Moonlight Ball

Chapter 6

Iris felt disoriented as she pulled herself up and tried to gather her thoughts. What had happened to her? She recalled being dragged into a carriage, almost killed, then she’d caused an earthquake and the wagon had fallen into the water, but then what happened? She felt like there was a river in her head. Feeling dizzy now, her head ached, and she felt chilly and nauseous all at the same time.

“Where are you, Leiden?” Iris called for her first house elf.

“Your Highness,” he responded, “Your Highness, I’m sure there’s a good reason for this.”

The door flew open with a loud bang. Iris looked up startled and was further surprised by the fancy handcrafted door she saw for the first time. Only then did it sink in that she was in a completely unknown place. Where was she? This wasn’t her room. It was a colorful, tastefully decorated spacious room with countless brightly embroidered flowers adorning the walls as if she sat in a flower shop. Whose room is it? Iris was wondering when a man appeared. He was very tall and had a solid muscular body. She noticed his fiery red hair, which was impressive, immediately. She could feel the magic in the man’s blood. He’s got a lot of magic, she thought. But he didn’t seem to be dealing with mana properly. If he had known how to handle mana, he could not have let it scatter like that.

Staring at the man strolling towards her, Iris thought it was a pity that if he had learned magic, he could have used it well.

The man’s big hand slapped Iris mercilessly across the face. Her body collapsed sideways from the massive blow.

“I thought you were crazy!” The man was so angry that he seemed to have lost control of his emotions. In a more frightening voice, he continued. “I think I underestimated how crazy you are now. You’re going crazy to go find Iris Elaine and kill her. She’s an Elaine. She is the only disciple who Elaine gave the castle to as soon as he met her, you know. She’s almost the head of the palace wizard! Do you know how difficult this will get when Elaine finds out about this?”

Iris stared blankly at the man who was running wild, saying marrying a woman like herself was the biggest mistake he’d made in his life. But Iris didn’t have a husband and she had never seen this man before. She couldn’t understand why he had dragged her to a luxurious place that she was unfamiliar with, then slapped her and got angry. The man suddenly shut up and Iris sat where she’d collapsed, not daring to say a word. It wasn’t long before he turned his head strangely.

“Palace doctor,” Hh said through clenched teeth.

The palace doctor answered his call carefully, “Yes, Your Honor.”

“What’s wrong with this woman?” He demanded to know.

Iris blinked, feeling her swollen cheeks. The man who said marrying her was the biggest mistake in his life was an astonishingly handsome man. According to Elaine’s ‘Impression Classification’, it is the face that will be the winner of life. On the one hand, he is decadent and on the other hand, a handsome man who is as imposing as the main character of a myth. He was crossing his arms, looking down at Iris with a sharp, cutting gaze, and asking the palace doctor for an answer. The palace doctor next to the man answered in an obsequious tone. “She must have been shocked by the cold of the early spring river.”

“Are you talking about this wild woman?”

Iris looked up at the face of the man who insulted her. She didn’t know him at all. There’s no way she wouldn’t remember such an astonishing face. She has never seen such a perfect man.

Teacher, you’ll be surprised if you see his face. This face is so perfect. But why does this perfect-faced man say I’m his wife and that he hates me?

Iris tried to open her mouth and the man raised his chin. “What else are you trying to do now?” he growled. “How many times are you going to discredit me with your stupid words?”

“Who the hell are you?” She asked in utter confusion. Suddenly, the door slammed open and a white-faced man barged in.

“Your Highness, Elaine, the Great Wizard has arrived.”

The man stormed down the hall, holding Iris by the wrist. “Let go, it hurts!” She yelled in agony. Iris tried in vain to remove her wrist from the man’s tight grasp.

“You started this, so of course you have to take care of it,” he replied in a cold voice.

“I’m walking, so let me go!”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re either going to run away or you’re going to pull a stunt. But you’ll never get away.”

Were they talking about her teacher, Elaine? Iris couldn’t understand the current situation and frowned as she was dragged roughly. It was regrettable that she couldn’t raise her mana properly because her head hurt. If it weren’t for falling into the river, she would’ve made this breathtakingly handsome man’s face muddy!

Why isn’t the spell working? Iris frowned and turned her head, glimpsing her face reflecting in the spotless marble pillars of the hallway.

The “winner of life” was heading somewhere, dragging the “face of life to hell”. She was looking with a very surprised face at the eyes reflecting at her. She was speechless every time she passed a pillar and saw this face; wavy blond hair, a shiny appearance, and the composition of features that were certain to destroy life. The woman who had slapped her in the face, the woman who had tried to kill her, kept looking back at her with wide-open dazzling blue eyes…


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