Moonlight Ball

Chapter 35

He had no intention of being kissed like this with no passion, nor did he intend to fall for her lies. “Is there not a different type of kiss meant for a husband?” He asked, looking at her quizzically. “I guess the Harans river was very strong. It’s a shame that it’s removed your knowledge of how to kiss me.”

How could someone forget how to kiss? Sidrain had kissed Rosemary only once, and that had been during their wedding ceremony. It was expected of them, so they had both clenched their fists and locked lips. Since then, although he’d been intimate with her, they had never kissed again and their kiss on their wedding day was one he’d sooner forget. But as Sidrain carefully held Iris’s soft, smooth cheeks now, his heart pounded in his chest, feeling like it was dancing under the bright moon that illuminated the night sky. Gently, he placed his lips on hers and watched in delight as her eyes grew bigger. Unable to understand why he was putting his lips on hers, she blinked in astonishment, demanding an answer.

Sidrain laughed at the crystal blue eyes filled with confusion, and whispered as his lips brushed hers, “My lovely lady.”

His voice was low and rough, and Iris automatically wanted to step down off of the cold metal railing. But she was sitting on the balcony and behind her back was Sidrain’s arm, blocking her escape. She couldn’t even jump off the balcony as the other man had so carelessly done, because Sidrain held her tight.

“What are you doing? This is not a kiss.” Iris shook her head violently. Suddenly, she remembered the night when he had l!cked her neck. That had felt bizarre too, but she thought that this was even stranger.

“This is the kiss between a husband and wife,” Sidrain assured her.

Iris had no idea about how a husband and wife were supposed to kiss, she’d never experienced something like this in her life and she felt extremely awkward and uncomfortable. To top it off, there was a lump on her face which ached and looked ghastly. Suddenly she saw his pink tongue sticking out of his mouth, trying to touch her mouth and she turned her face away, thinking that it reminded her of a sneaky snake. She didn’t want to kiss like a husband and wife if this is what it entailed, it was all just too much for her.

Sidrain pulled her closer as she tried to wriggle free from his grip, “I am your husband. A person legally entitled to taste your mouth.”

Sidrain held him tighter and she wondered if all husbands tasted their wives ‘ mouths. He must be right though, but Iris just couldn’t believe that this was true. Was he going to put his pink wet tongue in her mouth? “I, I, yes!” She stuttered. His tongue came closer, slowly penetrating her delicate mouth and his gentle movement was as quiet and dignified as a ship going out to sea in the serene dawn.

Sidrain closed his eyes tightly as he slipped his tongue between her luscious lips and he felt lightheaded, thinking that he might just lose his mind. His heart, which seemed to be dancing a sword dance, was now going berserk. Holding this woman in his arms, her body so small and soft, and smelling her sweet fragrance, and being so close to her small, moist mouth, made him realize that nothing would be normal again.

But Iris rejected his tongue and turned her head and said coldly, “It, it’s dirty!”


“Yes! It’s where my saliva is. You shouldn’t put your tongue in there, saliva has bacteria!” Iris was talking gibberish and her red face looked like an overripe pomegranate that would burst at any moment if it was touched.

Sidrain was now at his limit, “Is your saliva dirty? Then I’ll clean it up for you.” He spoke in a cracked voice as he laid Iris on the railing. “I’ll clean your mouth until it turns into a desert,” he said, in more of a growl.

Sidrain stood his ground as Iris tried to push him away, but he was built like an ox and his solid, muscular body didn’t budge an inch. His tongue was hot, and he extorted every bit of Iris’s saliva as he said would.

Every time he gulped for air and swallowed, Iris tried to shake her head, but it was not possible. He held onto her cheeks so tightly that she couldn’t move a muscle. His tongue was thick, and it tore through her mouth and when her tongue tried to escape, he blocked it with his. He even tapped her teeth with the tip of his tongue and rubbed the inside of her gums with it. Although his tongue was thick, it was also soft and delicate, and he was in no way hurting her. At first, she struggled in his arms, hating this experience, but as time went by, she started to feel strange and unfamiliar sensations. It was hard to ignore the feeling of chills down her spine and the tingling between her legs.

Iris, who was still begging him to stop, began banging Sidrain on the shoulder, wondering how much more she could take, but this only seemed to encourage him even more. She felt conflicted because at first, she’d despised what he was doing and had felt like she was dirty, but now, there was also a strange longing growing inside her.

“Are you feeling it?” Sidrain asked as he moved his hand to caress her ear. Iris’s body shivered as she bowed her head and trembled like a newborn deer.

Rosemary was a woman who was used to pleasure, it was nothing new to her considering all the lovers she had. Although it was still Rosemary’s body, Iris didn’t seem to have experienced pleasure such as this before, which excited Sidrain even more. However, it was a body that was weakened by a sense of shame. When in a relationship, Rosemary hated Sidrain, but would still bend her bottom so that it would be easy for him to insert his erection and she’d even lift her chest. With her body in a position like that, Iris would most likely be embarrassed.


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