Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 181 She Lied

[ Lyca's Clinic… ]

Lyca was in her office when Dylan arrived. He was there to visit her and at the same time, ask her about Marceline. He still couldn't forget their first encounter in the hospital.

Despite the fact Dylan's mind was preoccupied by Marceline, he managed to bring flowers and chocolates for Lyca–a typical suitor trying to win a woman's heart.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have work for today?" Lyca asked Dylan. She sounded annoyed. She was still upset by Dylan's actions when he met Marceline.

Lyca couldn't understand if she was mad because what he did was inappropriate or because she was jealous.

Of course, she would not admit that she was jealous. It's just that she hated the way Dylan became so clingy to Marceline. But she knew she didn't have to get jealous as Marceline already had Kira.

"I'm here to visit you. Can't I do that?" Dylan put on a pitiful face while pouting his lips. "Here," he handed the flowers and chocolates over to Lyca.

Lyca's lips twitched, fighting a smile. She liked Dylan's sweet sides. He was also a gentleman. But she didn't know why she was still affected by Enrique's presence.

Her expression became gloomy as she remembered Enrique. She heard the news that Enrique's father, Ronan, got into an accident. Deep inside, she was wondering how he was doing right now.

"Ouch!" Lyca grunted and complained when Dylan suddenly pinched her cheek.

"You are spacing out! Are you surprised by my gifts?" Dylan asked her cheekily, letting out a husky laugh.

Lyca just rubbed her cheeks, looking daggers at Dylan. She put the flower on the top of her table then she punched Dylan's chest.

"Stop laughing. It's not funny!" Lyca looked away as she felt guilty. Dylan was there in front of her but she was thinking of another guy.

Meanwhile, Dylan loved teasing Lyca. She's cuter when her face is burning red from both anger and embarrassment. This was the reason why he was teasing her more often.

"Ly…" Dylan called her name sweetly. With his puppy-eyed look, he asked her, "Can you tell me more about Marceline Celeste Zhou?"

Lyca raised her eyebrow upon hearing that. "Why do you want to know her?"

"I feel like she's my long-lost sister," Dylan answered her truthfully.

Lyca just shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. "This is an old tactic of picking up ladies! Tsk Tsk. My best friend is an only child. She doesn't have a long-lost brother."

"I know… but–"

"No buts. You are just making up a story so that you can get information from me. Go and ask her yourself!" Lyca was moody today. She couldn't help but feel annoyed by Dylan.

In the end, Dylan just heaved a deep sigh. "Don't you believe in the connection between the two siblings? This we called Bond…"

Lyca just rolled her eyes. "What bond? Mate bond? Like those werewolves?"

Dylan was taken aback when Lyca mentioned the Mate Bond between werewolves.

"Do you know about werewolves' mate bonds?" Dylan's eyes sparkled with excitement, asking her expectantly. He found a glimpse of hope wherein Lyca might believe him about their mate bond.

He was dying to let her know that they were mates– a match made for each other. If she knew about werewolves then it would be easy for him to tell her about his real identity as a werewolf.

On the other hand, Lyca was puzzled seeing the excited look in his eyes. Dylan suddenly became interested in werewolves and their bond.

"I just read it in the books. Why?" Lyca answered him nonchalantly. What she said was true. She saw those articles and information in Marceline's book and reading materials.

Dylan felt disappointed because of what he heard. He thought Lyca believed in the existence of werewolves. His excitement dissipated into thin air.

"What will you do if you see a werewolf in real life?" Dylan asked her hypothetically.

"I'll beat it into a pulp!" Lyca declared matter-of-factly.

Dylan: "..."

'Beat me into pulp. But why?' Dylan asked himself inwardly.

In the end, he decided to ask her why. "Why do you want to beat a werewolf?"

"Because of Mar–" Lyca was not able to finish her words as she realized that she was not supposed to tell other people about Marceline's past.

She almost revealed to Dylan that Marceline was attacked and bitten by a giant wolf in the forest. Then her parents died together, trying to save her.

But of course, she hadn't seen any werewolves or giant wolves before so she didn't completely believe their existence.

"What? Because of what?" Dylan asked her, clarifying her previous remarks.

"Oh, it's nothing! I just feel like beating those creatures up if they are real," She said as an alibi.

Dylan could only scratch his face. He was aware that Lyca was hiding something from him. But he didn't want to force her just to know it.

"Dylan, I have to leave and see my patient. Go back to your work. Let's just meet again next time." Lyca was already sending Dylan away.

She removed her doctor's gown and hung it on the stand beside her office chair. She picked up her phone and grabbed her pouch.

"Let me drop you at the place of your patient!" Dylan suggested, stopping her from leaving just yet.

"No! It's okay. I want to go alone." Lyca insisted.

Dylan could only heave a sigh of defeat. "Okay. Just drive carefully."

Lyca and Dylan left her clinic as they went separate ways. The reason why Lyca wanted to go alone was that she planned on seeing Enrique to find out if he was just fine.


[ Golden City District Hospital… ]

Enrique was still in the private ward of his father. Ronan hadn't regained consciousness yet. But there was no complication with his surgery. It was successful.

The doctor and Enrique were just waiting for Ronan to wake up and check whether he could still move his legs or not.

Enrique was fixing his father's blanket when he heard the knocking sound outside the door. He walked over to open the door.

He thought it would be Natasha. But the person before him was none other than Lyca.

"Lyca?" Enrique mumbled, looking at her with a questioning gaze. He didn't expect to see her nor visit his father.

"May I come in?" Lyca politely asked Enrique. Her eyes were observing him from top to bottom. She could tell that Enrique hadn't slept yet. The dark circles underneath his eyes were visible but it didn't make him less attractive.

Enrique let Lyca enter, guiding her inside the ward. The entire room was engulfed by awkward silence. No one had spoken to them. They were just watching Ronan's sleeping figure.

After a few minutes, Lyca began asking Enrique about what happened to Ronan. The two talked about Ronan's condition and Grandpa Roland. After a few minutes, the two decided to check and monitor Grandpa Roland.

While walking in the hall, Lyca asked Enrique in the middle of their talk. "How are you coping with these things?"

Enrique was not able to respond. He even stopped walking as he turned around to face Lyca. He saw a hint of worry in her eyes. This made him speechless.

'I don't deserve to receive genuine concern from Lyca. I hurt her feelings. She should hate me, not worry about my current situation.'

Since Enrique remained silent, Lyca just hugged him tightly, comforting him. "Be strong, Enrique. You and Celeste will be able to overcome this challenge. Just hang on and keep the faith." Lyca began stroking his hair.

At this certain moment, Enrique hugged her back. He needed this kind of comfort. He was glad Lyca came. He had been lonely in the hospital. The Zhou Family was facing a great challenge.

"Thank you, Lyca. Your words of comfort are enough for me to feel at ease."

The two remained hugging each other, oblivious of the fact that there was another person walking in that hospital hallway. It was Dylan!

Lyca didn't know that Dylan also planned on checking Marceline so he also headed to the hospital, hoping he could see Marceline.

But to his dismay, Marceline was not around. He was about to leave when he caught a whiff of Lyca's scent.

Dylan immediately followed the source of her scent. And voila! He found her. However, Lyca was not alone! She was hugging another man and it was Marceline's cousin.

Dylan's eyes were set aflame because of anger and jealousy. Even his wolf, Lanlan, was growling inside his head.

Dylan was having a hard time controlling his rage. He hated to see his mate hugging another man! His wolf was about to take over his body and shift into a wolf form. Dylan had the urge to rip Enrique's body.

'Who is this guy?!! Why is he close to Lyca? She lied to me! She lied! This man is not her patient.' Dylan ground his teeth as he became more furious at the thought Lyca lied to him and met someone behind his back.

Afraid that he couldn't control his rage, Dylan decided to separate the two. He pushed Enrique away from Lyca's body. His sudden appearance surprised the two.

"D–Dylan…?" For some unknown reason, Lyca felt uneasy after seeing Dylan's dark expression. 'Is he mad?'

Not letting Lyca speak, Dylan dragged Lyca, going the other way which was opposite to Enrique.

"Hey, Dylan!!! Let go of my hand. You are hurting me!" Lyca complained but she was still following Dylan.

"I will not let go…"


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