Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 194 Capturing Evelyn

Marceline and Little Lowell walked over, watching the two men as they started cooking. She wanted to join them but Kira and Dylan told her to stay put.

In the end, Marceline focused her attention on Little Lowell.


The young hybrid boy hastily turned to look at Marceline. He was anticipating her next words as he gazed at her expectantly.

"I'm sorry for leaving you this afternoon. Are you okay? Are you upset with me?" Marceline asked him.

Little Lowell just shook his head and hugged Marceline on her waist. Marceline smiled faintly while stroking his head.

"You are such a sweet boy." Marceline was very fond of the hybrid boy.

Little Lowell wrote something in her palm since he couldn't talk. He only used his fingers and Marceline tried to decode it.

[ I'm not upset. I just got worried about you, Mama. ]

Little Lowell was communicating with Marceline through this action.

"Thank you for your concern, Little Lowell. You don't have to worry about me. I'm an adult and I am strong." Marceline just wanted to reassure the young boy.

Little Lowell just nodded his head with a charming smile on his face. He felt relieved now.

Unknown to them, Kira and Dylan were secretly observing them and listening to their conversation. They were glad to know that Marceline was trying her best to become strong, despite everything that was happening in her family.

The two men continued their cooking session. Half an hour had passed, and they finally finished their menu, serving it on the table.

"Let's now eat!" Dylan excitedly blurted out to them, putting the vegetable salad on the table.

Kira was following him behind, holding a tray of rice and viands. He cooked vegetable soup and beef steak for Marceline with the help of Dylan. Between the two men, Dylan was the one who was an expert in cooking.

Kira immediately sat down next to Marceline while Little Lowell waved at Dylan, inviting him to sit beside him. Kira frowned when he saw how Little Lowell was being friendly towards Dylan.

For some unknown reason, he felt jealous of Dylan. The little hybrid boy didn't like him, but he was fond of Dylan.

'Sigh. This kid likes Dylan because he is half-werewolf.'

It did not take long when the four of them started eating. Kira and Dylan were very attentive to Marceline. But she was so focused on Little Lowell, serving him food and making sure he would eat a lot.

"You have to eat plenty for you to grow faster and be healthy." Marceline softly said as she put more food on Little Lowell's plate.

Kira and Dylan were baffled as Marceline filled Lowell's plate with a bounty of foods. They wondered if the little young boy could finish all his food.

But Little Lowell was just accepting and eating every food she was putting on his plate.

'Does he have a bottomless stomach?' Dylan pondered to himself as he watched Little Lowell with amusement. Kira was also thinking of the same thing.

It did not take long when Kira leaned on Marceline's side. "How is it? Do you like the food?"

Marceline paused for a moment, thinking about what to say to Kira. Dylan and Little Lowell who both heard Kira's question exchanged glances with one another.

Soon the two of them shook their heads in response to Kira. Marceline bit her lower lip trying to hold her laughter.

Kira squinted his eyes at Dylan and Little Lowell. "I didn't ask your opinion. I'm asking Marceline."

Dylan bit his lower lip while looking away. He didn't want to offend his savior. Little Lowell, on the other hand, brought his attention back to Marceline, ignoring Kira's words.

Marceline could only giggle while shaking her head helplessly. She was glad that these three men were there. She could forget her troubles and problem.

"The food… it tastes good." Marceline finally responded, pinching Kira's face. She commended him for his effort. She knew that Kira didn't usually cook. His food was different from humans. All he needed was blood for him to survive and maintain his health.

'She dotes on Kira so much. I don't think the food tastes good.' Dylan tried his best not to comment.

When they were done, Kira ordered the werewolf prince to wash the dishes. He couldn't say no as he was looking up to Kira.

He urged Little Lowell to accompany Dylan in the kitchen. Kira grabbed that opportunity to talk to Marceline privately.

"My Lady… can we talk?" Kira pulled her towards her bedroom.

Marceline nodded her head and asked, "Talk about what?" She felt somehow nervous as she thought Kira would talk about her confession.

"I found her… Evelyn Zhou," Kira informed Marceline.

Marceline's expression darkened at the mention of Evelyn's name.

"Bring me to her. I want to see her. It's payback time. I need to punish her for what she'd done to my family," Marceline said through her gritted teeth.

Kira nodded his head. He could see the burning hatred and hostility in her eyes. Marceline wanted to get her revenge.

"We can leave now. But what will you do to Dylan and Lowell?" Kira asked her inquisitively.

"I think it's best that Dylan is here. I can ask him a favor of watching over Little Lowell while we are not around."

Kira fell silent for a moment. He could see that Marceline was relying on Dylan now. She trusted him now and was very comfortable in his presence.

Kira was contemplating whether he would tell Marceline about Dylan's real identity as a werewolf or not. Would Marceline hate Dylan once she learned that he was a werewolf?

Kira was still lost in his thought when Marcline held his hands. "Let's go, Ki. We have to capture that cunning woman."

Kira couldn't refuse her request. Besides, he also wanted to punish the woman who tried to kill Marceline. She was the cause of Marceline's sufferings and misery.

If not for Evelyn Zhou, Kira was thinking that Marceline's parents shouldn't have died and Marceline shouldn't have been bitten by the werewolf and have become one of them.

It did not take long when Marceline and Kira went downstairs. Dylan and Little Lowell just came out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Dylan asked the two. Little Lowell was also looking at them with a questioning gaze.

"We will just meet someone. Dylan, can you stay here for a while and watch over Lowell?" Marceline softly asked him.

Dylan bobbed his head frantically. "Sure, Marceline. I am free tonight. I can stay here." He reassured her.

Marceline gave him a grateful look. But Little Lowell moved closer to her. He had a worried look in his eyes as he glanced at her. His expression seemed like telling her to be careful.

Marceline hugged Little Lowell's small figure and kissed him on his forehead before they left.

​ Dylan and Little Lowell just watched them outside the balcony as their car left the garage. The two were curious as to where Kira and Marceline were going. It was already 8:00 pm.


[ Evelyn's Secret Hideout ]

Meanwhile, Evelyn was in her room, talking to Natasha over the phone.

"Mom, where are you? Are you okay? I heard you escaped from prison? Are you not hurt at all? I want to see you. Father is not doing good. Enrique is still in the hospital." Natasha was updating her mother about the happenings.

"Yes. I'm fine. You can visit me here. But just be careful. We don't know if the Bitch has someone spying on you." Evelyn was referring to Marceline. She just ignored her news about Ronan.

She had to be careful now as she confirmed that Kira was not an ordinary human. He's a vampire!

"Okay, Mom. Don't worry. I will be cautious with my movement. I am cursing that Bitch for destroying our family. She is accusing you of poisoning our grandfather and murdering her parents. How dare she do that to you, Mom?" Natasha was fuming in rage just thinking about those things. She still believed that her mother was innocent and Marceline was just framing her.

"The truth will come into light. I will never allow her to bully you, Mom." Natasha said with so much conviction in her words.

Evelyn felt touched because of her words. At that certain moment, she realized that she had to tell Natasha that she would become the gatekeeper. She needed to pass this role to her daughter and she had to do the ritual to become gatekeeper officially.

"Natasha, can you come over here now? There is something important I have to tell you," Evelyn said with urgency in her voice.

"Okay, Mom. I will go there. Just give me your complete address."

Evelyn just told Natasha the address of her hideout when suddenly Evelyn heard a loud bang coming from the entrance.

"Mom?! What is that sound?" Natasha also heard the noise over the phone. Evelyn had a bad feeling about it.


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