Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 119: 5 Days-The Beginning

Chapter 119: 5 Days-The Beginning




Jina was busy studying when the two ghosts popped into her room. She felt a little irritated at their intrusion and was about to scold them for ruining her study time when she noticed the grim expressions on their faces.

"What happened?" she frowned. Casper was about to talk to her in sign language when Yumi cut through.

"Your aunt has been kidnapped by that black shadow!" she exclaimed.

Jina froze in her seat. The black shadow? "The one from the hospital?" she gasped. 

"Yes," Yumi nodded. Jina was in a fix. She had seen that black shadow with her own eyes and it was not a friendly ghost. In fact, she was sure it was not a ghost. The shadow was something else entirely because it was not a human but it was not a dead being either. It was stuck in a limbo, phasing in and out of the two worlds.

"You have to save your aunt!" Yumi said in desperation. "That's going to kill her!"

Casper was thinking hard while Jina could not figure out a way to help her aunt.

"What do we do?" Jina asked in despair. "No one is gonna believe me!"

She was becoming increasingly frustrated at the adults who did not believe her words. They thought she was merely a child and all of the talk about ghosts were figments of her imagination. No matter how many times she tried to tell her dad, he would laugh it off as her silly dreams and nothing else.

Casper understood the little girl's and patted her head. Jina looked like she was on the verge of crying but tried to keep herself together for the sake of her aunt who was in danger. Yumi, too, pitied the little girl. If she was alive, she would have also scoffed at Jina's claims. 

But death had given her a different perspective of the world. No one could hear her cries nor feel her pain. She wanted to rip that shadow into pieces. It had not only killed her but as a last act of sadism, it even consumed her heart. Her body was cut into pieces and discarded like she was trash which had no value. She was worthless in its eyes and the very thought of it made her furious.

"There is one way," she said quietly. Both Jina and Casper looked at her, their eyes filled with hope.

"What is it?" Jina asked. "What can we do?"

"I'm not entirely sure about this," Yumi began. "But I think that"

She trailed off. Should they really try this method? What if she was wrong? There was only one way to find out but if they tried it then people might think Jina was crazy.

"Your Lady Cop," Yumi began. "I think she can sense us."

"WHAT?" Jina bellowed. "Impossible! She can't sense you! If she did, she would have told us."

"No," Yumi stated. "She wouldn't. What if like you, she can also sense us but keeps her mouth shut because people make fun of her too?"

Casper made some gestures at her.

"What's he saying?" Yumi asked.

"He's asking how can you tell that Lady Cop can sense us?" Jina interpreted.

"Think about it," Yumi said. "Whenever we arrive to talk to you, she barges in. Every single time."

Jina thought about it. Her mind wandered to how the Lady Cop would suddenly appear whenever she tried to talk to Yumi and Casper alone. Was it all a coincidence?

"Let's try to send her a message first," Jina suggested. "Like a tip about the killer which only you would know!"

"Yes," Yumi replied while Casper nodded. "That girl carrying the shadow is driving a van. It probably had some kind of cold container in the back. Because I felt the ground moving when I was kidnapped. I was in a vehicle of sorts and that van was large enough to carry a cold storage!"

"What else do you know?" Jina asked. She took out a pen and paper to take notes. Her handwriting was childish but there was no time. They had to send a tip as soon as possible

Yumi hesitated to give the other information and even Casper was not too keen on it.

"Write exactly what I'm about to say," Yumi stated. Jina nodded. 

Yumi took a deep breath and said, "Yumi's heart is inside CCK."

Jina frowned at her, feeling confused but Yumi only said, "Just write that. And add about the cold storage."


The little girl could not understand why the ghost told her to phrase it like that. Her heart was inside CCK? What did that even mean?

Casper glanced at Yumi who looked troubled. There was little time and Mina could be dead for all they knew. 

Please be safe, aunt, Jina prayed as she wrote the note.


Cold. Her body was shivering with cold, freezing up her limbs. She could not move and to her shock, words would not come out of her mouth either. She lay on the flat table, paralyzed by the drug.

Dohyun was watching her, quietly rocking to and fro on a chair. Her dull eyes were lit with amanic twinkle as if she was eyeing a prey.

"Hello little one," Dohyun said softly. "We meet again."

There it was again. That familiar chilling voice which had haunted her dreams for the past twenty years. The fear the man had instilled was coming back again, making her insides burn with a quiet fury. The face was different but Mina knew it was him. It did not make sense to her how the CCK had turned into Dohyun. Was it even the CCK?

It is him, she thought. Her usually rational mind tried to come up with many excuses to convince her that it was not the CCK. But she knew it was him. There was no explanation to it but her gut feeling was screaming at her. The monster was back and this time it would not fail to devour her.

"Did you miss me?" Dohyun wheezed. "You must be wondering how I ended up in this body"

Dohyun took a deep breath. "You see, at first I wanted to possess your body," she admitted. "On your first day, when you walked into the room where my comatose body lay. The moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew that you were Hwang Mina. The little girl who got away. I could have chosen another victim. But I had some unfinished business with your dear brother."

Brother? Was he going to harm Minho again?

She tried to move her body but she was as helpless as she was twenty years ago. At that time, she was a child who had no idea how to protect herself. But now she was older and things were different. Even if the drugs prevented her movement, she was patient. She would not let him scare her anymore.

"Feisty," Dohyun murmured. "I wonder if your heart is still the same."

She trailed a finger along Mina's collar to the left side of her chest. Mina wanted to hit the monster but her hands would not move. Plus, the person in front of her was Dohyun who was acting out of the ordinary. Was she delusional?

But the latter part was impossible. Every month, the doctors and all hospital staff members had to go through mandatory mental health checks to ensure that they were of sound mind whenever handling patients. Dohyun's license could be suspended and she would have been placed on mandatory psychiatric check ups if she had failed. There was no way she had a mental problem.

"This girl," Dohyun went on in that chilly tone. "She's so gullible. Was sympathetic to me. You see, she felt sorry for the doctor who had been in a coma for twenty years."

Doctor Nam! Mina realized. Is she talking about Doctor Nam? How was this even possible? Dohyun is speaking as if she was possessed!

"Always threw up the good part," Dohyun sighed. "Her body could not handle the meals. I wonder if your body would have been able to handle it"

It's him! It's CCK! 

The voice in Mina's head was screaming at her, urging her to run. But how was she going to escape this time? 

"I'm going to enjoy my sweet revenge," CCK leered at her. "Five days. I'm gonna enjoy our time together. Tormenting your brother is the sweetest revenge."

A single drop of tear fell from Mina's right eye, making the maniac laugh. The bone chilling laughter echoed through the cold room which was about to turn into the mayhem of nightmares.


"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?" Junwan yelled at Gayoon. The entire precinct was watching the drama with interest. Some of the police officers were even glad that Gayoon was being scolded for her incompetence. They had hoped to get the CCK case but when Junwa chose Gayoon to lead the investigation, many of them became jealous.

"Detective Jeon Gayoon, you were sent to the Hwang Mansion to protect the residents there!" Junwan screeched. "But your negligence caused Mina to be kidnapped again!"

Gayoon did not make any excuses for herself. She had become too lax and ended up endangering Mina's life. Minho had dropped her off at the station and left to disperse his men through the town, looking for Mina.

"I will find her," Gayoon swore. "I will not let the CCK-"

"You will do nothing," Junwan said sharply. "As of now, you have been taken off this case."


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