Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 97: 11:59 (14)

Chapter 97: 11:59 (14)

The vein on Minho's head was about to pop any second. Jongin and Lia watched apprehensively as their CEO was on the verge of exploding.

"What is the percentage again?" he asked, trying to keep his rage under control. Jongin cowered away and tried to look for places to hide when the Vesudas erupted.

"Five percent," he squeaked.

"It's a big number sir!" Lia quipped in. "Seven hundred million! That's two hundred million more profit returns from last year."

"And what is the net profit after the costs are paid off?" Minho asked. He was tapping his foot, impatiently waiting for them to talk.


Jongin gulped. The CEO would not be happy hearing the numbers. "Four hundred million," he squealed.

"Last year out net profit was six hundred million," Minho stated. The vein on his head was now reaching dangerous levels. "And this year it's four hundred million. What happened to the rest of the two hundred million?"

He stood up, putting his hands on both sides of the table, glaring at them. Lia squirmed away while Jongin closed his eyes, ready for the blast.


Minho's booming voice was heard by everyone at the office and the employees knew they were about to be put on a leash. Even though they still made more profits than JK Limited, Minho was fussing over the two hundred million they had spent on excessive costs. 

"Looks like we're going to be working overtime again," one employee sighed.

"And here I thought the CEO would mellow down after getting a girlfriend," another employee muttered.

"But have you heard?" Jinri spoke up. "The CEO's girlfriend is apparently moving in with him."

The other two employees were now highly curious about the news. "What?" the first employee exclaimed. "Really?"

"Yes!" Jinri claimed. "I've heard it from Driver Jang! His girlfriend is moving in with him and apparently is close to his family as well."

"Is she the daughter of some rich family?"

"No," Jinri replied. "She's a cop! A tough nut too and the best in her precinct. The CEO is strangely infatuated with her. He even took her to Lee Shawn's party and also to that meeting with the heir of Hyuoi Cafe! I've heard the cop exposed Hyoui's schemes and saved the CEO from buying that land!"

"I wonder if they'll get married?" Kanji asked. 

"Who knows?" Jinri shrugged. "They-"

She stopped midway and did a double take as Kanji's cheery face popped in front of them. Immediately, the employees froze and stood up to greet him.

"Sir!" they greeted in fright. Was he going to tell the CEO that the employees were gossiping about his love life?

"Relax!" Kanji assured them. "I've got some juicy gossip too!"

Jinri and the other employees looked at each other. The CEO's best friend was going to gossip with them? Why?

"This girl is definitely a tough nut," Kanji said, nodding in agreement. "She's strong too. I think Minho is a masochist in bed-"


"OW!" Kanji yelled and turned around. Mina hit his head with her purse and before he could react, she grabbed his ear.

"What the hell are you spewing about my brother?" she scolded him. "Masochist? Him?"

She whacked him a few more times. "Stop it!" Kanji begged but Mina was not done with his antics.

"Don't you have any work?" she screeched. "Go and earn some money you idiot! And stop slandering my brother!"

The employees watched the commotion, unsure of whether to laugh or feel pity for the young master of JK Limited. The man might be as rich as Hwang Minho but he fluttered around his friends more than stay at his own office. 

"I'm sorry!" Kanji finally said. "I was kidding!"

"Keep your perverted jokes to yourself!" Mina yelled. "I wanna meet my brother!"

As soon as she saw the news about the latest victim, she could not help but be worried. Lawyer Shim had also called her up and arranged to move her things back into the mansion. It was going to be a long ride from home to the hospital but it seemed that the CCK was targeting them again. 

"He's in a meeting now, Madam," Jinri supplied. "You can wait here if you want."

Mina sighed. "No, it's alright," she said. "I'll meet him at home."

She turned to Kanji, who was scared of her rage. "You!" she pointed at him. "Come with me. Now."

Kanji gulped, knowing very well that she was about to make him spill everything. There was no point in hiding anything from her anyway so he followed her outside while the employees looked on, pitying him. Once they were at the parking lot, she turned on him.

"What is going on?" she demanded. "The CCK...did he threaten my brother?"

Kanji took a deep breath and narrated her the whole story. Her eyes widened in shock at his words. The dread she had once left behind was now catching up to her. For many years, she had to fight that demon in her nightmares and just when she finally assured herself that he would never return, the monster had reappeared. And this time, he was going to destroy her brother.

She leaned against the wall and slumped onto the ground.

"He's back" she whispered. "He's going to kill all of us"

Kanji rushed to her side and held her by the shoulders. "He's not going to harm anyone," he said in a stern tone. "That monster can never reach us-"

"He wants me," Mina stated. "I know it. He wants me and he'll use me to get to my brother."

"No he won't!" Kanji assured her. "He won't be able to get you nor Jina. We'll make sure that he's caught."

"You don't know him!" Mina insisted. The guys might have rescued her that night but they only saw a fraction of that evil man. It was Mina who suffered his true monstrosity. Seeing the latest victim on the news enraged her but the old demons were back to stalk her. She thought that she was strong enough to deal with the monster but she was wrong. He still had a hold over her, feeding on her fears. The monster was real and he was back for good.

Tears streamed from her eyes and she broke down. Kanji did not say anything but he knew Mina did not like to be seen crying. He took off his jacket and put it over her head, covering her face. It was their secret ritual. Whenever Mina would cry in secret, he would come over and hide her face with a cloth so that no one would see her tears. 

He sat beside her as she kept on wailing underneath the jacket. 

"Why is this happening to us?" she sobbed. "First it was our father and now it's this"

She could not bear to go on. Did they not deserve to be happy and at peace? Why were they plagued with unending nightmares?

Kanji put his arm around her and she fell onto his chest, crying hard. 

"Who knows?" he mused. "If we had all the answers, then the world would have been a better place. Unfortunately, we don't have the answers and people keep on unleashing their worst sides. We can't change everyone."

"But we're wiser now," he went on as Mina cried on his shoulder. "I don't know if we're stronger but we know what we're getting into. And this time, we'll be prepared. We can either choose to live in fear or face him head on. If we don't fear him anymore, then what will he feed on?"

He held her close, letting her cry her heart out as they awaited the upcoming danger looming ahead.


The bag came flying at Gayoon and she dodged it by inches. She barely had time to reel from the shock when another bag was hurled at her.

"GRANNY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she yelled as her grandmother threw the bags outside. The old woman was gleeful as she packed all of Gayoon's belongings. The latter had arrived home to break the news that she would temporarily move out only to find that her luggage was already packed and kept outside. 

Minho's chauffeur, Jang, was also there and he watched the scene, trying to stifle his laughter. As soon as he had broken the news to the old woman, she was beyond ecstatic and with great enthusiasm, packed all of her granddaughter's belongings within an hour. When Gayoon arrived to pick up her things, she received the shock of her life when her grandmother hurled all her stuff out.

"Those are my clothes!" she protested. "And my books! Why are they here?"

"The driver told me everything!" Shujin exclaimed. "You're moving in with a rich man! Finally! So I packed all your stuff and helping you to move out"

"It's only temporary!"

"Who cares? You can make it permanent. If needed I'll help!"


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