Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 126: 5 Days-A Revelation

Chapter 126: 5 Days-A Revelation




Jina lay very still, trying to process what Gayoon had just done. Lady Cop can see spirits too? But how was that possible? She could not see the black shadow in the hospital whereas Jina had clearly seen it! 

Casper was also surprised but Yumi kept her cool. She had suspected it for a while but it seemed that Gayoon could truly sense them on some levels. It was an odd coincidence but Gayoon looked very confident. 

The detective stood up and faced their way, determined to know the truth. She was looking at the wrong direction though which made Yumi frown.

"Can you see us?" Yumi demanded.

"No," Gayoon admitted. "I can only sense your presence and hear you. On my first night here, you told me about a black shadow. And yesterday, a letter arrived telling me of a black shadow. It was related to the CCK since the letter also mentioned about your...heart."

Yumi was silent for a while. "Did you send that letter?" Gayoon pressed. "How did you do it?"

Yumi was about to tell how Jina could see them but Casper shook his head and made gestures at her to lie. He was not sure how much they should reveal to the detective and it was best to gauge her reactions first before they told her the full truth.

"I possessed a passing traveler and made him write it," Yumi lied smoothly. "About the black shadow too. I know the CCK has my heart. I know what he did with it too."

It was a good thing that Gayoon could not see them otherwise their expressions would have given away their lie.

"He?" Gayoon raised her eyebrow. "The current CCK is a copycat and it's a woman. Doctor Dohyun who is an intern at-"

"Dohyun is only a scapegoat," Yumi revealed. "The black shadow! That's the real culprit. Dohyun is being possessed. We saw it!"

Gayoon froze in fear. A black shadow? Possession?

"That's impossible!" she gasped. "Only spirits can possess other people's bodies! That too when they become very powerful after lingering for a few years! I've never heard of ablack shadow being able to possess people. Moreover, if it was a spirit then I would have sensed or heard it!"

"It might be because it's not a spirit!" Yumi replied. "It's not even dead! We staked outside that doctor's house and also asked the spirits in the park! They told us that the black shadow isn't dead but not alive either. It was somewhere in between life and death, resembling a half dead entity. Maybe that's why you couldn't sense it? The shadow lingers in the hospital but comes out to possess the doctor."

Gayoon thought hard. She had never encountered such a phenomenon and this was going to be a challenge. On the other hand, if the black shadow belonged to Doctor Nam, then it perfectly explains how Dohyun was able to replicate CCK's methods to the T.

"What else do you know?" she demanded. "And who is your companion? You keep on mentioning 'we'. There are two of you?"

Is it Jiyeon? She wondered.

"This is Casper," Yumi stated. Casper waved at Gayoon but the latter could not see him so she did not know that he was greeting her.

"He can't speak," Yumi supplied. "But he's waving at you."


Gayoon gave him a little wave as well, confused over the unlikely pair. "Anyways," Yumi shrugged. "You should investigate that park as well."

"Why do you say that?"

"The other victim, the one he killed after me, visited that park," Yumi said. "And it's near Doctor Dohyun's building too! I also frequented that place when I was alive. The shadow might be getting victims from there."

"This is brand new information," Gayoon muttered. I'll have to dig up the old case files, she decided. If that's how he's getting victims now, then the previous victims must have also visited one place quite frequently to come under his radar. Maybe his killings were not random after all.

"Tell me about the night you were murdered," she said. "What do you remember?"

"I remember that it was very cold," Yumi recalled. "I was completely paralyzed from top to bottom but my consciousness was working. My head was jumbled up but the place was moving. I was put in some kind of cold storage which was inside a vehicle. And we saw the latest one, Mina, getting kidnapped in a van which was big enough to have a cold storage container."

"Did you see where she was taken?"

"No, but a passing spirit told us that he once saw the van in the bunkers kept near the airport," Yumi explained. 

Gayoon began to piece all the puzzles now. Dohyun was not CCK but a vessel for the killer to carry out his revenge plan. He was following his same MO in order to threaten Minho and get his revenge. The man was so hellbent on his revenge that he consumed his own daughter in the process.

"But why are you here?" Gayoon finally asked. "Why are you in this house?"

This was something which was baffling Gayoon. Yumi knew that Minho could not sense nor see her then why was she lingering in his mansion. And what was with the other ghost? Why was he there?

"I came here after following Hwang Minho," Yumi said. It was half true anyway. She just happened to chance upon Jina who could see spirits. "And I met Casper here who is helping me to find my killer."

"And you, Casper? Why are you here?"

Casper scrambled to think up an excuse but Yumi came to his rescue.

"He's saying that one of the servants is his grandson and lays out food for his soul every night," she lied. "So he comes to accept the offering. We ended up meeting and he helps me out in getting used to my life as a ghost."

"So you're the ghost I felt hanging out inside Mina's closet?" she questioned. "What were you doing there? And why are you always lingering near Jina?"

"Jina reminds him of his granddaughter," Yumi lied once again. "He can't speak but he's very fond of the little girl and acts as a guardian angel! I swear, he's not harmful at all! He might look scary but he's a nice guy. He's been here for a while and he did not harm anyone!"

Yumi was surprisingly sincere about the latter part. Gayoon was a little hesitant to let the two ghosts stay there but they were so far harmless. If they had any malevolent tendencies then they would have harmed the family by then. She was not worried about herself but it was Jina who would bear the brunt. Children were vulnerable to ghostly possessions and she did not want Jina to suffer.

"We mean no harm to anyone here!" Yumi claimed. "In fact, Casper keeps all the dangerous spirits away from this house! I swear! We just want to find the CCK!"

"We'll talk about this after the case is over," Gayoon told them. "Until then, you guys are absolutely forbidden from entering Jina's room. I'll know if you come here! If you need to talk to someone, you can talk to me. But you can't come in here."

Her decision was absolutely firm. There was no guarantee that harmless spirits would not turn out to be dangerous. Moreover, the silent ghost was also making her wary since it was hard for her to tell what kind of spirit he really was. What if he was a pedophile? Or worse, a mass murderer or criminal? 

"Fine," Yumi agreed, knowing fully that it would not stop Jina from seeing them. They can always meet up with her elsewhere in the house when Gayoon was not around. Casper also nodded in agreement. 

"I'll talk to the CCK team and somehow sneak in the updates," Gayoon went on. "And tell them to take a look around those areas since they're quite secluded."

"And now, I think you two should go and ask more ghosts," she added. "No more sneaking around in Jina's room."

"Alright," Yumi said. "Let's go Casper."

The two of them disappeared. Gayoon felt their presences were gone and she hoped that they would keep their end of the bargain. The chances were low but she could only hope.

She glanced at Jina who was still pretending to be asleep. Patting the little girl's head once more she kissed her cheek before leaving the room. Once she was gone, Jina opened her eyes and sat up.

The little girl was shocked to learn that the Lady Cop could sense spirits too. There was another person like her who knew of the existence of ghosts!

"This is getting weirder and weirder," she muttered. She let out a loud yawn.

"Meh, I'll just go to sleep and deal with everything later," she mumbled, lying back again to sleep. It was a long night and she needed energy to find her aunt. She could not help but worry about Mina and how she was doing. Was she scared? Was she fighting hard? Or was she already

No! She told herself. Aunt is fine. She's tough! I'm sure she'll make it.

With uneasy thoughts, she went to sleep, trying not to think of what lay ahead for Mina.


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