Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 56: Hwang Mina

Chapter 56: Hwang Mina

Kanji was holding on to his seat for dear life as Mina happily sped past several trucks, narrowly avoiding collusion. He was praying to all the gods he could while Mina screamed, "Woohoo!"

He wanted to curse himself for letting her drive the Porsche. She had sent her luggage with Kanji's men and instead, borrowed Kanji's Porsche for a ride. It was not technically borrowed since she threatened to spend all the money on his credit card if he did not give in. 

Mina clearly enjoyed the terrified expression on Kanji as she hit the pedal. She was a very smooth driver but loved to speed during her drives to scare the people around her. And when it came to meeting her darling niece, no amount of traffic rules would be able to stop her.

"Hold on!" she yelled as she gripped the gear and pushed it forward.

"Slow down!" Kanji protested. She swerved by a bus. The poor bus driver almost panicked and braked to avoid hitting a small post. He yelled some profanities at them but she did not care and sped on to her heart's content.

"You're gonna hit someone!" Kanji screamed.

"I'm fast, not reckless," she said, steering left. 

Gods help me! Kanji prayed desperately. I wanna live and have grandkids!

Mina turned right and finally stopped in front of Jina's school. Kanji was panting heavily, thanking all the heavens for letting him live while Mina got out of the car, coolly waiting for her niece.

"Stop being a wuss!" she snickered as Kanji wiped sweat off his face. "That wasn't even my fastest speed."

"You can drive faster than that!" he exclaimed.

"Only when I'm with people I dislike," she said sweetly. Kanji gulped. If she drove at that insane speed with him then he pitied the fool who got on her bad side.

They heard the school's bell ring and soon, the children began to rush out. They spotted Jina in her uniform and pink bag, running towards them. A genuine smile etched on Mina's face.

"Jina!" she exclaimed happily.


Jina jumped into Mina's outstretched arms, hugging her tightly.

"I missed you Aunt Mina!" Jina said.

"I missed you too!" Mina replied. And she truly did. Jina was more like a little sibling than her niece since the girl was very bright for her age. Even though Mina was not home much, she always made sure to bring Jina back lots of presents from whichever country she visited. The little girl was fascinated by the tales of her travels and always insisted on accompanying her aunt someday.

Jina turned to Kanji who was smiling at her with his arms stretched as well.

"How's my little buddy?" he squealed.

"Dad told me not to mix with you anymore," Jina said bluntly. "He said your rules suck and you're a hopelessly incompetent idiot when it came to any work."

Kanji pouted while Mina laughed at him for getting shot down by a little girl.

"Useless as usual," she sighed. "Anyways, let's go for lunch and then we'll shop a lot."

"Alright," Jina nodded. "But first, we have to stop by at the police station."

Mina frowned. "The police station?" she asked. "But why?"

"To pick up your dress," Jina said cheerfully. 

"My dress?" Mina asked, feeling aghast. "Who has my dress?"

Kanji was also interested now. "Don't tell me," he began. "The Lady Cop wore Mina's dress to the date with Minho?"

"WHAT?" Mina exclaimed. "Someone wore my dress and went on a date with my brother? Are you sure?"

Now she was truly curious. Who was this mysterious Lady Cop who dared to wear her dress?

"This is the worst homecoming!" she gritted, stomping her foot. "Not only did my brother cut off my credit cards, but some stranger wore my dress? Unbelievable!"

She turned to face Jina who cowered a little at her aunt's enraged expression. Even though she knew that her aunt would not be pleased about sharing her things with someone else, she still went ahead to let the Lady Cop borrow the dress.

"She didn't know you wouldn't like it!" Jina said at once. "In fact, I was the one who made her wear your dress! It's not her fault."

But Mina was not listening. "No one wears my dress unless I approve of them!" she snapped. "Take me to this Lady Cop! I wanna see if she was worthy of my dress or not!"

"Just out of curiosity, how does one become worthy to wear your dress?" Kanji asked. 

"Depends on my mood!" she scowled, getting behind the wheel of the car. "And I am not in a good mod now so she's an automatic fail!"

Kanji and Jina simply stared at her. Hwang Mina was highly materialistic and flourished in her open narcissism. She never hid her self-love nor her disdain for others. As the spoilt and pampered member of the Hwang family she loved to spend money, something which drove Minho up the wall.

"Get in!" she barked. 

"Yes ma'am!" both of them squeaked and scrambled to take seats. 

"Buckle up!" she ordered.

"Don't go too fast," Kanji suggested meekly. "Jina is in the car too-"

"Are you kidding me?" Jina scoffed. "Aunt, drive faster! Let's cross 160 this time!"


Kanji barely had time to think before Mina once again sped away like a madwoman.


After ten minutes, she pulled up in front of the police station. The policemen around their car were staring in astonishment at the sleek Porsche which was parked in front of the precinct.

"Who could it be?" one of the cops asked his colleague.

"Did some rich ass dude arrive to file a complaint?" the colleague wondered. They were all whispering, their minds full of curiosity. The door to the car opened and Mina came out

All of the men stared in wonder as her long, dark locks swayed in the air. She flicked her strand, looking like a model from a shampoo commercial while her skin shone brightly as if a fairy had descended on earth.

"Look at that hottie!" one of the policemen hooted as she passed by. 

"She looks rich!" 

"Is she single?"

Mina ignored all the flies hovering around her. She marched on with Jina and Kanji who were barely able to keep up with her.

"Where is she?" Mina demanded.

"Up ahead!" Jina pointed at Gayoon's desk. She was busy reading some case files. Mina stormed towards her desk and slammed her hands on it.

Gayoon was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the strange woman who was glaring down at her.

"Can I help you?" she frowned. 

"Where is my dress?" Mina demanded. Gayoon blinked in surprise before noticing Jina and Kanji cowering behind the woman. It finally dawned on her who the woman was.

"Oh you're Jina's aunt!" she realized. "Yeah, I have your dress right here."

Mina watched her, hawk eyed, as she took out the dress which was neatly wrapped in a plastic cover with a hanger holding it firmly. Mina examined the dress, her eyebrows raised in suspicion as if she was scrutinizing the dress for any possible flaws.

"Did you wash this with hands?" Mina frowned. 

"It was written to hand wash it," Gayoon stated, unsure why the woman was asking her that. Kanji and Jina watched as Mina's earlier anger seemed to dissipate. Mina glanced at Gayoon, studying her from top to bottom.

"That jacket"

She stepped around Gayoon's desk and observed her carefully. "Did you buy it from the flea market sale which takes place every Tuesday?" Mina asked.

"Y-yes," Gayoon stammered, unsure of what the point of that conversation was. 

Mina's face was unreadable for a minute. 

"What is she doing?" Kanji hissed.

"I have no idea but it does not look good for the Lady Cop!" Jina hissed back. Gayoon was still confused at what was going on. Mina simply stared at her for a few minutes before grabbing her arm.

"Today is Tuesday and they're having a sale!" she flared up, feeling excited. "Let's go before all the good stuff is sold out!"

"Wait what?" Gayoon asked, feeling bewildered.

"Anyone who takes proper care of a borrowed dress has all the plus points in my eyes!" Mina claimed. "Now let's go before everything is sold out!"


Gayoon looked at Jina and Kanji for help but both of them gave her the 'Just-shut-up-and-go' look. It was all they could do for their fallen comrade.

"Let's go!" Mina chirped as she pulled Gayoon away. The other two stared at the unlikely duo as Mina dragged her unwilling victim.

"You're right," Kanji said. "It is worse."

"Even the heavens cannot save Lady Cop now," Jina sighed. She turned to Kanji and added, "Let's just go for ice cream!"

"I thought I was banned from mixing with you," Kanji pouted.

"Well, it never stopped you before," she pointed out.

"Oh yeah," he nodded thoughtfully. "Let's go!"

They cheerfully went towards the nearest ice cream shop while Mina used poor Gayoon like a human carrier while shopping to her heart's content.


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