Monster Soul Online

Chapter 5: Mansion of the Seven Deadly Sins – Last Par

Chapter 5: Mansion of the Seven Deadly Sins – Last Par

Sila gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Although this wouldnt be his actual death, with his painfulness level equaled to that of the real life, head exploding wouldnt be anything near his preferred cause of death.

However, after being prepared to receive tremendous pain, nothing actually happened. Sila then slowly opened his eyes, seeing the man in wuxia clothing still stood at the previous position, his hand also still on Silas head as well. The only thing that changed was the fact that the mans body was drenched in sweat.

Immediately, Sila felt like some kind of energy flowed into his body.

As he had experienced this situation before when Crow had given him Recovering Qi, Sila immediately knew that this mans intention wasnt malice; he just wanted to give Sila some power.

Four different kinds of qi circulated inside Silas body. Sila immediately knew his limit that he wouldnt be able to control all of them at the same time, so he assiduously circulated one at a time, leaving the rests to flow inside his body without control, which was very dangerous.

Anywhere that uncontrolled qi went, Sila would feel painful there. The feeling was like his skin was broken down. Nevertheless, he tried to ignore them. He slowly and patiently circulated each qi despite the pain.

He didnt know how long it had been, but finally, all four qi were in a stable state.

System sound alarmed.

You have learned a passive skill: Basic Qi Level 1.

You have learned a passive skill: Qi of Little Fish Level 1.

You have learned a passive skill: Bone Restructuring Qi Level 1.

You have learned a passive skill: Qi of Little Tiger Level 1.

When Sila opened his eyes, he noticed that the wuxia guy had gone back to his corner, sitting and circulating his qi. Sila guessed that that man must have lost a significant amount of power to give him four qi simultaneously.

Sila had waited for a long time. But that man still didnt seem like he would open his eyes soon. So Sila went back to his position and started eating food from his own food box and drinking water from the bottle while studying his newly acquired skills.

(C) Basic Qi Level 1

The most basic qi of qi-type skills. Increases efficiency of other qi depends on its skill level.

(A) Qi of Little Fish Level 1

One of qi of Little Divine Beings that increases your dexterous. The dexterous means the agility to respond to an action, not speed.

(B) Bone Restructuring Qi Level 1

Qi that enhances your body. Increases your maximum health point and magic point depends on its skill level.

(A) Qi of Little Tiger Level 1

One of qi of Little Divine Beings that increases your strength.

Reading this information, Sila found that all four qi was very useful to him. He felt truly grateful for the mans action and wanted to express his thanks. But no matter how long he waited for, the man still sat still.

Even more hours had passed, but the man still motionless. Sila then decided to kill time by circulating his qi. Finally, he entered the meditation state again.

A sound of system informing the level of his various qi-related skills rising up couldnt distract Silas concentration at all. He didnt even know how much time had passed when he opened his eyes again.

Both Silas eyes could see a figure of the wuxia man looking at him.

Sila nodded; then, the man nodded back and took something out. Its the half piece of the Emblem to the Mansion of the Seven Deadly Sins. That man placed it on the table and then stepped backward.

Is he trying to tell me that he isnt hostile? Sila thought, and decided to place his own half piece on the table too, trying to convey that me too.

The man nodded before walking into the room behind the black door, which was the training room. Sila saw that and followed him.

The man stood in front of the altar that could be used for summoning monster, and pointed to the middle of the room as if trying to tell Sila to go there.

Sila did so without question.

The man typed something on an altar. The system sound could be heard afterward.

Monster Black Wolf, Squire Rank, Level 20, has appeared.

Hexagram symbol emerged on the ground near Silas feet, followed by the appearance of a wolf in black fur. Its two-meter tall and its eyes color was blood red. Its white fangs looked both majestic and vicious.

Sila shocked. Actually, it would be weird for him not to be shocked, since he hadnt faced any monster besides the Pink Slime.

Pink Slime has only one attack pattern, body bump, which was very easy to read. Their levels were also varied from just 1 to 2. With a level 20 wolf in front of him, he felt unconfident in beating it. It also looked much stronger than slime.

The black wolf didnt follow Silas line of thoughts. It didnt hesitate to attack Sila as soon as it fully appeared. It launched at Sila who was standing next to it.

Sila evaded it and used his right hand to strike the wolf. It then bounced to the side but immediately stood up as if it hadnt taken any damage.

The wolf glanced at Sila and jumped at him again, this time its target was his leg.

Sila lifted his right leg to dodge but he still took some damage. The sharp fangs cut his right leg, creating a small lesion. However, Sila followed the battle flow and hit a wolf again.

Silas fight was a rough one. He only stroke after evading the wolfs attack. Finally, ten minutes passed and the wolf disappeared. Sila wiped the sweat on his face while thinking that he did quite well, for level 3s player like him to fight against level 20s monster.

When Sila turned around, he saw the man in wuxia clothing was crossing his arms over the chest. The mans facial expression showed that he was dissatisfied by the result. He beckoned Sila to walk to his position, and then pressed something on an altar, before going to Silas previous position.

Hexagram symbol emerged on the ground again, except this time it was very big.

Monster Black Wolf, Squire Rank, Level 850, has appeared.

Sila was so shocked. Were his ears playing a trick on him? Did he just hear the word level 850? But his suspect completely gone in an instant when he saw the body of a black wolf appeared. Its three times larger than the one he had fought before.

Black wolf quickly leaped toward the wuxia man. Its claws were so fast that Sila couldnt follow. It was a breath-taking scene.

The man evaded wolfs claws naturally like a fish swam past the rock under water.

Black wolf seemed pissed off. It tried to attack again. But the man could dodge its attacks with the least possible movements every time.

Time had passed for three minutes, but the man still hadnt been attacked nor had tried to attack. His arms were just crossing behind his back.

Sila finally realized that the man had been using Qi of Little Fish.

Oh, so he is telling me to use qi while fighting.

Sila circulated Qi of Little Fish and the blue aura spread out of his feet. He felt his body was more agile. He tried moving his feet and found that they could move faster.

The man turned his head to Sila and nodded. He thence put his right hand up and circulated qi until it glowed in red aura.

If the blue aura before is Qi of Little Fish, then this should be Qi of Little Tiger. Sila also followed the mans action. Now his right hand was also glowing in red color.

The man looked at Sila. He seemed to satisfy. Finally, he struck his right hand to a black wolf.

This single attack was enough to break the wolfs body. The sound of bone cracking was so loud that Sila could hear it clearly. The black wolf disappeared without leaving a single dust.

The man walked back and gestured Sila to go back to the middle of the room. Sila went there and the same black wolf he had fought reappeared again.

Monster Black Wolf, Squire Rank, Level 20, has appeared.

This time Sila circulated Qi of Little Fish throughout his body, and concentrated Qi of Little Tiger on his right hand. When the wolf leaped in, Sila swiftly dodged and struck it back.

The wolf was hit. Sila knew by the impact that his attack power was several times stronger than before.

The wolf lied down on the ground and dispersed into the light. The man in wuxia cloth lightly nodded, and then, the training became more intense.

Sometimes the number of monsters increased, sometimes their level increased, but they were always a black wolf.

When he felt tired, Sila would go to rest in the lounge: eating, sleeping and circulating qi. Sila usually circulated Basic Qi, Recovering Qi, and Bone Restructuring Qi in resting time, since he could train his Qi of Little Fish and Qi of Little Tiger during combat.

Sila kept training until he totally forgot the time. Now, even though hes still level 3, his skill levels, including Bare Hands Mastery, were very high. Sila currently could fight against fifty level 80s black wolves without taking any damage. He even thought that he still could get stronger than this.

As he killed the last wolf, there was a loud clap.

Both players turned their heads to the sounds origin. There was Sebastian He was clapping.

Splendid. Now please kindly follow me.

Whats going on? asked Sila.

Seven days have passed since then, now the quest has ended, sirs.


Three men stood inside the lounge. Sebastian waved his hand once, and all the facilities were disappeared. The room then turned into an empty room.

I am quite surprised to see both of you here.

Its not that weird since the rules encourage so, said the man in wuxia clothing.

Rules? Sila was a little confused. He had dedicated himself to training and totally forgot about the hidden quest.

Oh, is there someone who actually understands the rules? Mind if I ask you to explain it out for me? said Sebastian.

The wuxia man nodded once before he explained.

On the surface, the rules are as if telling us to kill each other, but we actually mustnt. Thats because, before you mentioned about the rules, you told us that we will receive quest reward when the quest end; and this is the real rule. Other rules are merely the distraction. Although you persuaded us to get the hand on treasure inside the treasure room, you never once said that quest reward is the treasure. So, I think that if only one of us is alive, one of us will get the treasures in treasure room; but if were both alive, we will get the real quest reward instead. Is that correct?

Sebastian smiled and applauded, Fantastic. Its exactly as you just said, and I could guarantee that the treasures in the treasure room are not comparable to the true quest reward in the slightest.

Sila still shocked. He was distracted by the five rules and didnt realize anything about the actual rule; its just that he had been too immersed in training and forgotten everything else. Maybe it was wuxia guys intention to distract Sila by making him train so that they could achieve this quest without killing each other.

You two are the first to accomplish this quest, sirs. Some players were sent here before, but they were killing each other within an hour. Sebastian sighed, and then continued. Now lets talk about the prize.

Seven cards flew off and rotated in a circle manner, then floated in front of two men, facing down.

Please choose one each, sir.

Sila thought, We only get one card for a quest that took a week to finish?

Although he thought that, deep down in his heart, he wasnt much interest in in-game thing. He then randomly picked one card, while the wuxia guy took another one.

You now can face it up.

Both of them faced their card up. But before they barely saw anything, the card immediately inserted itself into their System Window. Afterward, system sound followed.

You have gotten Greed Card 1 EA. This card is cursed and therefore forced you to equip it without being able to take it off. Due to you not having the remaining space in card window, system now sends all cards except Greed Card in your card window to item window.

Forced equipping again. Sila hurried took a look at the cards ability. His card window had only one card; its a card of one young prince with the golden crown inside the treasure room.

(S) Greed Card Level 1

Increases the minimum drop rate of all items, including cards, to 20%

You will earn only 10% of all experience point from now on.

Well, I dont have gaming experience, is this considered good or bad?

Sila turned his head to see the man beside him. That mans face seemed very satisfied.

You two get Greed Card and Pride Card, very well, said Sebastian.

This sentence of Sebastian let both of them knew the name of the card that other person had. Sila guessed that Pride Card must be a pretty good item.

At this moment, I need to tell you two things. First, you two are not allowed to tell anybody about this quest, this includes both the quest receiving condition and the quest achieving method. Otherwise, both of your cards will be confiscated.

Two of them nodded.

Second, the half part of emblem possessing by you two still has its own usage. With them combining together, the holder of the completed emblem will have the right to teleport to this mansion for seven days to use our services. You can obtain its other part from another person by any means, like by purchasing or by stealing. The grin was formed at the corner of Sebastians mouth.

Then, the wuxia man suddenly threw his own part of emblem toward Sila.

You have gotten Emblem to the Mansion of the Seven Deadly Sins [One-time usage]. Its a special item which cannot be sold or transferred.

Sila looked at the mans face. The man seemed like he didnt slightly care about this item.

Sila didnt say anything and planned to repay this mans goodwill later.

Now its the time. I bid you both a farewell, sirs. Sebastian turned his face to Sila. As for Mister, I will wait for you to come back here again.

Shadows appeared on the feet of the two men before sucking their bodies, making them completely vanished.


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