Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 124: 5 Days-A Peeper

Chapter 124: 5 Days-A Peeper




Meanwhile Jina and her two minions were keeping an eye on the park, waiting to see if any spirit turned up. They were hiding in the bushes to peep on the passing ghosts, debating whom to ask.

"What about that one?" Jina asked, pointing at a pale lady whose face was slit on her sides to resemble a smile. The cuts were bleeding a pale liquid and the woman was watching beadily at the humans around her.

Casper shook his head and made hand gestures.

"You're saying that's the Kuchisake Onna?" she frowned. "Isn't she the one who goes around asking people if she's pretty or not? And whatever the answer is, she'll end up slitting people's faces anyway?"

Casper nodded while Yumi groaned. "I used to think ghosts were only figments of everyone's imagination," she muttered.

"Some are," Jina explained. "There are a few stories which were made up but a lot of them aren't."

The pale woman glanced their way and approached them. An evil glint was evident in her eyes as she came up to the trio from the back, hiding her blade in her long kimono.

"Little girl," she said in a sing-song voice. "Am I pretty?"

"No," Jina replied offhandedly, her eyes still looking out for other spirits.

The woman took off her mask and asked again, "Am I pretty now?"

"Buzz off!" Yumi snapped. "We've got bigger things to worry about than your ugly face!"

The ghost was taken aback by Yumi's bluntness and was about to attack but Casper turned around to glare at her. Seeing his bashed in face scared the ghost and she screamed.

"AHHHHH!" she yelled in fright and ran away while the trio stared at her retreating back.

"She should really take a good look at herself in the mirror," Yumi scoffed.

"What about that ghost?" Jina pointed at a sad looking ghost sitting next to a trash can. He was gloomy and was seated at his spot for a long time. Casper shook his head.

"Why not?" Jina frowned.

"That's coz that old man keeps on annoying people with his sob story," Yumi sighed. "When I was stalking that doctor, I stopped by this park to say hi to him. I thought I should get to know more ghosts. But the guy went on and on about how his girlfriend had dumped him and married a rich guy while he became so depressed that he hung himself on that tree next to the trash can. The guy even reenacts it to add dramatic effect. When I asked him what happened to his girlfriend, he went on to repeat the same story and hung himself. Again."

"He's out then," Jina said, shaking her head. "But we need to find someone who can give us information!"

She scanned the area but it was of no use. They would have to split up and search.

"Yumi unnie, you go south," she said. "Casper and I will take the northern side. Let's see if we can find a spirit who can give us info."

"Fine," Yumi agreed and they split up. Jina and Casper headed towards the pond where the spirits were mixed with living human beings who were there to enjoy a nighttime stroll. 

Normally, Jina would have been too scared to venture out at night on her own but with Casper as her companion she was not afraid. Even if he could not physically hurt anyone who would dare to harm her, he could hurl things at them which was enough to scare people away.

Casper pointed at one girl ghost who was staring in jealousy at a lovey dovey couple.

"Nah," Jina refused. "She seems to be a crazy stalker. Let's find someone more perceptive"

She glanced around until her eyes fell on one male ghost who was lurking behind a tree. He was a slim man in his mid twenties and even though he was pale to the point he was almost transparent, Jina could tell he had greasy hair. His face was plain and he was obese for his age. The guy was creepily staring at a group of women, leering at them.

"That peeper," she began. "Let's ask him."

Even though she was only eight, she had seen these kinds of spirits. They tended to stalk women and peeped on them like they did when they were alive. Jina called them peepers and whenever she saw one around, she would throw things at them until they ran off. These ghosts were not dangerous but they were cowardly and perverted. Yet, these ghosts also knew a lot of information about people.

Casper nodded and they quietly approached the ghost which was busy jeering at the girls.

"Huhuhu," he giggled. "That one looks like Angelina Jolie! I should stalk her tonight"

She was eyeing a pretty blonde girl who was probably a foreigner. The girl had no idea a pervert was lusting after her as she merrily chatted with her friends. Jina pulled up her sleeves and put her hands on her waist.

"Oi you!" she called at it. The peeper was shocked and turned around only to find the little girl calling him.

"Y-y-you can see me?" he asked in astonishment. 

"Yes," she replied. "And also the fact that you're stalking those girls! Do you want me to unleash Casper on you?"

She pointed at her scary looking companion who crunched in knuckles in a menacing way, ready to punch the peeper. The peeper yelped and fell to his knees.

"Forgive me!" he begged. "I was only keeping an eye on my sister! She's the blonde one!"

"Yes, I can see the resemblance," she snorted. "I'm eight but not dumb!"

"I won't do it again!" he lied but Jina did not have time to deal with his idiocy. 

"I want to know something," she began. "Do you know that female doctor who lives in that building?"

She pointed at the apartment complex where Dohyun lived. The peeper frowned.

"A lot of female doctors live there," he stated. "I've seen them all and know their names. Which one are you talking about?"

Casper made hand signs at Jina who nodded and turned to the peeper. "Dohyun," she said. "Doctor Dohyun. She owns a large black van."

"Oh yes!" the peeper exclaimed. "That weird one. I've seen her around but I didn't dare to stalk her! She is already being stalked by a black shadow. I don't want to go anywhere near that half dead thing!"

"Half dead?" Jina questioned.

"Oh that shadow is alive," the peeper revealed. "It's not dead nor is it fully alive. Whoever it belongs to, is in a state between life and death. He can't pass on to the world of the dead nor live among humans. It's the product of a limbo."

"Then how come it's stalking people?" Jina asked. "And why is it targeting that doctor?"

"Maybe it latched on to the first person it could find," the peeper shrugged. "But there isn't any criteria for possessing people. Anyone can be possessed if they have a weak willpower. It's difficult to possess people with stronger willpower. It must have sensed that doctor's insecurities and thought she was the perfect vessel."

"What did he make her do?" Jina asked.


The peeper thought hard. "I did see something," he admitted. He leaned closer as if afraid that someone would hear him.

"I did see her leave late at nights," he whispered. "She got into her van and drove off somewhere. This happened a lot and I found it strange because that girl looked as if she was hypnotized. So I followed her one night-"

"You just said that you didn't stalk her!" Jina accused.

"I wasn't stalking!" he said indignantly. "I was just curious about what she was upto."

"That's called stalking and it's illegal!"

"Do you want the info or not?" he demanded. Jina bit her lip, feeling conflicted while Casper scowled at the pervert.

"Fine!" she conceded. "What happened next?"

"The black shadow did not realize I was following it," he went on. "But it was with her in the van. They drove to this warehouse just a little down the airport. The warehouse was abandoned so they were using it for something. I didn't go any further than that in case the shadow had noticed me but I lingered around. After a while, the girl emerged out of the warehouse, carrying a large bag. I didn't know what was in it, but as she was dragging it away, I saw fresh blood pouring out of it, staining the ground"

Jina felt uncomfortable at the gory details while Casper glared at the peeper who was unabashed by his descriptive storytelling. 

"Anyways," he went on. "The doctor carried it out and placed it in her car. Then she drove off once again with the shadow in tow. I didn't follow them any further because I was afraid of that black shadow. It was making the doctor do a lot of things and there was no doubt that she's possessed."

Just then Yumi appeared out of thin air to find Jina and Casper's shell shocked faces. 

"Who is this beauty?" the peeper asked, catcalling at Yumi. The latter hit him with all her might, throwing him to the ground.

"Disgusting pig!" she cursed. "Get outta here!"

The peeper was not hurt since ghosts did not feel anything but was irritated at Yumi. He grumbled in annoyance and got up to leave.

"What did you two find out?" she asked, turning to them.

"A lot of things!" Jina exclaimed. "Come on! I'll tell you on the way home!"


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