Moonlight Ball

Chapter 54

“She’ll be a perfect queen,” Elena remarked. She had big dreams for Iris to become the best Queen of all time.

Sidrain grinned without saying anything and sipped on his wine. He needed a strong drink after the day spent at the market. Feeling overly tired, he wondered if he should put some poison in his wine so that he could fall asleep quickly. The reason for his lack of sleep lately was the fact that Iris Elaine was around. And each day, his connection to her grew stronger and stronger.

Out of the blue, he recalled the sound of his voice when he’d stood on her roof. At that moment, he’d known that he could’ve broken through the rooftop, like a god in a thundering rage, or he could’ve opened the window silently, like a night fairy. These thoughts were what caused his insomnia. I’m a fine thirty-year-old man! Why am I behaving like this?

Iris was also his legal spouse, so he had the right to hug her. But then he remembered that she wasn’t Rosemary, so technically, he didn’t have a right to do so. He didn’t have such enormous rights because of the law, and she didn’t allow him to be intimate with her. Although Sidrain knew all of this, the devil kept whispering in his ear. He wanted to seduce her with his body. He was sure that she’d felt something when he’d kissed her, and he wanted another opportunity to do so.

As his daydream continued, he thought of lifting her skirt and caressing the inside of her thighs. Sidrain felt as if he were going crazy! He was going to turn into a beast that had no reason left! When she found out about his thoughts, it would shock her!

“In the capital, there are many accolades of the Queen. I’m sure she’ll be a wise and benevolent queen. Are you listening?” Elena asked.

“No, I’m not listening,” Sidrain said bluntly, and Elena shut up after hearing the cold tone of his voice. When Sidrain was away from The Queen, he couldn’t try to seduce her and become her sweet lover. And every time they separated, Sidrain would become miserable. But he assumed that it was normal for one to feel that way when one truly cared for their partner.

Elena sighed to herself. The Princess of the Magic Tower was a woman of many virtues, but she was as ignorant as an eight-year-old girl.

Iris had no interest in the opposite sex. When she met with a man, her attitude was the same as when she met a woman. Iris treated all people the same and didn’t even recognize their gender. So she’d looked at Sidrain with slight curiosity when he’d kissed the back of her hand. She had not been taught basic etiquette growing up. The princess seemed to have gotten used to it because the tower was a rough place where lady-like manners weren’t required.

“At first, I started with the story of Elehrosa,” Elena said after a long silence.

Sidrain grinned at her words. “Elehrosa? For Iris and I?”

Elehrosa was a blessing that only the High Priestess of the Great Temple could give. If it weren’t for this blessing, the court society wouldn’t have been so free-spirited. However, the non-senior aristocrats did not receive the Elehrosa because they needed to make a large donation to be blessed by it. In the first place, only those with mansions in the capital were blessed by Elehrosa because it was only possible to receive it in the Great Temple.

“Well, anyway, the kernel has changed, and it’s been a year, so shouldn’t we all be blessed again? That’s all I can trust in this court society,” Elena said.

“I’m not interested in any other woman, and there aren’t any stupid men that want to go near The Queen now.”

After the crazy spring party, all the men stopped paying attention to The Queen. Although she was beautiful and outstanding, they valued their lives more, and no one in the world wanted to be hit in the face by the glove of the King and Sword Master.

“But you still have to do it. It’s a custom, Your Grace. Or take a Rosa.”

If Elehrosa could only see the offspring with a blessed opponent. Elehrosa was a contract in which the spirit of the opponent was bound. The two people, then connected to Elehrosa, shared their feelings and their lives, and of course, offspring could only have children of each other’s children. Elehrosa was only valid for one year, but Rosa was a lifelong contract. Sidrain had heard that the Rosa could be destroyed, but no person had tried to do that until now.

“A Rosa? I honestly haven’t even thought about it,” Sidrain replied. In the court society, Elehrosa was a must, but few people received a Rosa. It was a contract that bound the soul. The couple would even die at the same time. If one person died, the other person had a lot to take care of, but who chose to die at the same time their spouse did? Sidrain thought it was irresponsible, especially if there was a child involved.

But sometimes, people happily received a Rosa. Once upon a time, a former Duchess had received a Rosa. And the Duke hadn’t suffered when the Duchess died of an illness. He’d spent every day with his wife with great pleasure because he knew he wouldn’t be left alone. They also heard that the wife was not emotionally weak, even though she was suffering from illness. And the couple passed away together in their king-size bed, holding hands.

Sidrain honestly thought it was creepy, and it must’ve been quite a weird moment. What about his own life? He thought it was something that people agreed to when they couldn’t stand their own lives. Sidrain looked at Elena and raised an eyebrow, “I like Iris, but I don’t think I’m that crazy in love with her.”

Elena grinned at Sidrain’s words. “We have a Rosa in mind, Your Grace.”

“What?” He asked, looking shocked.


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