Monster Soul Online

Chapter 7: Who Must I Kill to Meet That Guy

Chapter 7: Who Must I Kill to Meet That Guy

The sleepy girl woke up and rubbed her eyes softly.

A couple of days earlier, she had been working hard without any rest. The reason for that was her grandfather. She didnt know how he did, but the Beginner Building had become an isolated place because of him. There had been rumors about you would be killed by an NPC if youre careless, or about their slogan We, wise and lovely NPC, welcome all new players. is totally fake.

She had to put a lot of effort into bringing players to use Beginner Buildings services again. She had advertised, cleared works, planned a marketing campaign, and felt so exhausted to the point that she had to secretly take a nap in her player service room.

When she looked around, she was startled that there was a young man sitting in the room. She was shocked because, normally, if she didnt allow, anyone would be unable to enter this room. This actually was the main reason why she chose to rest in this room.

Soon the young mans eyes opened.

Oh, I see that you are awake now, Miss Lucy, the man in Beginner Clothing greeted her.

Hmm? This person knows me? Lucy now pondered where she had met him.

Sila saw the womans confused reaction and felt unsure he just mistook someone else for Lucy or not, since he had never met Lucy before.

Are you not Lucy, Crows granddaughter?

Oh, sorry. I am Lucy. Are you my grandfathers acquaintance?

We once talked when I used this places service.

Sila started telling Lucy how he met Crow. He also used this chance to ask for information that Crow had irresponsibly told him, I dont know too. Go find out about that yourself with Lucy; which she could answer them perfectly, lived up to the title Wise and lovely NPC.

I should take my leave now. By the way, how can I go out of this room? asked Sila.

Lucy waved her hand. Then, the door was opened

Its our pleasure to serve you, sir, said Lucy with a smile.

Sila said thanks and stepped out of the room.


Sila slowly walked along Beginning Towns main road, heading toward the restaurant just as the mysterious message telling him.

Since I have come to this game, I only acquainted myself with Miss Muay at the Card Shop, Mister Crow, the man in wuxia clothing, and Miss Lucy, didnt I?

He began to guess the identity of the sender. Miss Muay was NPC so she shouldnt have any reason to send him a message. Crow should have been gone back to Madmens Valley already. The man in wuxia clothing was also out of the list since they two didnt even have a proper conversation. As for Lucy, hed just met her after receiving the message.

Im really clueless.

Shortly, Sila spotted a group of people tightly gathered on the street, blocking his path. The town only had one main road, so if he planned to visit a restaurant, he would have to go through.

He peeked at the situation over the crowds shoulders and found that there were three men cornering one young man and young woman.

Sila had a principle not to interfere with other peoples business. The world is cruel like that. The strong devour the weak, the wolves hunt the rabbits. If you dont want to be hunted, then dont be a rabbit. Only strength will make you survive. Moreover, it might be another story if those two in the corner were someone who couldnt fight. But since they didnt look weak, Sila had more reason to not intervene. Most importantly, this was just a games matter.

Judging by the situation, the incident would come to an end soon. The side of one young man and one young woman was badly injured. Though the people on the other side were injured too, they were still getting the upper hand since they had more people.

You two, just give up and hand us the Serpent Heart obediently. The brutal man who seemed to be the boss of the side of three people said.

My companions and I hunted for this item ourselves. We even faced a lot of casualties, so I cannot give it to you. Not to mention that we obtained it rightfully, stated the young man.

Rightful? You are quite wrong here. The Great White Serpent was a monster that our guild settled on for a long time ago. But since it wasnt fully mature, its heart wouldnt contain any special effect. We had patiently waited for it to grow up, but then your party snatched away our prey. We had invested a lot of resources into feeding it, so we are the rightful one here to obtain its heart.

But, when we said we were going to hunt it, you guys said we could take anything if we won, shouted the young woman, Then what is this? When we actually successfully hunted it down, you guys are trying to plunder our loot. Is this an act of a righteous side!?

A righteous side, huh? Are these bandit-looking guys really being considered as a justice side?

Sila couldnt imagine these guys to be good men no matter how he looked at them, either appearance-wise or action-wise.

Sila kept waiting but both sides were still shouting at each other, stating they were righteous for various reasons. However, Sila could tell that both sides were trying to recover themselves in secret; they all were looking for an opportunity to strike. Although the conversation was ongoing, if one side scrambled, that side would be attacked immediately.

Since he couldnt go through this crowd anyway, Sila then inquired about the situation from the man in front of him, Big Bro, could you please tell me whats going on here?

The mob turned their head to Sila. They saw Sila in Beginner Clothing and comprehended that Sila wouldnt have known the stories in this game and about this incident. They then enjoyably explained many things to Sila.

Sila could summarize all gamers explanations as followed:

The group of three bandit-looking men had planned to hunt the Great White Serpent together long ago. But since it had been still immature, they had decided to feed it. The feeding here meant making it through a fight to increase its abilities and growth. They had let it fought against several Squire Rank wolves of level 20 by catching the wolves and releasing them into the Great White Serpents territory.

Nevertheless, this morning, the party of those two currently cornered people, which their group originally had consisted of seven people before, had traveled to the Great White Serpents territory and met with the savage men group.

The group of savage men had inspected the newly arrived groups level and found that all members of this party were only level 50s. Their group had been so sure that this party couldnt possibly kill the Great White Serpent, which was a monster in Squire Rank, level 250; so they had let this arrogant group passed through.

However, contrary to the savage men groups expectation, with a well-coordinated fighting method of this team of seven people, the Great White Serpent had been killed. Then, the savage group had rushed into the battlefield to loot items, and been able to slay five persons of the opposite team since they had been all exhausted from the previous fight.

The team of seven, which their members had been reduced to two, used Returning Scroll to escape to Beginning Town. But the savage gang had gone after them. In the end, the fight continued in this place as Sila now witnessed.

Sila could hear one person saying that the Serpent Heart was an item that can promote ones rank from Squire to Knight if ones level reaches 1,000.

About Rank, Sila had heard from Lucy that, in Monster Soul, both player and monster had rank. The ranks were ranged by strength from Squire, Knight, Marquis, Lord, to Emperor Rank. Each rank had a level cap at 1,000; and when one was promoted, ones level would be at 1 of the new rank.

With the ability to promote rank, the Serpent Heart was considered a very important item. Its market price was a whopping 30 gold. Its no wonder why both groups tried to claim their right to get it.

Now, Sila was more interested in these onlookers. Its one thing for him that he had a principle not to interfere in others affair, but why these people just stood still and did nothing? If the Serpent Heart was truly that precious, there should be many people here who wanted to snatch it themselves. In fact, it shouldnt be weird at all if someone was consumed by greed and shamelessly engaged in the battle.

Sila stated this curious opinion out, and theres someone answered him.

Little Bro, its normal that no one would dare to interfere in the affairs of the Heavenly Dragon Guild.

Heavenly Dragon Guild? Sila frowned. He thought he had heard this name before.

Those bandit-looking men are members of the Heavenly Dragon Guild established by Montra, the one who entitled as Magic Emperor, one of Four Emperors.

Silas face changed to be an expressionless one. If theres someone who truly knew him here, one would immediately realize that this was a Silas symptom of trying to suppress the anger inside of him.

The crowd saw Sila became silent and misunderstood that maybe Sila didnt know about Montra and the Heavenly Dragon Guild since he was a new player. So they started explaining.

Montra is held up as the strongest player in the game. Because in the war event last year, Four Emperors; which consist of Montra: Magic Emperor, Lone Wolf: Qi Emperor, Zero: Shadow Emperor, and Cross: Sword Emperor; clashed, and the winner of that event was Montra. Since then, Montra is hailed as the strongest player, and his Heavenly Dragon Guild became a mighty one. The Heavenly Dragon Guild is a large guild with many members; its also the most influential guild in the game as of now. It has been claimed as the guild of a righteous side and maintains for games balance and peace.

Sila had listened enough. He circulated Qi of Little Fish and magically passed through the crowd as if hes a little fish swimming through a fishnet.

Finally, he entered the battlefield, receiving everyones attention.

Sila now was wearing a Beginner Clothing in a Chinese style that had long sleeves down to both hands, covering all his arms to fingertips. If ones didnt look close enough, they wouldnt notice that his right-hand fingertips werent looked like those of a human.

This outward appearance of Sila now was due to Lucys recommendation. He had consulted with Lucy how to hide his right arm that many people often glance at it.

Lucy told him that although Beginner Clothing had a starting form of a short sleeve shirt with long pants; since Monster Soul Online had no occupation system while some player wanted to get a feeling of being a swordsman, mage, priest, etc.; Beginner Clothingthen had a trivial feature to change its original form to another three forms: leather clothing for an adventurer, silk cloak for a mage, and long-sleeve cotton clothing for a Wuxia; which Sila was now wearing.

Sila turned his back to the man and the woman, gazing longingly to three savage men.

Now that hes close to them, he could spot that the collars of these mens clothes were embroidered with the white Chinese dragon, so he assumed that this was a symbol of the Heavenly Dragon Guild.

Who are you? asked the boss of the savage men group.

Where is that bastard Montra?

Sila didnt answer but asked back in a cold tone.

Those around him panicked, Who is this man to dare to call Magic Emperor without respect in front of the Heavenly Dragons Guild member?

The leader of savage men group shouted at Sila:

Kid! Not only you are interfering with our Heavenly Dragon Guilds matter, but you also called our guild leader without respect. You are done for today.

And when his subordinate whispered something to him, the brutal smile was formed.

Hahaha, and you are just a newbie with level 3.

Sila was a little surprised that his opponent knew his level, but he didnt change his expression.

Actually, there was a way to inspect another players level. In fact, this could be done by upgrading ones system sindow. Naturally, Silas level had been inspected by most players since he had entered into the battle scene.

Inspecting the others level could only be performed when the inspectors system window grade was higher than the one who was inspected. With Silas F Grade system window, anyone could easily inspect his level.

Although level was unimportant in this game, the savage men totally thought that Sila was an easy opponent.

With level 3 and wearing Beginner Clothing, Sila looked truly like a newbie. Not only that, his outward appearance was that of a Wuxia who tends to use qi. In this game, the player in qi type could start training Basic Qi only when ones level is above 50. So, with that logic, Sila was only viewed as an easy prey for them.

The cornered young man behind Sila also inspected Silas level and concluded the same. He then told Sila with concernedness.

Little Bro, this is our matter. I know that you have good intention, but you shouldnt be involved in this affair. Please step back.

Sila didnt even look back, Im not here to help you. I just have my own business with the Heavenly Dragons guild members.

The woman felt angry upon hearing Silas conceited voice. Her friend had been trying to help just now, but instead of Sila thanking them, he even didnt care.

Hey! You! Big Brother Tiger was trying to help you just now. Not a word of thanks was bad enough, but you even rejected his kind deed.

Tiger saw his friend misbehaved so he turned his head to talk to her, Dont be like that, Alice.

While three of them was busy talking, one of the savage men groups subordinate saw a chance and rushed toward them, his target was Sila. Now many onlookers closed their eyes since they didnt want to see the scene of someone dead.

Dies! Your weakling!

Silas only glimpsed at attackers assault. Compared to level 80 Black Wolf, this attack looked rather slow. He struck his blue-light glowing hand to his opponent. Although his hands movements looked slow, its actually fast.

In a flash, his opponent was bounced off. He then was caught by his teammate.

Unexpectedly, it works. Who knows that Qi of Little Fish can be used to attack as well? I always thought that it could only be used for dodging.

Sila gazed his left hand while imaging how he could utilize his qi further.

Now, everyone was stunned and stared at Sila everyone here included the crowd, savage men, and Tiger and Alice as well.

... Kill him first.

Three of savage men made eye contact and then attacked Sila simultaneously from three sides. In their hands were thick swords, theyre coming at Sila from different directions.

Sila dodged to the left and then hardened his right hand while circulating Qi of Little Tiger into it. Sila used his hand as though its a sword; he thrust it into one of his enemies chest. Palm sword stabbed through the heart, which is undoubtedly a vital point. His opponent couldnt even scream before he turned into a light and disappeared.

Silas two other enemies turned their head to witness the sight of their friend dying. The anger was intense than fear; their boss, who was nearest to Sila, thrust his sword to Silas back.

Sila span his body to the left while concentrating Qi of Little Fish into his left hand. He used it to grab his opponents wrist and then harshly twisted it, making his enemy cried in pain.

Silas last opponent saw his boss being held tightly. Thus, he immediately cast Lightning Arrow toward Sila. Its one of the low-tier spells that require no cast time.

Sila felt pain as soon as he was hit by a lightning arrow. He had learned from Lucy that one cant evade magic unless one reaches a very high level, uses special item, skill, or card. Thus, magic arrows are very popular among players. Even players that didnt intend to be magic-type player usually possess some magic skills, especially magic arrows, which didnt have a cast time.

The system sound suddenly rang.

Right Arm of the Sealed One has received lightning-element energy, the special skill: Electromagnetic Field is unlocked.

Sila didnt listen to the sound of the system. He was busy focusing on circulating Recovering Qi to relieve his pain while putting more forces into his grasp to make thick sword fell out of enemys hand that hed locked.

Next, he quickly concentrated Qi of Little Tiger into his right foot and used it to kick the dropping sword toward the enemy who just had hit him with magic.

The sword was spinning so fast that Silas opponent couldnt properly react. It soon cut his head off, resulting in the fountain of blood, which was a very terrible sight for all onlookers. Fortunately, a few seconds after, this frightening scene turned out to be a white light and disappeared.

Meanwhile, Sila hadnt finished his attack yet. His right foot didnt stop for just kicking a sword but went further and kicked at his opponents knee mercilessly. His opponent screamed in pain and lay down helplessly.

After that, Silas figure was looked like a grim reaper. He crossed his arm behind his back and stood still as if all of these series of the event werent related to him. This was a stance that Sila imitated from Lone Wolf. Sila thought it looked cool so he did the same.

All the events had happened and ended too quickly. Even Tiger who tried to interfere in a helping manner was stunned. No, its safe to say that the same thing was applied to the entire crowd as well.

Where is Montra? slowly asked Sila.

I-I dont know where the leader is, really! He always keeps practicing in secret. I am just an underling so-

Then, who knows?

T-The Two Monarchs or Five Warlords would know. But except for Sir Black Star Warlord who stations at Alkedia City, I dont know where the others are.

Sila listened quietly then spoke in a loud voice.

Go tell everyone in the Heavenly Dragon Guild this: tell Montra to get his ass out and meet me.If he not, I will definitely crush everything related to the Heavenly Dragon Guild until he comes out.

After declaration, Sila concentrated Qi of Little Tiger on his foot and kicked his opponents chest heavily, sending him to an afterlife. He then walked toward a restaurant while the crowd backed off from his path unconsciously.

At that time, Tiger and Alice were still in shock. They could only stare blankly at Sila walking away without anyone dared enough to give him their thanks.

T/N for Thai readers: you might notice that "Rank" is ordered differently than the original novel (changing from Marquis -> Knightto Knight -> Marquis.) This is due to the fact that author wrote about this when he mistakenly believed that Knight has a superior nobility than Marquis (which he realized his false later and decided that it's too late to change it since reader had become accustomed by it.) Thus, me and author had consulted each other and decided to change it in translator version so that we can give an easier-to-understand reading experience to worldwide reader.

ZachLoboDevoradorZachLoboDevorador August 2018


Thanks for the chapter! :D :D

SinlessSinless August 2018 edited January 19

Chapter 8: A Bet in a Restaurant

After walking out for a moment, Sila then just realized that he had forgotten to state his name out. Needless to say, as the right moment had already passed, he didnt want to go back and tell the crowd his name, since that would be lame.

Sila decided to leave thing like this. There would be another chance later.

He was more interested in system sound in his system log.

You have defeated Player Bloody Face, Squire Rank, Level 165. You have received 8,000 experience points. The defeated player is Wanted Player, so you can claim your reward at Bounty Hunter Association later.

You have defeated Player Soul Slayer, Squire Rank, Level 141. You have received 7,000 experience points. The defeated player is Wanted Player, so you can claim your reward at Bounty Hunter Association later.

You have has defeated Player Cruel Executioner, Squire Rank, Level 150. You have received 7,500 experience points. The defeated player is Wanted Player, so you can claim your reward at Bounty Hunter Association later.

Your Level has been risen to 18.

Sila wasnt astonished by the fact that he got experience points. Since he had known from Lucy that, in this game, players were like monsters; they could be killed for experience point, although they wouldnt drop money or items (except for dying by some special abilities.)

In Monster Soul, there was no such thing as chaotic status or penalty for killing another player, so people could freely kill others. However, system had a service for player to put others name into bounty hunters list, with the fee amounted to 10% of the bounty. To put it simply, your name can be on a bounty hunters list even if you did nothing wrong but just being hated by someone, whereas even the most evil players name might be not on the list if no one dare to do so. Anyway, if you stayed online actively for one month in-game time while on a bounty hunters list, the bounty on you would gone, and you would receive 50% of your bounty yourself, while the rest would be transferred to game system. Then, if your enemy still bared hatred toward you, he would have to submit your name again.

The thing that made Sila surprised was rather a noticeable low amount of experience points he got. Normally, if players killed creature that had higher level than them, they would receive a bonus experience point. But even with that bonus, the experience points Sila had received was very low due to penalty from the Greed Card.

Sila went straight to a restaurant. The restaurant in the Beginning Town was decorated in a Chinese style. The chairs and tables were all made of wood. The restaurant was crowded with people. But it didnt take too long for one waiter to come forward and welcome Sila.

Welcome, Big Bro, what would you like to eat for today?

The waiter in silk Chinese clothing greeted Sila.

I have an appointment with someone on second floor.

Then please come this way.

The waiter led Sila to second floor. During their short trip, Sila noticed that there were many people glancing at him.

Weird. Why are they glancing at me? Are they Heavenly Dragon Guilds members who come to revenge me? No, that shouldnt be. That event was just only five minutes ago. They shouldnt be this quick.

When he arrived at second floor, there was only one person here, contrary to the floor below. Sila turned his head to waiter.

That lady over there reserved all seats in this floor for three days, telling she would be waiting for her friend. This is the second day that she has been waiting.

The waiter gestured his hand to one table that one woman sitting behind it.

Then, that young woman turned her head to Sila and bowed.

Please come and sit here. Mister Sila, She started greeting.


Sila walked and then sat on the chair in opposite of her. Now they were separated by just one table. Meanwhile, the waiter excused himself off.

It was then that Sila had the opportunity to look at this young woman closely.

She was a very pretty woman. Her face was fresh and bright. Her beautiful black hair was put up into a bun and pinned with a barrette. She was wearing a white kimono with blue wave pattern, which was matching with a short Japanese sword leaning beside her chair.

Please have a cup of tea first. She slowly poured tea into Silas cup.

Thank you. Sila drank it, but it was hot, making Sila showed a bit of troubled expression.

The young woman revealed a faint smile and said, You dont have to hurry.

Umm ... Im sorry, but Im pretty sure that I havent known you before, Sila immediately brought a conversation into main topic.

Sila might not know me, but I heard about you from my dad.

Your dad?

Rashane is my dad.

Sila now started to understand. He remembered Uncle Rashane had told him that Rashanes daughter was also playing this game as well. She even had played for a long time.

I see, so perhaps you have some business with me?

She was smiling slightly, I personally dont, but my dad asked me to tell you something.


He tried to contact you. He previously planned to let you play briefly so he didnt set the timer on brain scanner you are using. However, you have played for over one day and still havent logged off, so he was starting to worry and sent me to search for you.

Sila began to feel guilty that he had made his uncle concerned about him. Rashane was really very nice to him.

My dad told me you might use Sila as your in-game name so I tried contacting you using that clue. But since we arent on each other friend list, I used the massaging system to send you a letter. Well, the system told me that you were in a special area that forbade communication, so I decided to wait here.

It seemed, for Sila, that the Mansion of the Seven Deadly Sins was a special area that he couldnt contact nor be contacted to anyone outside.

I wont log out until I achieve my objective here, Sila told her simply.

Do you mean ... fighting against Montra?

Sila was surprised that she knew his objective.

I heard about it from my dad. Never mind that, just when do you think you can achieve that goal? A day, a month, or a year?

Sila didnt answer her question. He was fully aware of the meaning behind her words. It was only his stubbornness that kept him from logging out. He just felt that he still hadnt done anything worthy since he had entered the game. At the very least, he wanted to know Montra's current whereabout.

The young woman sat quietly, giving more time for Sila to think.

By the way, whats your name?

Sila asked her to brighten the mood. But before she could respond, there was a loud voice shouting up, answering Silas question on her behalf.

Goddess of Purified Water is visiting my territory. How rude of me to greet you this late?

Sila turned back to see the group of around fifty men dressed in warriors, mages, and archers clothes. The one who had shouted was the man wearing flame red armor. If its not because of those who were staying behind him that seemed ready to assault, that previous sentence of him could be considered very polite.

I wondered for a bit, but in the end, its just you, a weak bandit that I has killed before. Well, Im sorry that I couldnt remember your name, answered the young woman with polite tone.

Despite the courteous tone, Sila who didnt know the situation at all still comprehended that she was insulting that the other side was not worth remembering.

The man in flame red armor knew the meaning of those words as well. His face showed a distorted expression, You bitch ...

The woman saw Sila sitting still without a sign of panic or fear expression. She felt a little curious. With her father telling her that Sila had just started playing this game; Silas avatar wouldnt be high in level. Well, she somehow knew that Sila had been practicing martial arts since childhood, and that would be a reason for his calm expression.

However, no matter how excel he was in the real world, it would take time for him to adjust himself to accustom with in-game skills, magic, and weapons. Moreover, it would also take a long time to move his avatar as freely as his own actual body.

Witnessing Silas overconfidence and his stubbornness nature like this, she concluded that Sila was childish. She then smiled unconsciously.

Her opponents saw that smile and misunderstood that she was looking down on them. So, they unsheathed their weapon.

The woman unsheathed her short sword too; amazingly, the sword changed its form and turned out to be a two-meter-long katana, causing Sila to stare at it in astonishment.

The woman saw Sila interested in her sword, so she explained.

This is my Spiritual Sword named Shadow Moon. Its a sword that combines characteristics of Japanese and Western Sword.

Spiritual Sword?

Yes. A Spiritual Sword can only be obtained upon inserting card of the monster in magical beings race into the card window when player is human race. (Magical being means the lifeless creature with a soul, mostly created or enhanced by magic, such as Golem or Cursed Sword.)

Oh, you mean selecting a race, right? asked Sila.

Thats it. For this race, upon race changing, you will get one Spiritual Equipment as a bonus. It can be selected as a sword, axe, or even armor. But you cannot change it nor remove it from your equipment window.

Hmm then, whats it good for?

It has a soul, so although it absorbs your experience point, it can be evolved and gained a skill like player and monster.

That sounds much better than my race.

The woman was a little surprised by the fact that Sila had already selected a race.

So this is why he seems so confident. Well, in this case

She came up with of a plan.

Now, her opponents were very furious. Not only the other side didnt care them, she and he also kept talking together about games matter as if they were nothing but thin air.

Two underlings from the group couldnt stand this humiliation anymore. They rushed to Sila, as they saw he wore the Beginner Clothing.

Weirdly enough, despite the fact that these guys had been originally picking a fight against the woman, they were instead attacking Sila.

Sila looked at the woman, but she didnt seem to do anything. She was just calmly looking back at Sila, which made Sila felt as if he was insulted whether he could win against these two guys or not.

Silas expression changed into a cold one as hes now somehow upset. Then, he activated a skill that hed recently acquired, which hed read its description before entering the restaurant.

Electromagnetic Field.

Special skill: Electromagnetic Field

Creates a circular electromagnetic field around user. The length of the radius will be depended on charged electric energy.

*Do not require magic point. But require lightning-element energy for activation.

Every object within three meters radius around Sila was transfixed in their current location. The woman was affected by this skill as well. Her face showed a slightly surprised expression before quickly turned back to normal.

But for two charging people, their expression showed extreme panic. Both of them felt numb all over. Their body was stopped and transfixed in midair.

Sila stood up. He circulated Qi of Little Tiger into his both hands and stroke at two stationary targets. Their body flew back to the rest of their group, collided, and then disappeared.

All the people on the other side were dumbfounded. They heard that Goddess of Purified Water had come alone so they even gathered fifty level 300s players to teach her a lesson for killing them three times.But now in front of them was a man in Beginner Clothing who possessed powerful qi and remarkable skill, despite his level being 18.

Sila sat down again while listening to system sound telling him that his level rose to 22 before picked up a cup of tea without looking at anyone.

The woman smiled and started speaking, Now I know the reason why you seemed confident. It must come from the ability to use qi. But isnt a qi-related quest only accessible when the avatars level reaches 50 first?

Someone transmitted it to me.

So you didnt learn it yourself, huh? She said that without even looking at Sila

Silas eyes changed slightly, which she could notice. Sila comprehended that she was insulting him that no matter how skillful he was, his ability still was derived from other.

She gave Sila a smile; it was her attempt to provoke Sila further.

Would you like to have a bet with me?

What kind of bet? Sila asked back without changing his expression.

We will bet on whoever can kill those thieves more. If I win, you have to accept three of my requests, but if you win-

She hadnt finished talking yet, but Sila interfered, Why do I have to bet with you?

She smiled and turned to look at Sila, Its just for fun. Yeah, actually, you dont have to if you dont dare. Just leisurely watch me killing these thieves, then. She said that while standing up.

Sila drank all his tea in one go and bumped the cup to the table, making a loud noise.

Fine. If I win, dont show your face to me ever again, said Sila.


Sila stood up alongside her, sending off his anger toward those thieves, and then started circulating his qi.

This was a fight with his pride on the line.


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