Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge

Chapter 13 The Reign Of Werewolf Clan

​ "May I know your name? Why are you being chased by these werewolves and witches?" Kira asked the vampire while he was tying the unconscious witch and werewolves up around the big tree.

"I'm Serafino, my Lord. Lots of changes have happened ever since your disappearance. We really thought you died. Dominique Silvano told everyone that he killed you." Serafino clenched his fists tightly, his tone filled with anguish.

Kira turned to look at him, wondering what had happened when he was gone.

"How long have I been gone?" he asked him.

"One thousand years, my Lord," he promptly responded.

"WHAT??!" Kira's eyes widened in utter disbelief the moment he heard his response.

"One thousand years… I slept for one thousand years…" Kira muttered as he slumped his body on the ground.

"No wonder the human world looks very different from before…"

Serafino politely nodded his head as affirmation of Kira's last remarks. He thought that their Vampire King must be in shock as of this moment.

"Serafino… tell me everything that happened in the Kingdom Phantasia and in the human world during my absence." Kira focused all his attention on Serafino, waiting to hear a very long story.

Serafino gritted his teeth as he recalled the downfall of the vampire clan. It all began when their Vampire King disappeared and Dominique Silvano ruled the Kingdom Phantasia.

"One thousand years ago, the Kingdom Phantasia was put in a chaotic state when Dominique declared your death. Another war between vampire clan and werewolf clan broke out."

Serafino paused for a moment, sucking a deep breath. He could still vividly remember the bloody night wherein lots of their comrades were killed. It was a one-sided fight.

"Your vampire general, Raizel Uchiha, led the vampire clan. He tried his best to stop Dominique and his clan from ruling the land. But we were outpowered. We were defeated. The vampire clan suffered a great loss."

Kira didn't know what to feel after hearing this. He felt responsible for this. He should have fought until the end, instead of accepting his tragic fate that night.

Just because he was heartbroken and felt betrayed, he had lost the will to live. He even told Dominique to be the King of Phantasia as he didn't care anymore.

His heart was suddenly filled with a raging fury. He hated Dominique Silvano but he loathed himself more. He was deceived and betrayed. Because of that, his vampire clan suffered from the consequences of his own actions.

"The werewolves enslaved the vampires, making us into submission... making us work and serve the werewolf clan. This was their revenge for the humiliation they got when you defeated Dominique and the werewolf clan during the great battle." Serafino couldn't hide the hatred and anger he had against the werewolves.

Kira couldn't utter a word. He was just quietly listening to his every word while trying to control the blazing fury that was awakened deep inside his heart.

"Dominique took control of the food sources of the vampires, making us so weak. The blood supply coming from the Human World was taken over by Dominique. This is his way of threatening and suppressing the vampires who will try to retaliate against them."

Those were the darkest moments of the vampire clan. Disobedience would mean unbearable punishment and torment or death.

Some vampires fled most especially the loyal comrade of Kira. They went to the human world to hide from Dominique's power. Serafino was one of those vampires who successfully escaped from Dominique's grasp.

But Dominique was not satisfied. He created a group that would hunt those vampires who would pose a threat to him. They were called Witches and Wolves Warriors.

"My Lord, Dominique is a cunning and greedy monster. He is not satisfied by ruling the Kingdom Phantasia. He began spreading his power and influence here in the Human World."

Serafino glanced at the witch and werewolves who were tied down in the big tree.

"They are members of Triple W. Here in the human world, Triple W looks like a security agency for humans. But little did they know, this agency has another purpose. Triple W means Witches and Werewolves Warriors. Their primary purpose is to hunt the vampires who rebel against Dominique and those vampires who fled from Kingdom Phantasia just like me."

Kira couldn't believe that everything he had worked for his clan would be put in vain just because of one fatal mistake- loving the wrong girl.

After hearing the sufferings of his vampire clan, he swore to reclaim the throne and punish the traitors. He would avenge the deaths of his fellow vampires.

"Serafino, what happened to my vampire general, Raizel?" There was a look of deep concern in his eyes as he asked him about the whereabouts of his loyal general who also happened to be his best friend.

Serafino glanced at Kira with a faint smile on his face. "Don't worry, my Lord. General Raizel survived. He also escaped from Kingdom Phantasia. He is hiding here in the Human World, trying to build his army and strengthen the vampire clan once again."

"Our morale is low but once they learn that you are alive, my Lord… we will find our strength to fight back and rebuild our clan."

Kira held Serafino's shoulder. His face was covered with complicated emotions. He needed to start again from the bottom and lead them to another sweet victory. He was able to do it before so he could do it again.

But to do that, he had to reunite all the vampires. He needed to protect them against Dominique's army. He must save those vampires who were being enslaved by werewolves.

"Serafino, do you know where Raizel is right now?"

Serafino shook his head, feeling dejected. "I am also searching for General Raizel, my Lord. But I'm so lucky that I stumbled with you instead!"

Kira's lips curled up into a small smile. He was also glad to meet Serafino. Because of him, he learned everything he needed to know after he was awakened from a deep sleep.

"Serafino, I will give you an important task. Do you think you can manage it despite the fact, werewolves and witches are everywhere, hunting our kinds?"

Serafino bobbed his head frantically, great determination reflected in his eyes.

"Just give me your order, my Lord! I will do my best to fulfill it. Don't worry about me. The werewolves will become busy this month and can't hunt for several days because of their mating season."

Kira's eyes lit up upon hearing that. This meant they could move freely without worrying about those werewolves hunting them down.


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