Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 54: Ten million hundred thousand and two hundred dollars

Chapter 54: Ten million hundred thousand and two hundred dollars

As the night darkened over the city, in the middle of the precinct, Kim Junwan was busy reading the old case files. For 26 years, he had been chagrin Hwang Junho but the man had seemingly disappeared from the face of the earth. The pictures of the crime scene were laid in front of him but those were of no use. 

Moreover, the technology for DNA and fingerprints were in beta stages at the time. There was no evidence which pointed at Hwang Junho other than the testimony of Minho and the CCTV footage which caught Junho running away from the house. The sloppy job of the police was also a problem. The police had handled the case without any protocol which made it even harder to gather proper evidence.

Junwan threw the file on his table, feeling frustrated. He asked one of his old colleagues to re-scan the photo and see if there was anything Junwan had missed all these years. It was a clear picture and yet, he could not help but wonder if something was missing.

His phone rang up. It was his old colleague, Sung Jooyeon, an ex-hacker who used to work in their tech team.

"Yes Jooyeon," Junwan said, picking up the phone. "Did you find anything?"

"Nothing in particular," Jooyeon replied. "But I sent you the re-brushed photo through my e-mail. Maybe you can spot something I couldn't."

Junwan sighed. "Alright," he said, opening his laptop. "I'll take a look at it."

He hung up the phone and logged in to his mail. Jooyeon's mail popped up and he clicked it.

It was the same picture; Junho running away from the house as if chasing something. Junwan gritted his teeth. Even running it through advanced technology brought him no luck. He studied the photo warily and was about to close the laptop when something caught his eye.

"What's that?" he muttered. He zoomed in the photo to take a closer look. While running away, Junho had passed by a window. It was not clear in the darkened picture but now that it was a little lighter and properly brushed, Junwan could see something else.

There was a faint white light reflected on the window Junho had run past. The white light was very minuscule and it seemed like Junho could see it

"The hell?" Junwan was truly confused. He had seen the picture so many times throughout his life that he had it memorized. Even if Jooyeon could not spot the difference, it was now jarringly visible to Junwan.

"I have to visit the old mansion," he decided. After the murder took place, Hwang Minho and his sister were sent to live with their legal guardian, Lawyer Lee, who took care of the siblings until the boy turned eighteen. That was when Hwang Minho took over the business and sent his sister to boarding school while the mansion was left alone, not sold nor used. It was abandoned and for years, no one had entered it. Even Junwan did not return after the investigation had closed. 

He sighed and looked outside the window, wondering what was going to unravel now.


Kanji was happily entering the premises of Hwang Constructions, whistling under his breath. Since last night, he was really curious to know how Minho and the detective's date returned out to be. If the money lover had followed his rules, then it should have gone smoothly.

I should use these on my dear Mina someday, he thought happily as he walked through the corridor leading to Minho's office. 

"Hello my bestie!" he greeted, barging into Minho's office. The latter looked up from the documents he was reading.

"How was your date?" Kanji asked. "Did all my rules work?"

Minho stared at him with a poker face for a while before a smile curved on his lips. 

"We went to dinner, I got her a gift and kissed her after dropping her home," Minho revealed with a mysterious smile.

"Told ya!" Kanji claimed. "These rules were formed by experts in women! They really know their stuff. They were scientifically tested."

"Sure," Minho nodded. "Meanwhile, if you would sign this check."

He threw a check book in front of Kanji, who stared at the amount.

"T-t-t-t-ten million hundred thousand and two hundred dollars?" he stammered. Minho, with a smile etched on his face, stood up. His hands were on both sides of the table and leaned to face Kanji like a vulture marking a dead carcass. Kanji gulped. The Vesudas' smile was scarier than his temper.

"I spent a hundred thousand on roses which she was allergic to," Minho stated. "Then, I had to cancel our dinner plans at the restaurant because she doesn't like sad shows which they were about to perform. So we ended up in a cheap shack where they didn't accept cards and she had to pay a hundred dollars for the food. Later, she wanted to give me a nice gift so she took me to Ace Mall and I had to put up a ninety five percent flash sale just so she could afford to buy me something. That ended up in a ten million dollar loss for me."

Kanji was now sweating. His days were now numbered

"And the extra hundred dollars?" he squeaked. 

"Gayoon paid me back for the roses thinking those cost hundred dollars," Minho smiled. "So you better pay her back as well."

"You could have just returned her money!"

"I don't wanna return the note."

Kanji gaped at his logic. Little did he know, Minho kept the note tucked away in his closet along with the letter Gayoon had written to him years ago.

"B-b-but!" Kanji protested but Minho gave him a threatening glare.

"Pay up otherwise I'll send a list of all the girls you've been fooling around with to Mina," Minho warned. Kanji was sweating profusely. If Mina found out that he was harmlessly flirting with other girls, she would bury him alive.

"Okay okay!" Kanji conceded. "I'll pay! You still got to kiss her! I don't get why I'm being victimized here."

"Coz it's fun," Minho shrugged. "Oh and I'm taking the Chinese contract as well so don't you dare bid on it."

"That's not fair!" Kanji frowned. But Minho's stern gaze made him cower and he agreed. Once the money lover was done taking every penny he could from Kanji, he was let go. Kanji's shoulders slumped as he walked out of the office in a daze.

"I'm gonna sue that magazine!" he swore.


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