Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 41: The Reasons Why She Can't Date

Chapter 41: The Reasons Why She Can't Date

Gayoon stirred in her sleep. Her head was aching badly and the sunshine falling on her eyelids was irritating her. She was lying on something hard but strangely comfortable.

"Chanyeol my love" she grinned in her sleep and tilted her head the other way. Despite the cold air, she felt warmth emitting from the thing she was lying on. Gayoon snuggled a little. Was it her Chanyeol oppa? His hands were holding her tightly too

Wait. Hands?

Her eyes snapped open. For a wild moment, she wondered where she was before realizing it was a car. And to her horror, she was lying on none other than

"Hwang Minho?" she gasped. What happened? Why was she sleeping on him? What did they do?

She looked down and to her relief, both of them were clothed. His hands were clutching her waist and he was fast asleep.

Did I jump on him last night? She wondered in dismay. Stupid Gayoon!

She regretted drinking so much. The flashes from her drunken stupor were coming back to her. Not only did she create a scene in the bar but jumped on him in the car! And they even made out!

Gayoon, you are so dead! She wailed in her mind. Thankfully, the dragon was still asleep and she had no intentions of waking him up. If Hwang Minho woke up and found her there, she would have to go and live on another planet. And he would not even pay for the spaceship fare.

Quietly, she slipped out of his arms and exited the car, leaving the money lover behind. Thankfully, her own car was parked nearby so she slipped into it and drove away.

"Stupid Gayoon!" she berated herself. "How the hell did you end up making out with that rude guy? Are you an idiot?"

Never in her life had she fallen into such a situation. She was always careful around men and never dated around since she was more focused on chasing ghosts away or her law studies. How did she let her guard down around him? What if he sued her for assault? She did not want to think of the amount of money he was going to make her pay.

"I am so dead," she moaned. She wanted to bang her head against the wall but the memory of their kiss would not leave her head. Worst of it was that she actually enjoyed it. The feel of his warm lips lingered on hers and even the thought of it was making her blush hard. She may not have had prior experience in that area but even she could tell that he was a damn good kisser.

"Kill me," she said out loud.

After twenty minutes, she pulled up in front of her house. She peered in through the window to see if the old woman was up. If her grandmother found her, she would be flayed to an inch of her life. Seeing that the coast was clear, she tiptoed towards the front door and quietly unlocked it using the passcode.

Please let her be asleep, she prayed. Unfortunately for her, as soon as she entered the house, a sandal came flying at her. Gayoon missed it by mere inches and jumped aside.

"YOU STAYED OUT LATE AGAIN AT THE PRECINCT?" her grandmother roared. She picked up the sandal again to throw it at her useless granddaughter. Gayoon scrambled up to run as the crazy old woman chased her.

"I wasn't at the precinct!" she yelled, trying to dodge her grandma's attacks.

"Don't you lie!" Shujin warned and chased Gayoon throughout the house. Even in her old age, she could run like a horse.

"I swear I'm not lying!" Gayoon claimed, dodging another flying sandal.

"Where were you then?"

"With a man!" Gayoon blurted. Shujin, who was about to throw a shoe at Gayoon, froze in her action.

"What did you say?" she asked, not believing her. The door opened and Junho walked in, carrying some food bags.

"What's the commotion?" he frowned. "Why are you beating our Gayoon so early in the morning? Have you gone mad, old woman?"

But Shujin was shocked, still trying to digest what Gayoon had just said. "What did you say, Gayoon? Where were you all night?"

"All night?" Junho asked. "You were out all night? But you left to meet up with your friend around ten o'clock! Why were you out all night."

Gayoon fidgeted as the dangerous duo demanded answers from her.

"I was with a guy," she finally admitted. Junho's face was horrified while Shujin broke into a smile.

"Guy?" Junho thundered. "Who is he? What does he do? How much does he earn?"

"Who cares about all that?" Shujin waved him off impatiently. "Did you guys do it?"

"Do what?" Junho demanded. "She's too young! Men out there are predators! We need to protect her from those playboys who only know how to hurt women! All men are pigs!"

"Don't you have a son as well?" Shujin shot back. "Are you including him in your vendetta as well?"

Gayoon looked from Junho to her grandmother with a bored expression. Her grandmother wanted her to date while Junho was like the overprotective father who would break the legs of any male who would dare to come near her.

"If he's my son then I'm sure he's the biggest playboy of the lot!" Junho claimed. "Before meeting his mother, I was the hot stuff for all the high society women! He must've gotten some of my quality! You can't trust men like my son at all."

Shujin gaped at his logic while Junho turned to Gayoon. "Where does that boy live? What does he do? What are his career prospects?"


"Forget all that!" Shujin exclaimed. "Tell me the details of what happened last night!"

"Nothing happened!" she burst out. "I just got drunk and fell asleep in his car! He didn't do anything to me. Nothing!"

There was no way she was going to give them the details. Junho ahjusshi will explode and probably hunt down Hwang Minho while her grandmother will distribute sweets to the entire neighborhood. Both of them would make her want to crawl into an early grave.

"Are you sure?" Junho asked, peering at her.

"Yes," she lied. Shujin let out a sneer while Junho was satisfied.

"At least she spent the night somewhere other than the police station," Shujin sighed. "Next time, if you come home without any action, I'll disown you."

"If you get down and dirty with any man, I'll disown you!" Junho stated.

I'm gonna die an old maid, Gayoon thought. "I'm going to change," she declared. "And sleep. Don't you two dare disturb me!"

Before either of them could grill her more on the topic, she scurried off.

"When will she ever get a guy and settle down?" Shujin wondered.

"Our Gayoon is fine just the way she is," Junho argued. "Do you really want a guy to trap her in his charms and ruin her life?"

"Why don't you just send her to a convent and be done with it?"

Both of them kept on arguing until later afternoon about Gayoon's love life.


Picking up her clothes and a towel, Gayoon went into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. When she took off her top, she noticed something on her neck. Upon closer observation, she yelped. It was a red bite!

She blushed hard as the image of Minho's bite popped into her head. He actually left her a hickey!

"I am so doomed!" she muttered, feeling mortified.

Despite the embarrassment, she could not help but smile a little.


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