Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 66: CCK (9)

Chapter 66: CCK (9)

"Run Kanji!" he yelled. They sprinted through the tunnel with an unconscious child on Minho's back. Kanji was lagging behind due to his injured leg but ignored the pain and kept on running. The tunnel was endless, with no opening in sight but Minho did not give up. His legs were getting wobbly but he must keep going.

The child on his back was beginning to stir.

"Bro...ther" she whispered. Her older brother had come for her. 

"We'll get out of here Mina!" Minho assured her. "Kanji come on!"

But Kanji was too tired. His leg was bleeding profusely and he would not be able to keep up.

"Minho," he panted. "You go! I can't run anymore. My leg"

He fell over in exhaustion. His right foot was bleeding badly and Minho stopped to help him. Mina was still half conscious and Kanji was in too much pain to move. 

"Kanji we must-"

His words were interrupted by the sound of chains being dragged through the rough stone floor. They froze in fear as the sound came closer and closer. Kanji was visibly scared, while Minho was also fighting back his fears. 

We must get out of here! He thought. But with a half conscious sister and injured friend, he could not see how they would manage to get out of that den alive. There was only one way.

"Kanji, take Mina and go," he ordered. 

"But what about you?" Kanji asked in shock.

"Just go!" Minho insisted but Kanji would not budge.

"I'm not leaving without you!" he hissed. Minho gently took Mina off his back and placed her in Kanji's arms. 

"I'll be fine," he assured his friend. "I know you'll be able to take her out safely. I'll follow you!"


"Just go!" Minho ordered. "I'll join you in a while."

His face hardened as he stood up to face the monster approaching their way. "I won't let him kill me," Minho declared. "After all, I have yet to become the richest person in this country."

Kanji hesitated but seeing Mina's state, he had to yield. 

"I better see you emerging from the end of this tunnel," Kanji threatened. "Alive."

They exchanged a look of understanding before Kanji limped off with the unconscious girl while Minho prepared himself for his showdown with the cold blooded killer. The sixteen year old threw away all his fears, focused only on protecting his sister. 

Even if it cost him his soul.

As Kanji crawled out of the den, he heard two loud gunshots. Startled, he turned around fearing the worst. Mina was also almost conscious now, confused by what she was doing in Kanji's arms.

"" she began to ask but Kanji hushed her. His eyes were fixed on the entrance of the dark den which was making him feel ominous. What if something happened to Minho? Was he safe? 

The fear gripped his heart as his mind went wild with worry. He wanted to go back for his friend but he could not leave Mina alone.


Suddenly, he heard a faint sound as if something was being dragged on the floor. Kanji gulped and stood there, ready to attack if needed. He put Mina down and shielded her behind him.

"Kanji...I'm scared!" she whimpered.

"Don't be," he stated. "We won't let him harm you."

"Where's my brother?" she asked, her eyes beginning to tear up. "I want my brother!"

She was scared and confused by the turn of events. All she wanted was to run into her brother's arms and cry. What was going on? Where was he?

She clutched the helm of Kanji's torn jacket as they waited for the person to emerge from the den. Kanji clenched his fists, ignoring his foot as he readied himself to face the demon from hell.

"Come out you bastard!" he yelled. "I'm not afraid of you!"

"You better not be."

Kanji nearly yelped as the familiar voice came out of the cave. Minho emerged from it, his hand bleeding. He was heavily injured with bruises on his face and body but was flashing a victorious grin.

"Because very soon, we'll become business rivals and I'll take away all your money!" he declared. 

He held up a thumbs up to his friend. Kanji was on the verge of crying, seeing his friend coming out of that hell alive. 

"And I'll marry your sister!" he promised, as tears flowed down his cheeks, unable to hold in his relief and happiness. "You'll see!"

"Pedophile!" Mina scowled. "I'm only six years old!"

Kanji limped forward to aid Minho. Both of them staggered slowly towards the highway with Mina in tow. Minho cast one last glance at the den behind them.

It was there, ominously hiding their secret which would come back to haunt them someday. It was goading him for being weak and useless.

I will be back, it whispered in his ears. And he knew that this incident would come back to wreak their lives again.

Bring it on, Minho silently declared. 


Minho was abruptly woken by the knock on the door. He was fast asleep in his bedroom. The sun was shining brightly through the curtains, making him frown. He checked the clock and realized that it was past afternoon. It was almost time for Jina to come home from school!

He quickly jerked up, realizing that he had overslept. 

"Damn it!" he cursed out loud. The damned dream had made him miss half day of work. Which meant he could not make at least ten million that day!

"Sir," Kim's voice came from behind the door. "A...uh...Detective Gayoon is here to meet you."

Minho rubbed his hands through his hair as he tried to compose himself. 

"Send her upstairs after ten minutes," he replied. Kim was taken aback. He was going to see her in his room? Did their relationship progress that much? But the detective was in her uniform which meant she must be here on official business.

"O-okay!" she said and went back downstairs. Gayoon was standing in the middle of the living room when Kim came back to inform her that Minho summoned her in his room after ten minutes.

"Thank you," Gayoon said, wondering why the money lover was at home on a weekday. After a lot of debating, she knew that she had to try and convince him to testify about what happened between him and CCK. Why was the serial killer targeting him?

She was also worried for Jina. What if the little girl was tangled up in CCK's web? What if she was his next target? 

Gayoon clenched her fists. No! She decided. That killer will not be able to get his hands on Jina. Not as long as I'm around.

She made up her mind and marched upstairs towards Minho's bedroom. It was time for him to give her all the answers and she was going to make him squeal no matter what!

"Hwang Minho I-"

She froze in her steps and almost yelled in shock. Minho had just stepped out of the bathroom wearing only a towel around his waist while wiping his hair with another towel. He, too, froze when she suddenly barged into his bedroom.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before...



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