Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 77: CCK (20)

Chapter 77: CCK (20)

Minho and Kanji were struggling in the darkness. The forest was pitch black, blinding their sight as the tall trees loomed over them with a raging menace. It was so quiet and dark that they could hear the thumping of their hearts as they made their way through the path Mimi had guided them.

"Do you see any forked road?" Kanji asked.

"No," Minho whispered. "I can't see anything in this darkness."

The feeble torch they had was not enough to light the way. But they had to somehow manage it because Mina's life was at stake.

"Minho!" Kanji suddenly exclaimed. "I think I hear the sound of running water!"

Minho listened carefully. Kanji was right. There was the sound of running water! They must be close to the river. 

"We're on the right path," he claimed. "The forked road must be here somewhere...Ah huh!

He pointed ahead, spotting the spot with the light from the torch. Kanji, too, saw it.

"Let's go!" he said. Both of them took the path to the right, wandering on in the dark forest. The trees towers over them, their monstrous shadows giving an ominous aura. Kanji could feel the fear in his heart rise while Minho tried to fight off the feeling that the forest was somehow alive, watching their every step as they proceeded. He was half thinking that the killer would jump out from somewhere and attack them.

A small voice spoke in his mind.

"Deep in the forest is where monsters bide"

It was from a tale his mother had once narrated to him about a monster who lived within the forest, waiting for unaware travelers who happened to wander through his home. Once they got closer, the monster's large claws slowly slithered through the darkness to clasp his victims.

"Minho, this forest is scary," Kanji whispered. "Are we really going the right way? What if the woman gave us the wrong information?"

"No," Minho stated. "She gave us the right information. The fear she was real. I can tell."

He knew she was telling the truth. There was an earnest plea in her voice which he could tell was genuine. Mina was with the CCK and he must find her before he could harm her.

"I think that's the river," he said, peering his eyes to take a closer look. The area was too dark but the sound of the running water was getting louder.

"Let me go first," he told Kanji. The latter looked troubled.

"Be careful," Kanji warned. "It's too dark. You might fall into the water."

Minho slowly stepped forward, using his foot to make sure that he was still on the ground. 

"Don't get too close, Minho," Kanji cautioned. Minho nodded and took another step.

"It's still the ground," he began. "The river is probably a few steps-AHHHHH!"

The ground beneath him gave away and he fell over into the river.

"MINHO!" Kanji yelled as Minho tumbled into the water. The current was too strong and the water was too deep. Minho gasped for air, trying to swim in the water but he was being carried away. He was not an expert swimmer and the water was crashing against him from all sides. 

Kanji ran along, following the current which carried Minho away. He was panicking as the latter had disappeared into the water.

"Minho!" he yelled. He took off his shirt and jumped into the water. The water was too cold even for summertime. Kanji dove into the river, looking for Minho. Bubbles erupted from his mouth as he called out for his friend who was nowhere to be seen.

He scanned around the water, trying to breathe. The deep river was dark and dangerous as seaweeds were dangerously hovering around. If entangled, it would be almost impossible for anyone to be freed from them. He swam further, looking for Minho until a large figure caught his attention. It was stuck in one of the seaweeds, fervently trying to be let free. Kanji swam upwards and emerged out of the water to take a deep breath before plunging in again.

Minho's leg was tied up by a seaweed and he was desperately trying to be freed. His breath was getting shorter while water was filling up his nostrils and mouth. His movements were becoming weaker as he struggled with the seaweed. The vision in his eyes was blurring and his consciousness fading as he tried to remain awake. But he was fighting a losing battle.

Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed his leg and snapped him free before embracing him. Kanji grabbed on to Minho and swam up. Struggling to breath, he pulled the unconscious Minho towards the shore. Heaving him up on the ground, Kanji slapped Minho's cheeks.

"Minho!" he called. "Minho!"

But the latter had breathed in too much water. Kanji straightened him out and began to blow into his mouth to give him CPR. He pressed on Minho's chest repeatedly to pump out the water.

"Minho!" Kanji yelled, pressing his chest more. The water was beginning to flow out of his mouth and finally, Minho coughed. He opened his eyes to see Kanji's worried face.

"Minho!" Kanji cried as Minho sat up. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" Minho wheezed. He bent over and threw up more water. Kanji was relieved to see him feeling alright. Minho panted for a while before suddenly sitting up straight. 

Did I lose it? He wondered in panic. Kanji frowned as Minho began to check his pockets before letting out a sigh of relief.

It's still there, Minho thought.

"What happened?" Kanji asked. "You looked worried for a moment there as if you had lost something."

"I will if we don't find Mina," Minho said, getting up to move again. "But where are we? We were supposed to go south but now"

Kanji also realized that they had no idea where the current took them. Were they on the right direction or did the river take them to a completely new route? 

"Are we...lost?" he asked.


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