said 'come here for a mission' with no explanation? Well, make it so he can't do that. Considering you nearly died, we can definitely get the Council to agree to that, at least."

"Well... That's something. But, fuck." She sat down on the couch. I feel so powerless."

"You are," Satsuhiro said. "But we'll work on that. Now, come on. I'll head to the..."

Someone knocked on the door. Ash raised a brow as Satsuhiro stood up and went to answer it.

When they opened it, it revealed the other Savior.

The very object of Ash's rage earlier was standing there, her hands held together in front of her. Her head snapped up when she saw that the door had been opened and Ash blinked a few times.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ash asked, walking up. "How the fuck did you know where I was?"

"I asked around. Listen, I wanted to apologize, I-I, I never meant to..."

"To what? You didn't mean to nearly kill me!?" Ash asked.

"T-That wasn't me, I heard a voice and..." The girl looked down. "I didn't mean to do that."

"Fuck off." Ash glared at her. The other Savior sighed.

"I... I understand you're mad but... Again, I apologize, but..." She sighed. "I won't take up more of your time. Sorry."

Just as she was about to turn away, she looked past Ash and found someone else in the room.

"Keiko?" She asked.

"Kaori?" Ash's trainer asked in return and Ash looked at them both.

"You know her?" Ash asked Keiko.

"Yes." Keiko quickly walked up. "I didn't know you were the other Savior," Keiko said.

"I didn't know you knew her," Kaori replied. "But, it's okay. I'm... I'm just gonna go. Again, it was an accident, I didn't-"

"Wait," Keiko said, "can we talk later?" She asked.

"Huh? Seriously?" Kaori asked and Ash almost asked the same thing.


You want to talk to the woman who nearly cut my head off? Ash asked internally.

"Uh. Okay." Kaori replied.

And then, Ash closed the door herself, effectively cutting this conversation off.

No one spoke for a moment. Then, Satsuhiro cleared his throat.

"We can take a moment or two. Then, we'll leave." Satsuhiro told her. "The sooner we get you training again the better."

Ash nodded and walked back, sitting onto the couch.

It was a move she didn't exactly think about and instantly regretted because she ended up right next to Keiko. She took a deep breath and nearly growled. Satsuhiro didn't seem to notice and instead walked out of the house.

"Ash, how are you feeling?" Keiko asked.

"You are..." She had to bite down on her bottom lip to prevent herself from finishing her sentence. She had been about to say you are so fucking hot. "Good. I'm good, I mean. Pretty surprised you know Kaori though." It physically hurt to stop herself from doing what she wanted to do, and to make matters worse, she didn't have the energy to stand up and walk away.

"Yes, we met when..." Ash tuned her words out.

Fuck, I just want to spread her legs and...

"OH! Ash, you're up!" Metsumi walked into the house and exclaimed, effectively taking Ash's mind off of what was happening. "You had us so worried."

"Ah," she let out a deep breath, as the woman distracted her. "Uh, yeah. It's kind of hard beating someone with so many levels on you."

"At least you made it out!" Metsumi jogged up and gave her a hug, which Ash awkwardly returned. "So, how about we go buy something to eat? On me!"

"Mhm. Yeah, sure, definitely." She replied.

Anything to get me away from Keiko right now.


Later, Keiko sat where she'd met Kaori the first time. Knowing that she had been the Savior Ash fought had Keiko feeling even worse. Even the friend she seemed to have made earlier was compromised. It doesn't seem like much is going my way these days. Keiko's head hung low. Maybe things will get better soon.

She was relaxing here until the others came back and it was officially time to leave. Of course, that was what she'd told them. In truth, she hoped she would get to talk to Kaori again.

That wish would be granted shortly.

"Keiko?" She heard a voice call out.

"Oh. You came." Keiko stated.

"Yeah," Kaori replied, sitting next to her. "Uh, are you doing good?" She asked awkwardly.

"I've certainly been better." Keiko sighed.

"Gotcha. Yeah, I figured I'd just... I don't know," Kaori said. "Look, I really didn't mean to go that far. I didn't even mean to fight her."

"Why did you then?" Keiko asked.

"This is going to sound weird, okay, but something, some voice, told me to, and I kind of just had to go with it."

"You were forced to? Threatened?" Keiko asked.

"I... something like that." Kaori sounded dejected.

"If that is true, then, yes. I believe it's worth letting Ash know about that. I'll talk to her."

"Ash is the Savior?"


"Oh. Okay, I'll..." the Savior sighed. "I'll try to find an opportunity."

They were silent for about a moment or two. Due to what had happened, it was hard for Keiko not to feel like she was speaking to an enemy. However, at the same time, she had a feeling that Kaori wasn't that bad of a person. She seemed kind enough, though that could always be a veil.

"I'll be honest, I don't really know what I'm doing," Kaori said.

"Do you regret coming here?"

"What? No, I meant in general." Kaori replied. "I became a Savior a little while ago, you know?" She told Keiko. "At first, I thought all I had to do was listen to Varcon and I'd be living the storybook life. Now, I guess I'm getting a little disillusioned."

"I wish I could give you some advice," Keiko responded, "but, and don't take this the wrong way, I don't think I have the energy to figure your problems out too right now."

More silence, and then Kaori said:

"Um... I guess I'm done, then." Kaori stood up.

"I understand."

"Again, I'm honestly so sorry about all of this. Uh... yeah."

She walked away. No goodbyes were exchanged. She simply left.

Is that the last I'll see of her? She wondered. No. Most likely not. Whatever journey the gods have placed her and Ash on, it seems I'm tied to it.

She stood up and started walking back to the Savior House.

I just hope I survive it all.



A small rift had opened up between him and Kaori. He could feel it in the way the girl barely spoke to him. How she looked away every time their eyes met. This will not do. Varcon thought. It seems I was too eager with my weapon. Like any good blade, she needs to be sharpened. A tragic mistake, one I will not make again.

A deacon walked up and spoke to him.

"Your holiness."

"Hm? What is it?" Varcon asked.

"A representative from the Royal Council is here to see you, just outside the church."

What? He scowled, looking away. What could they want?


Passing by praying citizens, he greeted those that looked up to him and slowly made his way outside. Once there, he found a thin man wearing a golden ji. He had a pair of glasses over sly eyes and a smirk.

He hated not knowing what was happening. In every situation he was in, he needed to be in control to function well. Seeing this representative here, without expecting it, he was uncomfortable.

"Your holiness." The man bowed and Varcon did the same.

It always took him a moment to get used to the voices of representatives from the Royal Council. They were vessels which the Council used to exit their building without having to leave themselves, as such, his voice was that of a few individuals speaking at once.

"Greetings. What brings a representative of the Royal Council here?"

"Well, we are sure you didn't expect to hear from us so early." They replied. "But, alas, here we are. Care to take a walk?"

"You would make an old man walk under this blazing sun?" He asked with a fake smile.

"Ah, we see. You're right. How rude of us. We are sure we can find somewhere to sit inside, right?"

Varcon walked back into the church with the representative following him. A few of the citizens whispered to each other when they saw him. The Royal Council was notorious for keeping itself isolated. They managed the city from the shadows, keeping the order in Jade without showing their faces, save for special occasions. To see even just a representative was almost an event.

They walked toward the altar, a small haven for Varcon.

"Ah, so. This morning, eh?" They started. "Word reached us quickly. Quite eventful. Would you like to explain why you nearly had a Savior killed?"

"Of course," Varcon replied. "The other one, the half-demon, I'm sure you've heard of her by now, nearly transformed into a full demon. Thanks to the actions of a bystander, she didn't. But, if she had, she would have needed to be tragically put down."

"Yes, that part was also told to us." They replied. "Reasonable enough. Though, it is entirely questionable why you had two Saviors fighting to begin with."

"I wanted Jade's citizens to see their heroes in action. It was nothing more than an exhibition." Varcon shrugged. "Is that event all this visit is about?"

"No." They quickly said. "The Council simply wanted to make sure you did not intend to murder a Savior."

Varcon raised a brow.

"Like I would ever want that to happen." He replied.

"Of course. Anyway, we do have one more reason to be here. We have acquired a mission that could serve as good training for a Savior. We came to hear your recommendation with regards to which one should go."

"What's the mission?" Varcon asked.

"That would be the interesting part, wouldn't it." They chuckled. "We believe we have identified a low-level Nightmare. We require a Savior to go deal with it."

"What?" Varcon was actually surprised.

Nightmares. They were perhaps the most dangerous elements demons had.

Well, even Kaori is likely not ready for this. Varcon thought.

"The Nightmare seems to be located in a low-level area far up north." They stated. "Level 5 to 10. As you know how this works, this means we believe the Nightmare itself to be of a low level. All other active Saviors are busy fighting demons across Nova, or performing other tasks, therefore, we look to our," they emphasized that word, "new recruits. But," he shrugged, "as we are certain you know them better than anyone, we will allow you to choose which one goes. The other may remain where they are and continue training if they wish."

"... I want the half-demon to go." Varcon decided.

"Oh? And why is that? Need a monster to finish the job?" They asked with a smile.

Varcon didn't deny his accusation. He understood that the morning's event was too large to undermine. He was lucky that the excuse of "well, she was turning into a demon" was understandable enough to prevent it from being called actual attempted murder.

"A half-demon is far less valuable than a full human, no?" Varcon turned and said with a smile. "This might be a training mission, but there is still danger involved. If the hybrid survives, then a Nightmare is dead, a Savior gains power and the world is better off. If something terrible were to happen to Kaori, it would be far more tragic than if anything happened to hybrid."

"Of course, the idea is that she shouldn't die." The representative reminded him.

"It's low-level, is it not?" Varcon asked. "She shouldn't then."

"Hm. We see." They chuckled with a smirk. "Very well. Insightful. Goodbye!"

"Very well."

They bowed to each other, the vessel left and Varcon breathed a sigh of relief.


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