Moonlight Demon (GL LITRPG)

Chapter 123

Note: Admittedly, I'm cheating a little here. This one takes place in Amber, a city that we have heard about, but have yet to visit in the story. In a way, you could see this more as a sneak peek into what we have to look forward to in the far future, rather than a different version of the past. I hope you like it!


Although each of the cities that form a part of the Jewel Empire is dangerous in its own ways, one stands out as being particularly treacherous.

It's not Onyx, with its dangerous wildlife and mysterious bamboo forests. It is not Sapphire, with its snow-capped wastelands and freezing temperatures. It is not Jade or Pearl either. No, this was Amber. The Arcane Valley, they call this region, and it is a nickname that fits because it highlights the two most recognizable parts of the south. Firstly, the prominence of magic. Not just in the people who live here, but in everything. The trees, the animals, some of the elderly hold the belief that even the wind can cast spells on a bad day. 

The second aspect of this land that needs to be understood is that Amber, specifically, is located just beside a canyon, where the dirt and rocks scald the feet of those who walk over them, and dropping your guard could mean being another to fall to the likes of a sand reaver. 

Still, many who do not have the funds to make the trip up north, or who would rather remain away from the eyes of the empire's officers, call this region their home. It is a place for outcasts, truly. Even then, there are still those who are shunned among these outcasts. 

One of them rode into the city by way of a golden-colored horse. She wore a black duster coat, black boots, and a mask that covered her pale lips. Her violet eyes scanned the area around her, looking to see if she could find anyone who would do her harm. All she saw were some posters, depicting the face of a pale, raven-haired woman. Still, she didn't let that stop her from being cautious. One could never be too careful in these parts. 

Her name was Ash, and she was a half-demon. Even amongst necromancers, conjurers, illusionists, thieves, and corrupt officials, she was still the subject of dirty leers that had been thrown her way since she was born. Still, this city had a way of sheltering those who were hated, not necessarily treating them well, but giving them a home, so, Ash had spent all 18 years of her life here, just trying to survive. 

That path had led her to who she was now, a woman riding towards a chubby man in the distance, with slick black hair and a handlebar mustache, who was dressed in a golden Jade-themed ji. The head of a known criminal was tied to her horse.

And she was absolutely sick of this. Thankfully, all of her struggles would be over once she received the reward for this last mission. Finally, she would be able to flip everyone off and ride into the sun. 

As she got closer, she got off and took the head, walking towards him. 

"Done," she said curtly, showing it off. 

"You never disappoint," he replied, nodding. "Here you go. One white royal crown." 

At that, Ash raised a brow and took a step forwards. The man raised his hands, and a few guards he had nearby put their hands on their weapons. 

"You promised me 5, Jacob," she told him, in a low voice. "Do I have to take the other 4 off of your cold body?" 

"Now, now," the man raised his hands, "I did, but... Something happened." 

Ash almost snarled. White bangs fell in front of her eyes and she pushed them back as she sighed. 

"... Explain." 

He smiled. 

"Thank you, Ash. So," he put his hands behind his back. "Simply put, we... Someone came around and robbed us." 

"... And they took my reward money?" Ash asked. 

"Yes. Unfortunately. Truly a tragedy." 

"Who are they, where are they, and what's their level?" Ash already decided she would go chase after them. She needed these coins. She was so close. She wasn't about to let this happen. 

"Yes, yes," he cleared his throat. "The woman you're looking for is named Vermia, she's a necromancer, she's never been the type to stir up trouble but recently..." 

Ash put a hand up. 

"Motherfucker, I don't need the full backstory. Where is she and what's her level?" Ash stated and the man sighed. 

"She's at an abandoned fortress three days to the northwest, just beyond the Mist Realm. She's level 30." 

Ash instantly turned around to go find her already, but the man stopped her by putting a hand on her shoulder.

Ash looked back, daggers in her violet eyes as she stared at him. 

"Don't. Touch. Me," she muttered and the man instantly let go. 

"One last thing," he said. If he had been frightened by her, he didn't show any signs of it. "She kidnapped someone," Jacob said, taking a piece of paper out of his pockets. "She kidnapped a lot of people, but you only need to concern yourself with one. Her name's Keiko Arphilia." 

Upon hearing that, Ash actually felt surprised. 

"The... The Arcane's daughter?" She asked. 

"Yes," Jacob confirmed, and even he had a serious look on his face. 

"... Isn't this pretty serious then?" Ash asked. "Why aren't the Arcane's forces looking for her?" 

"They are, but... Vermia is powerful. Her Dark magic is something not easily dealt with. The Arcane's soldiers are simply outmatched. However," he added, a little smirk appearing on his face, "you should be capable of beating her, no? With that Demon Form of yours." 

She guessed that he was right. Ash was currently level 25, but with her Demon Form, she could use the added stats to try to best the necromancer. Still, she wasn't entirely sure she could win. 

"In any case, you don't have to kill Vermia, you need only rescue Keiko. If you do," Jacob explained, "I've heard the Arcane is willing to give 15 white royal crowns as a reward." 

Ash's heart just about stopped upon hearing that. 

15 white royal crowns. That was enough to be set for at least the next 10 years, not in Amber, but in Jade. In a proper society, away from the reavers and mages of Amber. That sort of reward blew what Ash had in mind out of the water. 

She looked down at her own hands and then closed her eyes. 

"I don't need to kill her, right? I only need to rescue the girl?" 

"Yes. Do that, bring her back to Amber, and you will be a rich woman." 

"... Why are you telling me this?" Ash asked, narrowing her brows. "You could have just had me bring her back to you, taken the reward for yourself." 

He shook his head. 

"If I didn't tell you, someone else, the posters on the walls, the girl herself, anyone and anything would have let you know. Besides, you've heard of her beauty, right?" Jacob asked. "Upon seeing her, you would have known she was the Arcane's daughter. There was no real way to trick you in this situation. Believe me, I tried to find one."

He was right about the girl though. Her beauty was the stuff of legends. It was rumored that she was around Ash's age, with cascading rose-colored hair that glowed in the nighttime, and crystal clear eyes that could purify the soul with a single glance. Ash wasn't sure she believed those rumors, but if they had any basis in reality, she certainly would have known what she had in her hands upon running into her. 

However, she didn't buy for a second that there wasn't a catch to all of this. No one would pass up 15 white royal crowns like that. So, she made a mental note to stay alert, looking away from him. 

"... I see." Ash nodded. "I'm going." 

So, Ash left to go get supplies. 

Twirling her singular white royal crown in her hands, Ash went to the only person she knew who could adequately equip her for this little trip. 

Ash had no friends in this city, but she had some people who tolerated her. People who would, at least, wear a fake smile whenever she went up to them. One such person was who she was visiting now. 

She walked up to a small wooden building, the words "The Food Vault" on a sign at its front. This restaurant, although small and unassuming, held one a highly-respected individual inside, who happened to be the person Ash was going to meet. Entering the place, Ash quickly spotted the woman she was looking for. She was the owner of this place, even though she was just a year older than Ash. 

A short-haired blonde, blue-eyed woman by the name of Kaori. Right now, she was wearing a white skirt and brown vest, all stained a little with dirt, as everyone's clothes were. She was currently cleaning up the joint, sweeping the floor with her right, and only, arm.

All Ash knew about that whole situation was that, at some point, a customer had tried to force himself onto Kaori. They fought, and she ended up without an arm. He, however, ended up dead. Ash thought that was why most people in the city respected the woman. To live in Amber, one had to be strong of will, but even then, Kaori was stronger than most. 

Upon hearing the door open, she turned towards Ash and grinned. 

"Ash! Welcome darlin'!" 

The half-demon nearly rolled her eyes at what she was sure was a forced greeting, but she walked in, her boots leaving dirty imprints where she stepped. Kaori, on the other hand, walked up to her and hugged the half-demon. 

Ash froze. Anger, confusion, and surprise all flooding her in that moment, but Kaori retreated before she could express any of it. 

Ash closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 

"I apologize for the floor," Ash muttered. 

"Oh, don't worry about that." Kaori dropped her broom by a table and waved her concerns away. She spoke with a strange accent that Ash found slightly endearing. "How ya been? I ain't seen ya in a bit." 

"... I'm doing well," Ash replied. She wasn't sure why she entertained the small talk that Kaori liked to engage in, but she did. 

"Good to hear! You're looking different these days too, ya know? Last time I saw ya, and today too, you've got this... I don't know, a little glint in your eyes. Something good happen?" She asked, suggestively. 

No,  Ash thought.  It's more about what will happen. I'm finally leaving. 


"Aw. How about I whip ya up something nice to make up for that?" 

Ash sighed. 

"I'm not looking to have dinner, I need to prepare for a journey." 

"Ohhh. Where ya goin'?" 

"Another job." 

"This quick? I reckon ya only just came back, right?" Kaori asked putting her hand on her hip. "Wait..." Kaori said. "Ya mean, that Arcane job?" Ash nodded. "Are ya sure? I heard about it and... sounds fairly dangerous." 

"I have to," Ash shrugged. She almost said "sorry",  for some reason. 

"Well, alright then," Kaori replied. "Ya better not be overworkin' yourself though. Still, I'll set ya up for it, real good." Kaori promised, flexing her arm's bicep. 

Ash nodded and waited.

The food was nothing special, taste-wise, but the reason this place was called "The Food Vault" was that Kaori tended to produce an ungodly amount of dishes very quickly. Before Ash even knew it, she had already prepared several days' worth of rations for her. 

"Here," Ash said, passing her the white royal crown but Kaori pushed her hand away. 

"Nah, it's on the house, darlin'," she said. 

"What?" Ash asked. 

"What I just said, it's free of charge." 

"... Why?" Ash asked, baffled. 

"Cause I know you've got it rougher than most," Kaori said. "And I know ya could use the help. So, there ya go." 

"But... This is a lot..." 

"Listen 'ere, are ya gonna take this gift or am I gonna have to pound the message into your head with my broom?" Kaori asked. 

Even though she was level 2, and Ash was level 25. The half-demon nearly laughed, hating how her heart warmed up a little at that. 

"... Thank you." 

"No trouble at all," Kaori said, and then suddenly, she walked up and kissed her on the cheek, over her black mask. "Go get 'em." 


3 Days Later

That was how Ash ended up riding through the dirt and rocks, on her way to the abandoned fortress that apparently Vermia was hiding in. She knew of this place, only because of its proximity to the Mist Realm. 

Ash had never been to the Mist Realm, but anyone who lived in Amber knew what it was. A place that stretched for miles and miles, where reality itself was bent and twisted, and the high-level enemies lived within who could tear apart a living being from the inside. She could see it now, a sea of violet lightning-covered fog in the distance. Just past it was the fortress. 

Ash rounded the Mist Realm and reached the fortress. She got off her horse and tied it to a tree out front. 

"Anything happens, you rip that rope off and run, got it?" She told the horse, running a hand over its head a few times. Then, she breathed in. "Alright. Probably should be stealthy about this. No real reason to get into a fight if I don't have to." 

With those words, Ash walked in, through the broken-down doors at the front. 


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