Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 179 His Mortal Nemesis

[ Zhou Ancestral Mansion… 20 minutes ago ]

Xyon contacted Kira as soon as Marceline left the Zhou Empire. He was worried that something might happen to her.

Kira was still arguing with Little Lowell as the child didn't want to eat even if Kira kept on urging him to eat. Kira was trying to pull the little hybrid but he hooked his arm on the railings of the stairs.

That was the moment Xyon called Kira. The ringing sound of the phone made the two stop as their attention was diverted to the phone call.

Kira heaved a deep sigh before letting go of Little Lowell's hand.

"Go to the dining area and eat. I will just answer this phone."

The young boy just stuck his tongue out at Kira. He didn't want to listen to him. He preferred to be with Aunt Brianna than to be with Kira.

Kira didn't have a long patience with children but because Marceline cared about this particular child, Kira was trying his best to interact with the young hybrid.

Marceline told him to take care of the boy so here he was trying to fulfill and obey her command.

"Hello, Xy. What do you need?" Kira asked Xyon as soon as he answered the phone call.

"Mr. Alaric, we have bad news! Aunt Brianna passed away this morning. Big Boss heard the news and she left the office hurriedly. I don't know where she is going. She doesn't look okay. She's crying!" Xyon informed Kira with his worried tone.

Kira was also shocked upon hearing the news. Aunt Brianna was there in the mansion last night, taking care of Little Lowell. How could this happen?

But his main concern right now was Marceline. He knew how devastated she was as Aunt Brianna was like a mother to her.

"What are you waiting for? Use your skills to track her location, NOW!" Kira ordered Xyon.

Xyon hit his head when he heard that. He had forgotten about his ability to track Marceline using his computer skills. Fortunately, Kira reminded him of what he needed to do.

Not ending the call, Xyon put the phone on loudspeaker mode while he worked on his laptop. The tap-tap sound could be heard inside his office as he searched for Marceline's current location.

Three minutes later, Marceline's signal popped up on the map. He immediately sent her location to Kira. Marceline's signal was moving so it only meant she was driving right now. Then the signal stopped on the Golden City Bridge.

Kira ended the call after receiving Marceline's location. He had to go there as soon as possible. Who knows she had another suicidal thought after hearing this bad news.

Kira glanced at Lowell who was still clinging to the railings of the stairs.

"Little Kiddo, get your hoody jacket! We have to go and see your Mama!" Kira said to the boy. He had to bring Lowell as no one would watch over him in the house. He couldn't leave him alone.

On the other hand, Lowell's eyes brightened up at the mention of his Mama. This time he didn't object nor oppose Kira's words. He obediently went upstairs to get his hoodie jacket.

Aunt Brianna gave him this jacket last night in order to hide his wolf ears from the other people. He also had personalized gloves to hide his paws. His outfit could also conceal his tail.

In five minutes, Lowell excitedly went downstairs, eager to meet and find Marceline. The boy had become attached to Marceline. He already considered her as his mother.

Little Lowell voluntarily held Kira's hand as he pulled him towards the door. The young boy was so excited to see Marceline. Kira could only sigh helplessly as he watched the boy's little paws gripping his hand tightly.

"Okay. Let's go!"

Kira and Little Lowell used the other car as Kira sped off to Marceline's location. He was driving so fast.

When he reached the location, Marceline was already gone. But there were two people standing by the bridge– one was a woman and the other one was a man.

Kira's scarlet eyes gleamed the moment he recognized those two people– Dominique Silvano, his mortal nemesis, and Gisel, Selene's Beta.

'Is that Dominique? And… Gisel, Selene's close friend? What the hell?! What are they doing here? Why are they here?' Kira asked himself, gripping the steering wheel so tightly that it almost broke.

Little Lowell blinked his eyes in puzzlement as he noticed the dark and chilly expression on Kira's face. He was furious!

The little hybrid boy followed his line of sight and he saw Dominique and Gisel talking to each other. Kira stopped the car just a few meters away from the two. He started to spy on them by eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Why are you following me, Gisel?" Dominique asked Gisel with annoyance in his voice.

Gisel was not intimidated by Dominique's authoritative vibe. Instead, she looked at him with ridiculing eyes. She didn't hide the disgust in her eyes while staring at Dominique.

"I just want to know what have you done to my friend? She changed a lot as if she was a different person!" Gisel confronted Dominique, not hiding her real intention of following him.

Meanwhile, Dominique furrowed his eyebrows in a deep frown. He didn't like the way Gisel was talking to him. If she was not his wife's friend, Dominique would have hurt her already.

With respect to the friendship and relationship Gisel had with his wife, Dominique was tolerating her rude behavior towards him.

"My Luna has always been like that. Nothing changed! It was you who changed. How dare you come back and question me like this? Have you forgotten that it was you who abandoned her for your own dream?"

Gisel was not able to refute that. She was rendered speechless.

Dominique sneered at her while ridiculing her. "See? You can't defend yourself."

"Yeah! I know it's my fault! I shouldn't have left her. You changed her! It's you who influenced her to be like this! You took her away from Kira!"


Dominique was not able to control his anger so he slapped her. Kira was a taboo word for him!

"I didn't take her away! She's mine even from the beginning! She is my destined mate! She Is MINE!" Dominique was now enraged.

The two were so busy talking and arguing with each other that they failed to notice Kira's presence nearby. Kira was listening to them attentively as he could tell that they were talking about Selene, his former lover!

Kira ground his teeth when Dominique told Gisel that Selene was his to begin with!

'I was a fool! I didn't notice that the woman I love was already involved with another man.' Kira smiled bitterly at that thought.

As he continued to listen, Kira couldn't understand why Gisel was telling Dominique that he took Selene away from Kira.

'What does it mean?' Kira pondered to himself.

"She might be your mate, but you rejected her at first! When she got closer to Kira, you tried to recover the mate bond that you broke when you rejected her! You used her against Kira?!" Gisel blatantly said, not backing down.

'What? Dominique rejected Selene's first? But why?' Kira was confused by the words Gisel was saying.

"Kira and Selene loved each other but you used your mate bond to destroy them both!" Gisel accused Dominique.

"Hahaha! You are crazy, Gisel! What love are you talking about? She loved me, not that Bloodsucker King. Can't you see that she's happy now by my side?" Dominique boasted about his harmonious relationship with his wife.

On the other hand, Kira didn't know what to feel when he heard Gisel's words.

'What? Selene loved me… for real? Is Gisel telling the truth?' Kira's attention was so focused on the two figures.

Kira's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know if he would believe Gisel or not. His mind was in shambles right now.

'Selene loved me for real… does it mean… She didn't deceive me? But why? Why did she attack me that night?' Kira began to question things. He couldn't understand why Gisel was insisting Selene was in love with him.

'I thought she just pretended so that she could deceive me at the end.' Kira didn't want to have high hopes. But deep inside, his heart was hoping that Selene didn't betray him.

'What if Dominique blackmailed her that night? Is Selene the one who protected me from dying?' Kira recalled his dream. Someone helped him.

'Is Selene the one who helped me, sending my body to the human world to be protected from the werewolf clan?'

Kira began to roam his eyes in his surroundings, looking for Selene.

'Is she here as well?'

Kira wanted to ask Gisel but he couldn't! This was not the time to show himself to Dominique Silvano. Besides, he remembered that he had something important to do– to find Marceline and comfort her.

'Damn! Why am I wasting my time here? I should find Marceline as soon as possible.'

Kira glanced at Dominique one last time. 'We will face each other again. I will take everything from you!'

"Mama! Mama!" Little Lowell also felt impatient. He started tugging Kira's hand as if he was telling him to continue driving and find Marceline.

"Sigh! Relax kiddo! I know what to do. Alright! Let's go and find your Mama!"

Kira looked daggers at Dominique before he started the car. His main priority was Marceline so he had to find her. At least now, he knew that Dominique Silvano was also in the human world.


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