Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 106: 11:59 (23)

Chapter 106: 11:59 (23)


He had just returned home from his trip when Shujin informed him that Gayoon had been living with her billionaire boyfriend for the past two days.

"Oh she's a grown woman!" Shujin snapped. "She can take care of herself-"

"SHE'S A GIRL!" Junho exclaimed in outrage. "What if he's a player who's taking advantage of her? What if he never marries her? Or worse, makes her pregnant and abandons her? The last time she took on that surrogacy task, it almost destroyed her! You want her to go through it again?"

"Gayoon was young, naive and desperate back then!" Shujin snapped. "If she hadn't gotten rid of her abilities, she would have gone crazy!"

"And the aftermath of that pregnancy drove her to depression as well!" Junho reasoned. "I wasn't in town that time either! You keep on pushing her towards these crazy ideas behind my back and she ends up suffering!"

He glared at her. Shujin may not have approved of Gayoon's desire to give up her abilities through surrogacy but she did not stop the girl at all. Junho would have stopped her but he was out of town that time, looking for the white orb and did not return until months later when Gayoon was already at the last trimester. He did not talk to her for weeks after that but when she ran away to find her father, he went after her only to find that man had abandoned her once again.

"She is happy!" Shujin insisted. "Why can't you see it?"

"Do we even know who she's living with?" Junho shot back. "What if he's not the right person for her? Do you really want her to go through more trauma?"

"She's a grown woman who had given up her child and police officer who once had the ability to see ghosts," Shujin replied. "She can handle herself now after going through all that. I'm sure the guy she chose is a wonderful person-"

"I will decide that," Junho declared. "I'm off to meet her and bring her back home. No more living with a billionaire playboy!"

Shujin hit his head with a newspaper.

"What was that for?" Junho demanded.

"Just because you were a playboy before meeting your wife doesn't mean everyone is like you!" she scolded him. 

"You don't know men!" Junho claimed. "They pretend to be cold and aloof to entice gullible women!"

"It didn't even work in your case! Your wife refused you for over two years until you cleaned up your act!"

"I'm still going to bring Gayoon back," Junho grumbled. "God knows how she's been living with that guy's family! What if they treat her like trash? Think of her as if she's not worth their son? What if the boy's mother looks down on her?"

"This is not a drama," Shujin said, shaking her head but Junho was not convinced. He could let his precious goddaughter suffer again!

"I'm off to find her," he went on. "And smack some sense into her head. No one messes with our Gayoon!"

Picking up his jacket, he stormed out, leaving Shujin to gape after him. She sighed but was also a little relieved that Junho was so protective of Gayoon. Even though he missed his own children, he pampered Gayoon a lot. Whenever some ghost haunted her, he would protect her and soon, learnt to vanquish them so that Gayoon would not live in fear everyday.

The man gave up a lot of things to find his wife's killer and yet, he could not meet his own children. He especially missed his daughter and since Gayoon was the same age as her, he could not help but dote on her.

"I really wish he'd meet her soon," she sighed. 


Junho was marching to the hospital where Gayoon was. He had texted her and asked where she was. To his surprise, she was at the National Hospital regarding a case she was handling. Junho had been out of town for days so he did not know much about the latest news but as soon as he arrived, he saw the headlines on the news channels through his phone. Apparently some old serial killer had returned and Gayoon was in charge of that case.

He was on the opposite side of the hospital, about to cross the road when he noticed a red sports car pulling up in front of the building. Junho was about to take a step to cross over to the other side when the car's door opened and a young man came out.

Junho froze in his steps. He knew that man!

Kanji came out of the car and stretched his limbs. He had been out on an overnight trip to City E and had been driving for hours. 

"I should go and meet my cutie Mina," he happily said to himself, not noticing the man who was observing him from across the road. But Junho instantly recognized Kanji. After all, he was the second richest man in town and also his former best friend Jason's son. Even if he had not seen the boy for over twenty five years, Kanji's face was as recognizable as Minho's.

Junho quickly hid behind a tree. Why is he here? Junho wondered. He cursed his luck. Gayoon was in the hospital regarding a case and Junho could not even enter the place with Kanji around. What if he recognized him and told Minho? His son would never believe him that he did not kill Suna and might even pull many strings to punish him somehow.

I'll have to wait until he leaves, Junho decided. Groaning at his luck, he wandered around the street, keeping a close eye on the red car from afar.

"Discount!" he heard a seller yell. "Special 50 percent discount on all apparel! Discount!"

The mention of discount made him turn. "Maybe I can do some shopping while I wait," he muttered.

He entered the shop where there was a huge crowd gathered around the apparel section. There were clothes for men, women and children along with some selected formal wear arranged for the shoppers. The bargain buyers hoarded the place along with Junho, who pushed through them.

"Move it!" he snapped at a few buyers as he tried to get his hands on the clothes on sale. As a former businessman, he always kept an eye out for discount prices for the cost effectiveness. It turned out to be a great survival skill too.

His eyes fell on a pink jacket which was hung on a clothing stand. 

"Gayoon would like that!" he nodded. Darting towards it, he made a grab for it.

"FOUND IT!" Both of them exclaimed. Eh? 

Junho looked up to find a girl in her mid twenties, wearing a doctor's coat. Both of them stared at each other in surprise and then back to the jacket they were holding.


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