Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 125

Looking back, this might not have been the smartest decision.

This was what went through Ash's mind as she and Keiko got off her horse, and the half-demon looked around and saw magical tendrils flowing through the air like lines of multi-colored light, swirling around everything. The trees, their bodies, everything around them was covered in these things. 

It was around this point that Ash realized the gravity of what she did. The Mist Realm was feared and avoided for one very simple reason:

No one knew what the hell was in here, really. Some could guess, some had seen monsters in the distance, but no one had a concrete idea of what to expect. 

"Okay," Ash turned around to face the girl she'd, for all intents and purposes, re-kidnapped, "again, sorry." 

The woman Ash rescued then looked up at her, as Ash stood about a head taller. Briefly, Ash's eyes ran over her form confirming the rumors she'd heard before. This girl was, indeed, as beautiful as they all said, with white-pink hair so long it reached her feet. She had a thin body clothed in a white dress and was wearing a necklace made of Miststones. Rocks from this very place that Ash knew to be worth a fortune. Finally, she had strange rose-colored eyes. 

As she looked into them, Ash noticed they were glaring rather harshly at her. 

Oh. She's pissed, huh? 

"Well, from being abducted by a necromancer to being taken by an utter fool into the most dangerous part of the south, I suppose today is simply not my day," Keiko said, crossing her arms. 

"Doesn't seem like it," Ash said, putting her hands on her hips and turning around to inspect the area. "Okay, so, here's the deal. We're going to walk through this place, come out the other side and I'll take you to your parents. You get back home, I get my money, and we both live happily ever after." 

"Of course," Keiko scoffed. "I guess I am little more than an object... And what makes you believe I will not simply tell my father to have you arrested as soon as we arrive!? You have trapped me in the Mist Realm! Why would I allow you to get any money from this???" 

"Hm?" Ash raised a brow. "Is that your plan?" 

"Absolutely," Keiko replied, crossing her arms and pouting. 

"Oh. Well, bye then." 

Ash walked away. 


Ash stopped and threw a confused look at the girl. 

"Why would I help you get back to Amber if you're just gonna have me arrested?" 

Keiko blinked. 

"You cannot just leave me here!" 

"Why can't I?" Ash asked, crossing her arms. 

"Because it's not right!" 

At that, Ash laughed. She walked up to the girl and lowered her black mask so that she could see the smirk on her face. Keiko pulled back. 

"I'm a half-demon bounty hunter. What makes you think I care at all about what's right?" Ash pulled her mask back up. "All I want is to make my money and retire someplace far away. If you're gonna get in the way of that, yeah, I'm not gonna hesitate to leave you here." 

Keiko seemed stunned. 

"You... You complete degenerate!" Keiko yelled. "Of course, you would be a money-driven parasite. You all are..." Keiko said, sitting down on a rock and huffing. "Just like all the others..." 

"Like all the...? Lady," Ash went up to her, "maybe if your family cared a little more about the people living in your city I'd be more inclined to help you. But, as it stands, you're the ones who've made people be like this. Something, something bed, something something, sleeping in it, right?" 

"Do not include me in your pettiness," Keiko barked. "I don't make the choices. I have nothing to do with your struggles." 

"Your father then, whoever, okay, whatever, listen, the point is," Ash sighed, "what's it gonna be? If you're gonna have me arrested, I have no reason to help you. Does that still stand?" Ash asked. 

"... Fine."

"Give me that necklace then," Ash suddenly said. 


"Well, I can't just trust that you won't have me arrested. Your word isn't worth anything to me. So, here's the deal. You give me that necklace, I bring you back to Amber and leave the city as soon as I drop you off. Then, I can sell that thing off." 

Keiko seemed so hurt that Ash wondered if any of her words even registered. She reached up and clutched her necklace tightly. 

"... I cannot." 

"Tough shit then," Ash went to leave but Keiko walked in front of her. 

"Please! Listen, I, I will give you something else, my hair or something, but... please, I cannot give you my necklace." 

"... Why would I want your hair?" Ash asked. 

"It is magical," Keiko replied. "My hair glows in the dark. Just look at it, you're seeing it right now," Keiko pointed out.  "You could sell it, I'm certain. Just..." Keiko gulped. "Please, don't take my necklace from me." 

Ash narrowed her eyes, considering it. 

"... Okay," she replied. "Fine. Once we're out, I'll cut some off." 

Keiko breathed a sigh of relief and Ash nodded. 

"Now..." Ash went up to her horse. she patted its head a few times and looked back at the place they were in. Even right now, she could hear monsters in the distance. "Yeah... You might not make it here. Go ahead, boy." She told the horse she'd had for the last five years. "Run home." 

It took some effort, but soon, it appeared her steed got the message. It hurt, honestly, but Ash couldn't show the pain in her heart right now, as she had to appear at least to Keiko as if she was in control. Still, it stung harshly to see her horse trotting away. 

Taking a deep breath, Ash collected herself. 

"Okay, now. Let's move." 

"Well, the journey will be even longer now," Keiko said, "why did you do that?" 

"I don't want him to get hurt, now, listen, some ground rules," Ash said. "First, do what I say, when I say it. If you don't, we'll both die. Second, don't talk to me. It's distracting and it could alert nearby creatures. Third, let me know if you see or hear anything. Any questions?" 

"Are other bounty hunters this pleasant?" Keiko basically hissed with a posh tone.

"Yeah, we're lovely. Come on." 

Just like that, a new, hopefully short, journey began. The Mist Realm was a large place, but thankfully, they did not need to cross its entirety or move towards its center. Rather, Ash's plan was to round its edges, which would lead to Amber. 

She estimated it would take a total of two or three days just to get out of the Mist Realm, and then several more days to reach Amber, without her horse. Strangely, Ash was more concerned with her horse than she was for herself or this girl. 

"Everything is so... soggy," Keiko said, as she was barefoot walking through what felt like mud but looked like ashes. 

"What was that rule about not talking again? Oh, yeah, I think it went something like, 'don't talk to me'," Ash responded. 

"Ugh, you cannot just expect me to remain in silence forever." 

"Tragically," Ash replied. "But, make an effort at least?" 

"You are so rude! Do you even know who you are speaking with?" 

"Yeah, and I really don't care." 

"That is certainly a lie," Keiko scoffed. "You care too much, if anything. It's why we're here to begin with." 

Ash stopped walking and instead, turned around to face Keiko. The girl's eyes looked up into hers, and though she took a step back, she maintained eye contact. 

"You're right, maybe I should have just left you with that creepy necromancer. Would that have been better for you, my princess?" 

"It is true that you saved me from her, but what is that worth when you then create an arguably bigger problem?" 

"What is it worth? About 15 white royal crowns, there you go." 

"Ah, yes, crowns... The main cause of- oof" 

She was interrupted when Ash put a hand over her lips.

She hummed against it, furious, but her anger subsided when she saw worry on the bounty hunter's face. Ash put a hand behind her and pulled her towards a white tree. 

She held Keiko tightly as she peeked around, inspecting the area to see if she actually had heard something, as she thought she did. 

Indeed, when she looked, she found a strange, spider-like creature with eight glowing legs, walking through the area. Ash's eyes widened and she held Keiko just a little tighter. 

Level 35

MP: 100/100

The two of them stared at the spider as it continued to move, eventually moving out of the area and away from them. When she was sure it was gone, Ash breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Holy shit," she muttered. She let go of Keiko, but the girl didn't immediately back off. She remained so close that the demon could feel the warmth of her body. Ash looked down and saw tears at the corners of her eyes. 

It was then that she realized just how out of her element this girl must have been. Ash had been in dangerous lands before, this one was just particularly dangerous, but she was used to this sort of thing. For Keiko, being in life-or-death situations like these wasn't normal. 

Still, there was nothing Ash could do for her. She'd have to bear it until they left. 

"Come on," Ash said, not noticing how her own tone had softened a little, "let's go."

"... Yes," Keiko nodded. 

And the two began to venture through the Mist Realm, hoping they'd make it out the other side. 


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