Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 21: Kanji's Offer

Chapter 21: Kanji's Offer

They pulled up in front of the police station. Gayoon summoned a few officers who took the old lady away.

"Take Mr. Kanji's statement," she instructed them. "And lock her up in a solitary cell. The woman is deranged."

The officer nodded and escorted both Kanji and the old woman away. Gayoon sat at her desk, exhausted by the day's events. She still stank of mud and blood but she was used to even far worse stenches.

Kanji gave his statement about how the woman was caught at the restaurant. He carefully kept out Minho's name and made it sound like a random patron of the place had caught her who wished to remain anonymous. The officer recorded his statement and locked the half unconscious woman in a solitary cell. She was clearly deranged and dangerous so they must keep her isolated until her trial started.

Gayoon was busy with her paperwork. She was so engrossed in her work that she barely noticed that everyone around her was holding their noses due to the smell coming from her.

After recording his testimony, Kanji strode over to Gayoon's table.

"Detective, thanks for what you did today," he said. "For catching that criminal."

"It's my job," she shrugged. "Besides, she wasn't very smart so it was easy to catch her."

"But you were very brave," Kanji stated. "How about this? Why don't you freshen up at my hotel? It's nearby and I can ask the concierge to get you new clothes!"

Gayoon frowned. Was he insane? He was asking a complete stranger to take a bath at his hotel!

As if reading her mind, Kanji said cautiously, "I'm just trying to show my gratitude. I assure you, I have no ill intentions. Especially not against a detective!"

"I can't take up that offer," Gayoon told him. "I have a lot of work right now."

"'s not that Detective," Kanji said. "It's kinda stink of blood and mud right now. I don't think you can get any work done like that."

Gayoon's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment. She was suddenly conscious of the others around her and their stares. Catching the criminal was more important so she did not care about her appearance at first but now that Kanji pointed it out, she smelt bad.

"I-I guess I should change," she realized.

"Stop by my hotel," Kanji offered. "I'll have my staff prepare some comfortable clothes for you and you can use one of the rooms for your use. You'll be completely taken care of. Think of it as a token of appreciation."

He smiled widely at her. Gayoon hesitated but there was no other option. The precinct did not have a place for women to shower and her house was too far. Besides, if she returned in that state, her grandmother would flay her to an inch of her life.

"Fine," she finally agreed. "I'll take you offer."

"Great!" Kanji exclaimed, clapping his hands. "It's the Maple Hotel. Room number 419. It's the VIP room so you can use it. Complimentary of course."

Gayoon was a little overwhelmed but she did not want to impose too much. She would only take a shower and leave. But she would also keep her gun by her side just in case. Her many years as a police officer only made her more suspicious of men.

"Let's go!" Kanji insisted, ushering her to follow him. Together, they headed towards her car.

Time to act as the cupid, he thought happily as he sat next to Gayoon in the car. He only hoped that he could flee the country before Minho caught him. Otherwise the Vesudas will skin him alive.

Please seduce him, Detective Jeon! He prayed in vain.


Minho was in the middle of a meeting with the CEO of HM Traders, Lee Shawn.

"Our new building will be built at a premium spot," Shawn was saying. "At the very heart of the professional offices, perfect for access to suppliers and other important clients. So you see, we are prepared to pay a very high price for the office building. Whoever gets the contract will be rewarded handsomely. And I see your tender is the most reasonable."

"Our company uses the best quality materials for buildings," Minho stated coolly. "But I'm sure you are aware of our no bargain policy. We will take the quoted amount and not a penny less than that. And also, fifty percent advance."

"Ah, the famous Hwang Minho," Shawn chuckled. "Known for your strict business deals. However, JK Limited is also offering the same quality at lower price-"

Minho snorted. "Jang Kanji's works aren't nearly as good as ours," he claimed. "Everyone knows he uses the same materials as us and yet, the buildings he had built are not aesthetically good. He relies on colors to make them appealing whereas we build a creative structure. Our architects are the best in the field and my own office building is proof to that. I hope you have seen it."

Shawn thought for a while. "Very well," he said. "My lawyers will review the agreement and we'll discuss this again on Monday."

He stood up and offered Minho a handshake. The latter shook his hand and said, "I'm looking forward to working with you."

"As am I, Hwang Minho," Shawn laughed. "Oh and I do hope you're coming to my party tonight. Did you receive the invitation?"

"I have," Minho replied.

"Will you be bringing a date?"

Minho narrowed his eyes. Unfortunately, it was mandatory to bring a date to the party and he had not found anyone suitable for the part. Even Mina was out of the country and Jina was too young to attend such parties.

"I still haven't found someone as my partner for tonight," he admitted.

"But it's a masquerade ball!" Shawn gaped. He found it very astonishing that an influential man like Minho could not find a date to a ball. "You have to bring a date!"

"I still have time," Minho replied. "I'll see you tonight."

He bid goodbye to Shawn and headed towards the elevator. He partly owned the hotel along with Kanji so he had a dedicated suite for himself. All throughout the ride, Minho was preoccupied with the ball.

It was a very important party and he must attend it somehow. But if he asked any of the women from his circle, then they would start clinging to him with marriage prospects and he did not want them to entertain such silly notions. He needed someone who would not be clingy and also act as a perfect partner for the ball.

Deep in thought, he entered his suite room number 419. Unlocking the door, he was about to dial Jongin to arrange a date for him when he heard the shower running in the bathroom. Frowning, he walked towards it.

"Who's in there?" he called out. But the shower was loud and the person inside did not hear him. Picking up a poker stick, he cautiously unlocked the bathroom door with his key. There was a silhouette behind the shower curtain.

Slowly approaching the intruder, Minho reached out to pull the curtain apart

Gayoon turned around in shock as the curtain flew open. The weird money lover was standing there with a stick in his hand. For a moment, both of them stared at each other before realizing that Gayoon was completely naked.


Both of them screamed at the same time. Minho dropped the stick in his hand while Gayoon, in her shocked state, landed a punch on him.

Minho completely blacked out and fell to the floor hard. The last thing he heard were a series of curse words directed his way.


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