Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 39: Never Drink With A Cop

Chapter 39: Never Drink With A Cop

Minho merely smirked and kept on sipping his drink. Gayoon was still trying to process the marvelous revelation she made.

"I knew it!" she claimed. "No woman can ever tolerate you."

"What?" Minho asked sharply. "No woman can tolerate me? In case you haven't noticed, many want to marry me. I just look at the potential portability of such a match."

"Didn't you make that girl from the park and later the other one from the party cry?" she frowned. "They're pretty rich. You could've gotten a hefty amount of profits from them considering how rich they are."

"I told you," Minho sighed. "I look at a person's determination to earn their own money. Not people who mooch off their parents."

"Yeah yeah," Gayoon shrugged, sipping more from her glass. She was getting a little tipsy and was now more straight forward than she usually was.

"But what about Jina?" she asked bluntly. "She's asking about her mother. Why don't you let them meet?"

Minho wanted to facepalm himself but somehow held back with great restraint. "If they're meant to meet, they'll end up meeting," he said cryptically.

"So heartless!" she exclaimed. She was now completely drunk and without a sensor on her mouth.

"What are you doing?" Minho hissed but she was not listening. To his shock, she climbed on the bar's counter, unaware of what she was doing. Everyone around them stopped their activities and watched as the crazy drunk lady confronted her date.

"How can you keep a child away from her mother?" she yelled. "It's too unfair!"

"Get down!" Minho said sharply in a hushed tone.

"No!" she said stubbornly, grabbing a bottle of wine from the counter and downing it. Minho wanted to dig a grave and bury himself in it. The woman was a bad drinker and he regretted calling her there.

"A mother should be able to meet her child!" she went on sluggishly. There was a heavy regret in her tone which was more visible in her drunk state. "Why...why are we punishing the little girl"

Minho looked up to see that she was trying to hold back tears.

"Why is the little girl suffering?" she sobbed. "Why are parents like me so selfish?"

Before Minho could reply, she began to wail loudly. The people around them were throwing accusatory glares at him as if he was the one who made her cry.

What the hell? He cursed inwardly. Why am I the bad guy here?

Gayoon was still crying loudly at the thought of Jina never finding her mother. In her drunken state, her feelings only amplified and her heart broke for the innocent child. Why were some mothers selfish like her? There was not a day which passed by without Gayoon wanting to catch a glimpse of her own child. She wanted to see her daughter too but her guilt made her ashamed of what she did. Which is why she blocked away all paths which would lead her to her daughter. The child was probably happier without her in a different family.

Moreover, the contract forbade her from ever meeting her child otherwise she would be jailed. Gayoon did not care about it but if she was sent to jail, who would take care of her grandmother and ahjusshi?

"Why are people so selfish?" she asked again, choking back her tears. Minho stared at the woman incredulously.

She was too simple minded to be plotting any schemes about taking Jina away from him. They may have met coincidentally, but her motherly instincts were pulling her towards Jina. If Minho did not have the letter from Gayoon, he would have never thought that she actually loved the child. And from her bold statements now, it was obvious she genuinely missed Jina.

Gayoon sat on the counter and kept on crying like a child. Minho was aware of all the eyes staring at them.

"It's time to go, Jeon Gayoon!" he announced. "Gimme that bottle."

He tried to take the bottle from her hand but she slapped his hand away.

"No!" she insisted. "It's mine!"

She stuck out a tongue at him, making the nerve on Minho's forehead twitch. His patience was running thin.

"Give it," he threatened.


"That's it!"

Minho tried to snatch the bottle but the woman was surprisingly strong. She held it tight, unwilling to let go.

"Give. It. To. Me!"

With great difficulty, he managed to extract the bottle from her hands. She pouted at him as he paid the bartender.

"I can't believe I'm paying for someone," he muttered, shaking his head. He never paid for others' meals or drinks. Even his sister Mina had to pay from her own pockets whenever they dined out and hence, she always refused to have dinner with him outside of the house. But Jeon Gayoon entered his life like a wrecking ball, turning it upside down.

"Gee gee gee baby baby baby!" Gayoon sang happily, oblivious to Minho's murderous glares.

"Come on," he ordered. "Let's go."

"No!" she insisted. "I wanna sleep here."

Under normal circumstances, Minho would have left her there. But the woman created such a ruckus that everyone was whispering about him. If he left her there, she would probably cause a bigger scene and his good name would be maligned.

"Suit yourself," he said before grabbing her hips and forcibly throwing her over his shoulder.

"Hey!" she protested. "I wanna sing! Let me sing!"

She tried to move her legs but Minho held her tightly as he walked out of the bar. Once in the car park, he placed her on the passenger's seat while he strode over to the driver's seat. Gayoon was still inebriated and singing to herself.

"Where do you live?" he asked.

"On the moon!" she giggled.

"Be serious!"

"I am!" she claimed, still giggling. "Money lover is so stupid! He doesn't let Jina meet her mother and won't let me go to the moon!"

I should have left her in there, he thought in dismay.

"Stop it!" he scolded her.

"Pfft!" Gayoon scoffed. "You're so mean! No wonder you can't seduce a girl."

"I can seduce anyone but I choose not to," Minho stated. "It's useless and unnecessary."

"In short, you can't!" Gayoon teased and started to laugh. "I can seduce people better than you!"

"As if!" Minho snickered.

Gayoon was affronted. "I can!" she claimed. "I can seduce you!"

"You can try," he said dryly. Gayoon's head swayed a little. She had no idea what was going on. Seduce? She could do it!

Minho was about to start the engine when suddenly, Gayoon shifted from her seat.

"What the-"

She climbed on his lap, straddling him. He was taken by surprise. She was sitting right on his groin, making him mortified.

Her face was too close to his, as she looked at him with sultry eyes.

"Money lover, you underestimate me," she whispered. Minho smirked at her.

"Really?" he challenged her. "Is the little detective trying to seduce a man who loves money?"

"I can," she shot back.

"What if I can seduce you first?" he asked, feeling amused. Their eyes were locked at each other, neither of them looking away. The brown ones met the black ones, challenging each other. Her cheeks were rosy pink due to the drinks she had.

Suddenly, his arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer. There was an undeniable attraction between them which was making even Minho curious.

"H-hey!" Gayoon protested weakly. Her doey eyes widened in surprise at the sparks erupting in her stomach as he gazed at her with a tenderness. His fingers lightly caressed her skin, pushing behind a strand of stray hair behind her ears.

"You look beautiful with your hair open," he whispered, tugging her ponytail. Gayoon was dazed when he took off her hair band. Her hair came loose, making her cheeks even redder.

Without giving a second thought, she slowly leaned forward, closing her eyes. His hands were buried in her hair, pulling her closer as their lips touched.


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