Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 149


After the visit to the site of power, Kasumi had just about decided she was done for now. Although she'd agreed with Ash that it was better for her to have the buff than not, even if she didn't plan to help the Council anymore, she'd never agreed to deal with any of those demons. So, thankfully, she was done, as far as she was concerned. 

A caravan was being organized in Onyx. It was meant to give safe passage to those who wished to head to Jade. The caravan would be composed of three carts and would have some high-level soldiers traveling with it to protect them. 

Predictably, the streets were packed with desperate citizens, yelling from outside the vehicles and from inside their homes at the officers surrounding the cart. Each one was angry and jealous of those who were being allowed into it. 

Kasumi was one of them. This was a rare moment where her status as a Savior worked out in her favor. She had walked up to a few guards, said she wanted to get on, showed off her Savior's Weapon, and the guards had simply let her on thanks to it. Sighing to herself, she wiped away some sweat and pulled back her blood-colored hair from in front of her eyes. Kasumi sat down at the back of the farthest cart and closed her eyes, hoping to catch some sleep. 

Just then, something squishy hit the side of her face. 

A rotten smell emerged and Kasumi internalized the fact that she'd just had a rotten tomato thrown at her. She looked out the window of the cart and searched for the culprit with furious narrowed eyes. 

All she saw was an angry crowd. 

Alright. Then you'll all pay for that,  she thought as she began an incantation. 

"Fear becomes a weapon, courage becomes a distant dream, petrify!" She spoke and a dark, horrific face appeared above the cart, aimed at the crowd in front of her. 

Each civilian, as their levels were all low, screamed and ran away, terrified. 

Ugh,  Kasumi thought as she wiped away what was left of the tomato on her face. 

"Well," one guard muttered, "that's one way to empty the streets out." 

"How much longer?" Kasumi asked. 

"Just a few minutes, now that the crowd's gone it'll be easier to get everyone in." 

Indeed, in a few seconds, the three carts were filled with nobles. At the back where Kasumi was, they left a vacant spot next to her, where the tomato had landed. 

And with that, Kasumi was on her way out of the city. 

Now... Time to get some sleep.  She thought, closing her eyes. 

Shockingly, her dreams found her faster than she thought they would. Too quickly, actually. 

Kasumi found herself on top of a mountain, with grey clouds covering the sky above.  What?  She narrowed her brows as she looked around.  Why...?  And then, when she realized what was happening, she scowled.  Alkoth. 

Sure enough, a swirl of clouds appeared that spiraled down to her location. It circled until the figure of a knight carrying a shield and a trident was formed, and then the clouds disappeared. 

What the fuck do you want?  Kasumi asked in her thoughts.  I thought I made myself clear. 

Above Alkoth, words appeared. 

You did, those words spelled out.  Which is why I'm here. 

That was new. Kasumi was surprised to see those, but she shook her head and regained her composure. 

I'm not interested,  Kasumi thought in response.  Ask someone else. I want nothing to do with you. 

If that's the case,  the words said as the man took a few steps closer. He towered above Kasumi, but she didn't let that frighten her.  Then you'll be happy to hear what I have in mind. 

Kasumi raised a brow, crossing her arms. She couldn't deny that the statement made her curious. 

...  I swear, if you're lying, I will personally destroy every Alkoth church in Nova. 

No.Alkoth shook his head. I have one task I need you to accomplish. Do this, and you will not hear from me again.  Indeed,  those words said,  there will be no need. Will you listen? 

Kasumi looked away, sighing breathlessly. 

You're invading my dreams. It's not like I have a choice. 

... Very well. Alkoth turned away and a screen of sorts appeared behind him. Allow me to explain a few things then. 



Transporting this demon had been problematic for a few different reasons. Firstly, it wouldn't stop struggling, second, the stares of those around them as Ash dragged this thing through to the Grey Chamber were annoying, but lastly... Something was happening. 

Ash wondered if it was simply her Lust changing her behavior, even though it was at a 1 right now, but the more time she spent around this demon, the better it smelled. Occasionally, as she pushed her forwards, keeping the demon's hands tied behind its back, Ash's eyes would roam to the curvature of the feminine creature's chest, her violet-black lips, her piercing eyes. 

What the fuck is wrong with me?  Ash had asked herself at a point. The demon must have noticed something as well because at a point, its anger and struggle to escape turned into something else. Ash was having to push this thing harder now because the demon seemingly wanted to press up against her. 

Calm down. It's... It's probably just my other side acting up. 

The demon smirked with mirth in its eyes. 

What the fuck are you looking so smug for?  Ash thought, glaring at it as she and the others walked up the steps to the Grey Chamber.  I have half a mind to take you someplace else and... 

Soon, they were walking up to the throne where Eliza was sitting, a frustrated expression on her face as she looked up and saw the group approaching. Her eyes first fell on Yumi, and then on the demon Ash was keeping restrained. There was some clear surprise in her eyes. 

"You did it?" She sounded pleasantly surprised. 

"Mhm," Ash replied. The eyes of the nearby knights displayed a myriad of emotions. Fear, curiosity, anger. More than anything though, like Eliza, they were surprised. 

"... Very well then," Eliza turned towards Yumi. "And I suppose this is that shrine maiden you mentioned?" 

Yumi walked forwards on her own. She bowed with her hands held together. 

"I was told that if a demon was brought to you, you would assign guards to watch over the shrine. Will you keep your word?" Yumi asked. 

Eliza's eyes went to the demon again. She took a deep breath and nodded. 

"Yes. I will assign them immediately." 

"... Thank you," Yumi breathed a sigh of relief. "Then..." She turned to the group. "I suppose I will be staying in the city for a time." 

Eliza's heels ticked against the ground as she approached the demon. The Lust demon narrowed its eyes at the Lord, snarling. Ash made sure to tighten her hold in response. 

"What do you want with this thing?" Ash asked. 

"We prepared a room in case your trip was a success, come." 

Ash pushed the demon forwards and followed Eliza deeper into the palace. There were strange tubes passing over her head as she walked through the halls with the Lord in front of her. Eliza gestured at a room to the left and they went inside. 

It was a fairly large, open space with a set of chains attached to a wall at the back. 

Ash pushed the demon up there and it didn't take long for her to help a few guards restrain the demon. Kaori, Keiko, and Yumi waited by the door as Eliza took a few steps closer. 

"So, what level is it?" 

"35," Ash stated in response. 

"By Magia..." One guard mumbled when he heard that. 

"My, oh my..." Eliza said. "You've held up your end of the bargain beautifully then. I would ask you for one more favor though if you are willing."

Ash was about to quickly reject that, but Eliza continued:

"With a suitable enough reward, of course." 

Hearing that, Ash sighed.  I'd be stupid to pass this up then. 

"What do you want?" 

"Get yourself some rest for today. Tomorrow, come by later. I would appreciate it if you were the one to help us test this creature." 

"Why me?" 

"You are the most experienced when it comes to dealing with these threats. And, since you captured it, I assume you are powerful enough to subdue this creature should it get out of control. It would be the safest option to have you here. So? What do you say?" She asked with a confident posture. 

Ash shrugged. 

"What's the reward?" 

"Money and... I will personally commission the smithy to refine that Savior's Armor you're wearing. How does that sound?" 

"... Okay," Ash nodded.  "Sounds good." 

Eliza looked to the side, where the Lust demon was being restrained. The creature was staring up at Ash. Anytime someone else looked at it, it would briefly snarl at them, but its eyes would consistently return to the half-demon. 

"Very well then." 

After that, the group left the Grey Chamber, escorted by Eliza and her guards. 

They found themselves standing outside, with the sun on their bodies and a homeless shrine maiden to find a new place for. Yumi stood awkwardly, her hands tied together as she looked around at the bland city. In all honesty, she reminded Ash of how uncomfortable Keiko looked at the beginning of their journey. The Zayama she'd come to be so close with had also maintained this small, anxious exterior until just recently. Every now and then it would come back, and right now, Ash saw it reflected in Yumi. 

"I don't think we can take her back to the New Age Inn," Kaori said suddenly. "I, uh, feel like it would be a bit much for her." 

"Agreed," Keiko nodded. 

"Shit. So, what, do we look for another inn?" 

"Perhaps I could give her a home here, temporarily," Eliza stated. "It is training that you seek from her, right? We have a few rooms where you could do just that. Simply visit the palace anytime you wish to do so." 

"How does that sound, Yumi?" Keiko asked, approaching the masked girl. 

Yumi nodded. 

"I suppose it is my best option," Yumi turned towards Eliza and bowed to her. "Thank you." 

"You're welcome. Well then, Saviors. Until tomorrow." 

With that, Eliza walked away, with Yumi following her. The group was left alone, with their task completed. Ash sighed. 


Keiko gave her a strange look and Ash raised a brow. 

"What's up?" Ash asked. 

"Was that demon truly level 35? You captured it so easily." 

Ash looked around. There were a few guards up ahead, but they were likely out of earshot. 

"Nah," Ash shook her head. 

"What?" Kaori asked. 

"I lied," Ash shrugged. "It was level 20. But fuck it," she started walking away. "Why the fuck should we go out of our way to get a high-level demon for her? Whatever she wants to 'test' she can do with that one." 



They returned to the New Age Inn after that. So much walking around had made them all feel exhausted, though Keiko's mind was more so on Yumi's situation as opposed to her own tiredness. 

"Fuuuck," Ash said, walking up the steps to the second floor. "I need a nap." 

"Same," Kaori chuckled, following. 

Keiko was going to do the same, but then, she felt something. It was a sort of churning in her body. A wave of nausea suddenly washed over her and she quickly looked for the nearest worker. 

"Where's the restroom?" She asked. 

"Uh, over there," he pointed and Keiko sprinted towards that place. 

She opened the door and, as soon as she saw the toilet, she flipped its lid up and puked into it. Whatever escaped her lips was like water, because it offered no resistance as it left her body. When she was done, Keiko coughed a couple of times and wiped her lips.  What...? 

But her confusion was multiplied when she looked down and saw that what she'd just puked was purely violet. 

I.... What is this? 


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