Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 109: 11:59 (26)

Chapter 109: 11:59 (26)

Minho paused for a second. Jina turned around to face him with the doey innocent eye she had inherited from

He was about to answer when Gayoon stirred. She did not wake up but shifted a little to hug back Jina.

"I'll go and get some dinner from the cafe," he said instead. "You stay here and do not go anywhere else. Got it?"

"Yes dad!" Jina said. Minho nodded and left the room. Once he was outside, he noticed a familiar figure running towards the VVIP room. He groaned in annoyance as Taejoon came closer. The men were not pleased to see each other.

"How is she?" Taejoon asked curtly.

"She's fine," Minho replied in an icy tone. "She's resting."

Minho did not want to argue with this man in the middle of the hospital and was about to turn to leave when Taejoon spoke up.

"I talked with the mother of the latest victim," Taejoon said. Minho froze in his steps and turned around to face him, frowning.

"And?" he asked.

"She was married to Doctor Nam Daewhi," Taejoon replied. "Apparently, he's in this hospital but in a coma."

They began to walk towards the cafe as they talked. "Nam Daewhi?" Minho recalled the name. Gayoon had mentioned that he was one of the suspects of being CCK but the man was in a coma so there was no way he was committing the murders.

"He had self operated on himself," Taejoon revealed. "And ended up in a coma. Twenty years ago."

Minho stopped in his steps. "Self operated?" he echoed. "How did he-"

"The doctors don't know why he did it," Taejoon sighed. "He cut a large chunk of his own meat and was on the verge of death. The doctors don't think he'll ever wake up again. So there is no way he is the CCK."

"Where is this guy?" Minho suddenly demanded.

"Room number 341," Taejoon replied. 

"I wanna see him," Minho said. "I want to see his injuries. I might be able to tell whether he's the CCK or not."

"Uhh" Taejoon began. "You can see him but we won't be able to check for his injuries without a warrant or doctor's approval. You'll have to wait until tomorrow. We can't do this without a due procedure."

Minho resisted the urge to roll his eyes but there was little he could do. The laws stated that the police could not violate a person's privacy without sufficient proof and warrant. It would be impossible to check on Nam's injuries without a warrant from the authorities.

"Anyways, if Gayoon is not awake, then I'll return later," Taejoon went on. "But you know, it's weird that she got injured soon after she started living with you."

"What does that mean?" Minho gritted.

"I mean, all these years I've been with her, she was never injured," Taejoon shot back. "And she lived only two days with you and she's already in the hospital over a minor head injury."

Minho did not reply but kept on walking as if he had not heard the detective.

"I mean, I have protected her better than others," Taejoon said loudly. "Even during those all night raids and stakeouts, she was never injured as long as she was with me. I guess I could protect her better-"

"Who said she needs your protection?" Minho asked. "From what I see, Jeon Gayoon is perfectly capable of protecting herself. In fact, I pity the criminals who have to face her wrath. And she wasn't hurt when she was with you? It's not because you were protecting her. She never got hurt because she's a good cop. She doesn't need your or anyone else's protection."

Taejoon gaped at his reply, feeling irritated. He was about to bite back when Minho said, " I believe you're done now. You can leave. Visiting hours are over and only family can stay behind."

He put extra emphasis on the word 'family' to make Taejoon realize that he was fighting a losing battle. Between him and Minho, the latter knew very well who would be able to win over Gayoon.

Taejoon gave him a hard stare before turning on his heels to leave. Minho proceeded to buy two cups of ramen and was about to head back to the VVIP ward but changed his mind halfway and proceeded towards room 341 instead.

Averting the crowd, he quietly made his way towards the room where a frail old man lay. He was on multiple ventilators and lay still on the bed. Minho stood there, staring at the old man who was lying in front of him.

His mind was echoing the cold voice of the monster he had faced so many years ago. Even after all this time, he could recall it as if he had met that monster just yesterday. The chilling tone which emitted nothing but hatred. A menacing laughter which had haunted Minho in his nightmares, unstopping and determined to continue until the end of his life.

Was this man the monster which stalked their dreams?

He looked around to make sure there were no doctors or nurses around. There was no one.

"This is my only chance," he muttered. Reaching for the helm of the old man's hospital garb, he pulled it up.

There was a large scar on the side of the stomach but the flesh looked as if it had been regrowing for years. The man had truly tried to operate on himself and cut off his own meat. Minho checked his arm next and there were similar self inflicted scars from the botched surgery. There was no doubt that this man had operated on the same spot where he had shot the CCK.

"Is the new one a copycat killer?" Minho frowned. But what if he was wrong and the injuries on Doctor Nam were nothing more than the actions of a foolish man?

He was so deep in thought, that he did not notice the drop in temperature. A slow, cold breeze was creeping into the windowless room, brushing past Minho. He shivered a little and pulled his jacket closer, still engrossed in his thoughts about the CCK. Unbeknownst to him, a shadow was beginning to form behind him, watching his actions carefully.

The shadow was quiet and still as it eyed its topic of interest checking the injuries on the comatose man. It felt nothing but a cold hatred for the young man who was now busy in his own thoughts. It crept closer to him until it was only millimeters apart.

Minho was about to turn and leave but suddenly, his gut instincts told him not to turn around. A strange fear began to creep up in his heart and he did not dare to move.

This is ridiculous! He told himself. Why am I afraid to move?

But his feet would not listen to him and instead, stayed rooted to their spot.

"Save her...if you can"

A hushed whisper rang in his ear. Even though he could not make out what was being said, Minho felt an ominous threat looming in the air. It was the same fear he had experienced when he confronted the CCK. But how was that possible?

The shadow behind him backed off until it completely disappeared. The fear gripping Minho had left him and he collapsed on the ground, sweating. His breath was heavy and he was panting. 

For some inexplicable reason, Minho glanced at the wall clock. It was 11:59 PM.

Turning to the man on the bed, he asked out loud, "Who the hell are you?"


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