Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 7: Lady Cop

Chapter 7: Lady Cop

Jang was stupefied with her request. The police station?

"Is something the matter, Young Miss?" he asked, feeling worried. "Why would you need to go there?"

"It's my business," Jina snapped. "I have to go there! Take me there!"

She was adamant. Once Jina's mind was set on something, it was impossible to make her let go of it. Jang was in a dilemma. Should he agree to her insistence?

He thought quickly and suggested, "Why don't we take you to your dad first? He could take you to the police station afterwards."

"No!" she insisted. "I wanna go there myself! I have to find someone. Please Mr. Jang, take me to the police station!"

She was on the verge of tears, making Jang feel extremely uncomfortable. He would have to find another way to tip off the boss.

"Alright," he conceded. "I'll take you to the police station."

"Yaii!" Jina celebrated. "Let's go Mr. Jang!"

Loss for words, Jang simply followed her to the car. He revved up the engine and drove towards the nearest precinct. 

"Stay here Mr. Jang," she ordered. "I'll go there myself."

"Alright Young Miss," he replied. He watched her as she entered the station with her backpack on her shoulder. As soon as she was out of sight, he dialed Minho's number.

"Sir, I have to inform you of something," he spoke into the phone.


Jina was awed by the place. She had never stepped foot inside a police station before. The cops were very busy and did not even pay much attention to a little girl who just walked in. They were running around in a hurry or speaking on their phones.

"Yes, the criminal gang was caught," one officer was saying to another officer as he passed by.

Another officer was loudly chatting with his colleagues. "I caught the bandit in two days!" he boasted. "Such a wimp he was!"

"Where are the case files for the murder at the upscale mall?" another cop yelled. "We're running late here!"

Jina was looking on in wonder at the cops. They were all working so hard to catch criminals. It fascinated her and she was curious to know more. She kept on walking ahead, trying to catch the attention of any cop she could find but they were all so busy and intimidating that she could not muster the courage.

"Psst kid!" 

She turned around to see a man behind a cage. He was a balding man in his fifties and was looking at her with a large grin.

"Kid, can you get those keys from the desk?" he asked, pointing at a bunch of keys on a desk nearby. "Uncle has gotten himself locked here by accident. Be a darling and help me out."

Jina nodded in understanding and rushed towards the desk to pick up the keys. She returned back to the large cage and was about to hand over the keys to the man, who had eagerly stretched out his palm when Jina's wrist was stopped by someone.

Startled, she looked up to see a female cop in her mid twenties. Her black eyes were throwing angry glares at the man behind the cage who cowered in fear. Jina, on the other hand, was awed by the cop.

She had never seen a female police officer before and the one standing in front of her was very beautiful. The lady cop had long, ebony hair with fair skin. Her cheeks had a naturally rosy tint to them and her long lashes gave her eyes a more innocent and youthful look. Jina could not help but marvel at the cop.

"Did you really think that scamming a little kid will help you to escape?" Gayoon snarled at the drug dealer. "Do you want another punch?"

"Your supervisor will suspend you!" the drug dealer threatened.

"Is that a threat?" Gayoon spat at him. "Coz you'll be too beaten up to find out whether he'll suspend me or not!"

The drug dealer scowled at her. She turned her attention to the little girl who was still looking at her in astonishment.

"Who are you?" Gayoon frowned. "And how did you get in here? Where are your parents?"

"I want to file a report!" Jina exclaimed.

"Kid, you're too young to file any reports," Gayoon said. "Go home."

She let go of her wrist and returned to the seat at her desk but Jina followed her. Standing beside her chair, Jina mustered her courage and flashed her cutest expression to Gayoon.

"Please lady cop!" she begged. " I want to find someone. It's important!"

"Listen kid," Gayoon began. "I haven't slept for the past week because of night duty and now I'm stuck with paperwork for a case. Stop playing around and go back home!"

"I'm serious!" Jina protested. "I really need to find someone!"

"Kid, come back with a guardian," Gayoon sighed. "We can't just file a complaint from you without a guardian in sight."

"But I don't want my dad to find out!" Jina insisted. "I have to find her first and then I could surprise my dad!"

"Find who?"

"My mother!" Jina answered. "I've heard that police can find a missing person. Can you find my mother too?"

The earnest plea from the little girl tugged at Gayoon's heart. Her irritable mood softened as the girl's innocent eyes begged her to help her. 

"Your mother?" she asked. "What happened to her?"

"I...don't know," Jina said in a small tone. "I've never met her. It's just me and my dad. But I want to find her. Where is she? Can she come back? Will she make me my favorite dishes too? And take me to school? Meet my friends and attend my games?"

Her voice was full of bright hope. The optimism within her was heart wrenching and brutally honest. She was looking at Gayoon with anticipation, hope brewing within her eyes. The little girl did not even realize that her mother had either passed away or worse, abandoned her. 

But Gayoon did not have the heart to refuse the little girl. Looking at her, reminded her of her own daughter. After all, she had also abandoned her child.

My daughter must be around her age, she thought. Instinctively, her hand went to the locket around her neck. Was her daughter also out there, looking for her? Or did she consider someone else as her mother?

"Lady Cop, can you find her?"

Jina's voice broke her reverie. 

"Uhh, I will try sweetie," she said gently. "I can't promise you but I'll try to find her."

"Great!" Jina exclaimed. "Can we exchange numbers? Then you can call me when you find her!"

Gayoon hesitated as Jina took out the little cell phone her father had given her for emergencies. Should I give her my number? Gayoon thought to herself.

"Here, have this," Gayoon said, taking out a bunch of candies from her drawer. She loved sweets and always kept candies or chocolates with her at all times.

Jina's eyes lit up upon seeing them. "Thank you Lady Cop!" she exclaimed, giving Gayoon a wide hug.

Gayoon was taken aback by the sudden hug. Jina was extremely happy and could not help but embrace the Lady Cop. Gayoon hesitated for a moment before returning the hug, patting her head. Finally, Jina let go of her.

She looked at the little girl and could not help but feel drawn towards her. This girl was also abandoned like her own child was. She too lacked the love of a mother. Why do some children have such wretched fates?

Gayoon's guilt over her own selfishness towards her child was killing her everyday. Seeing this girl only made her feel worse. She felt as if she was worse than a monster. 

"I'll type it out for you," she said with a smile. Jina handed her the phone and Gayoon typed in her number.

"What's your name?" Gayoon asked.

"Jina! Hwang Jina!" she answered enthusiastically. "What's your name, Lady Cop?"

"Jeon Gayoon," Gayoon snickered. "If you're ever in any danger or feel like talking to someone," she added, handing Jina back the phone. "Just call me, alright?"

"I will!" Jina answered. To Gayoon's surprise, Jina gave her a big hug. 

"Thank you Lady Cop!" 

Gayoon was taken aback but awkwardly patted the girl's head. Her cheeks were blushing hard and her heart raced uncontrollably at the girl's gesture.

Jina let go of her and smiled. "I should go now," she announced. "Otherwise, my dad will be worried. See ya, Lady Cop!"

She waved Gayoon goodbye. The latter smiled and waved back, watching as the little girl happily left the precinct. 

"Hwang Jina" Gayoon muttered. She did not know why but seeing the little girl's pain was unbearable. Maybe it was because of her own longing to see her daughter or the guilt of being a bad mother but she really hoped that Jina's mother could return to her side. 

Clutching the locket tightly, she prayed inwardly for the little girl's happiness. Please protect her, she begged.

Jina was happily humming to herself as she exited the police station but she stopped short in her steps. Her smile faltered.

Standing next to the car, was her father.


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