Modern Patriarch

Chapter 4: Official Edicts

Chapter 4: Official Edicts

Yao Shen walked forward towards the congregation of viewers, largely from his own sect by this point, with the two Patriarchs in tow– much to the shock of the onlookers, who could not understand what exactly was happening.

There was still a small group of about forty to fifty disciples from the two rival sects that courageously, or perhaps stupidly, depending on one's perspective, stood their ground- their weapons drawn. A trickle of red and brown in a sea of azure robes, knowing that they would meet their end here but refusing to budge- this was their pride, their loyalty, their respect to the Sect that had given them everything they owned and learned.

Yao Shen walked in front, followed by the two Patriarch who walked a step behind him on either side- in the same manner, that subordinates follow elders.

He raised his right hand in the sky, and the hushed whispers, the uneasy glances, and the confused gazes ceased at once.

“You all, regardless of which sect you come from, must be wondering why I trust Patriarch Weiyuan and Long with my unguarded back. No doubt, a question has arisen in your mind- how could Patriarch Yao Shen, who barely managed to ascend to Nascent Soul, reach the Soul Emperor level? Why has he not struck down the other two patriarchs now that he is invincible?” Yao Shen began to explain, his tone solemn as he held the absolute attention of the crowd.

No one responded out loud, but the doubt in their gazes was evident for all to see, even in the eyes of Elder Han that was the only Elder from the Heavenly Sky Sect present.

“Only now can I tell you of a plan that was set in motion decades ago,” Yao Shen wistfully sighed, as if he were about to tell a tale he had longed to share long ago. His memories of Earth had not only taught him about modern values, ethics, and development but also touched upon the art of warfare. That in part had made him realize how truly profound the teachings of Earth were and how backward they were in comparison- to subdue the enemy without fighting, was truly a magnificent Dao.

“For a thousand years, our righteous path sects have been in-fighting, tearing at each other’s throats like rabid animals. Yet, no one seems to remember the reason why this dispute started, why the remaining three sects of the Azlak Plains continue to stagnate. Once upon a time, the very mention of our three sects brought fear into the hearts of foreign cultivators, so much so that even a Qi-Refinement novice carrying our sect’s identification would be given respect deserving of a core formation cultivator. But now? Look at us now!” Yao Shen’s voice boomed out loudly, stunning the spectating disciples.

Was there truly such a time? Did their sect really use to be that powerful? Then what happened, for things to go so wrong?

“A few decades ago, we three patriarchs came and pondered upon this same question. We searched through sect records, ]scouring the records of the past thousand years, conducting divination to verify its contents, and even going as far as to awaken our reserve elders and ask them to verify the truth. I will no longer conceal the truth from you, for we reached a startling conclusion!” Yao Shen exclaimed dramatically, while the other two patriarchs tried their best to keep their mouths shut and expressions placid. When did they come together? Who would awaken their reserve elders to ask historical questions, wasn’t that courting death? What nonsense was this?

Many of the disciples felt their breaths seize and their hearts go cold. As a Human Dao practitioner, Yao Shen could imbue his Dao into his words- it wouldn’t do much except amplify the effect of his meaning, making them feel the tension, shock and anger Yao Shen pretended to feel when he 'stumbled' upon the revelation.

“It was the demonic sect! Demonic sect spies!” Yao Shen screamed out loud with a vengeful hatred, stunning everyone in attendance including the two patriarchs.

Stunned gasps could be heard, disciples looking around at each other warily with distrust in their eyes. The fact that someone they trained, ate, and slept with could be a demonic sect spy was frightening, knowing how cruelly they finished off cultivators from the righteous path.

“Why has the dispute between our sects persisted for a thousand years? We are all righteous path brothers and sisters, and our ideologies and approach are similar. Then why are there always cries for war, murder, and bloodshed? Because every time we press for peace, these spies cause an incident that once again forces us to resort to violence!”

Silence reigned for a few seconds, revelation after revelation stunning the crowd into shock.

“Kill the demonic sect dogs!” An azure-robed disciple whispered under his breath, overheard by the disciples in his immediate vicinity.

“Kill the demonic sect dogs!” The azure-robed disciple next to him spoke, but loudly this time. Soon, an entire chant had begun, with the disciples of the two rival sects joining in as well- to know that a third party had been hiding in the shadows and profiting from their conflict tarnished the pride of any cultivator, to be used and misled in such a demeaning manner.

Patriarch Yao raised his right hand in the air, causing the chants to stop reluctantly.

“While this may be true, this does not change the animosity our three sets have accrued over generations. The demonic sect has truly played us well, for now even though we are made aware of their treachery, the ties of past hatred tear us apart, making us unable to unite,” Yao Shen’s voice was low, his expression dark, as he clenched his fists in anger.

The azure robed disciple's expression hardened as they recalled years of conflict, espionage, assassinations, and even betrayal, all but the youngest among them. The red and brown-clothed disciples went pale upon witnessing Patriarch Yao’s silent but terrifying anger, clenching their weapons until their knuckles went white.

“But they underestimate the righteous path’s wisdom and resolve!” Patriarch Yao pronounced, his voice booming out with renewed vigor, startling all the cultivators in attendance, even the two Patriarchs standing behind him— though the old foxes did well to hide their surprise.

All the cultivators in attendance watched on with bated breath, knowing that Patriarch Yao’s next words would be earth-shattering.

“Disciples. Guardians. Elders. I address those from all three sects, including my own. Record my words and present them when you return to your sects, knowing that this is the will of all three patriarchs. I hereby proclaim I, Yao Shen, Patriarch of the Heavenly Sky Temple….,” he paused, using a light trickle of divine sense to prod Patriarch Lei Wuiyuan.

He seemed to understand his intentions, coughing lightly in an attempt to mask the momentary hesitation on his face. “I, Lei Wuiyuan of the Sacred Flame Palace…..”

Finally, Patriarch Kang Long spoke up, able to see the direction of the general trend and choosing to display initiative instead of reluctance, “I, Patriarch Kang Long of the Divine Mountain Sect…..”

“Hereby proclaim the creation, foundation, and establishment of the Modern Sect, under which all the disciples, guardians, elders, and even reserve forces of the Heavenly Sky Temple, Sacred Flame Palace, and the Divine Mountain Sect, shall unite under one banner, under one one name, and shall shake heaven and earth for the next thousand generations!” Yao Shen’s voice boomed in the surroundings, the disciples were no longer able to maintain composure under such a shocking announcement. Loud gasps, sharp, heavy breathing, and even undignified murmurs echoed in the background, but Yao Shen paid them no mind.

“I, Grand Patriarch Yao Shen of the Modern Sect, hereby pass my first official edict,” Yao Shen’s voice was calm, and collected, but the disciples in azure robes immediately ceased their conversations and knelt on one knee. The disciples of the other two sects seemed conflicted, but upon seeing the confident expressions of their patriarchs standing next to Yao Shen the doubt and fear in their hearts receded. After all, they were willing to die for their sects under the command of the patriarch, why would they not trust them? They too, chose to kneel.

A bead of sweat rolled down Kang Long’s forehead, as he knew this was the moment of truth. If Yao Shen had made fools of them or had lied to him, he would fight back with vengeance and die a martyr, even if the sect records would forever mark him as a blasted fool, who was played by the treacherous patriarch of the Heavenly Sky Sect.

“The modern sect will have one cardinal principle, that will forever stand above all others. When one joins the Modern Sect, their past allegiances are forgotten. The disciples of the Heavenly Sky Sect shall be treated no differently from those of the Sacred Flame Palace or the Divine Mountain Sect. Even further, no disciple shall be given preferential treatment over the other on the basis of their background. Even my own son or daughter would not be given a core disciple position if they do not deserve it! The cardinal principle of the modern sect is only one: Fairness! Talent and determination will be the only factor for advancement, whether you come from an impoverished mortal family or a legacy bloodline of cultivators! I, Yao Shen, guarantee it on my honor as a Soul Emperor cultivator!”

This time…. Yao Shen’s announcement was met with complete silence. He did not miss the silent looks of hunger ignited in the weaker disciples that stood at the back, almost trying to blend into the crowd so that they were not noticed and targeted. He also noticed the stark difference, the pale looks of young cultivators wearing enchantments worth over a hundred years of their labor as Qi Formation cultivators. He noticed the nauseous expression on Elder Han’s face, who looked like he was having a mortal affliction, called ‘stroke’ back on Earth. He looked at the looks of joy that erupted on the two rival patriarchs' faces, knowing that he was unlikely to go back on his word as a Soul Emperor. Of course, there was no restriction binding him, but his honor instead. And honor was a very valuable currency in the world of cultivators, at times even more so than gold or treasure.

“I, Grand Patriarch Yao Shen of the Modern Sect, hereby pass my second official edict,” He proclaimed once again, and this time some of the disciples kneeled immediately, while others had conflicted expressions on their faces as they bent the knee.

“The Grand Tribunal of Heavenly Justice shall be established to address the grievances and the wrongs previously committed upon you by members of The Modern Sect. I, Grand Patriarch Yao Shen, along with Earth Patriarch of The Modern Sect, Kang Long, and Flame Patriarch of the Modern Sect, Lei Wuiyuan shall each send one Qi-Formation clone to head the tribunal, and we shall investigate the matter thoroughly. If your claims are valid, The Grand Tribunal of Heavenly Justice shall order the offender to pay reparations. If you believe that no amount of reparations can absolve the sinner of his crime, then you shall have the right to challenge the offender to a blood duel, to the death, contingent upon our approval,” His voice rained down upon them like heavenly pronouncement, the words Grand Tribunal of Heavenly Justice ringing in their minds. While they did not quite understand its meaning, the words blood duel seemed to entice vigorous nods in agreement. After all, if the Patriarch expected them to simply forget decades of hatred without any repayment, it would be impossible for them to accept.

Of course, Yao Shen still reserved veto rights for himself. Modernization was ideal, but he was Yao Shen, Patriarch of the Heavenly Sky Sect far longer than he had been a denizen of earth. He would do things the right way, but if someone were to propose one of his disciples for a blood duel…. Well, there was no such thing as absolute fairness.

“Finally…,” Yao Shen proclaimed, a smirk forming on his face. “I hereby challenge all elders of The Modern Sect to a friendly duel tomorrow, at the break of dawn upon the sight of my ascension. You may now disperse, and carry my words back to your respective sects,” He allowed them passage, and the disciples rushed back to their sects to deliver this heaven toppling piece of news.

A few minutes later only four people were remaining at the site, the remaining cultivators long having utilized their movement skills to clear the area. Him, the Earth Patriarch, the Flame Patriarch, and Elder Han.

“You have till tomorrow, break of dawn to convince the elders. If they remain unconvinced, tell them to attend the duel tomorrow so that they can witness the immensity of heaven and earth for themselves. If they try to run…. Well, already know. The moment I succeeded, the encirclement already began, and I have yet to call it off. Any elder who tries to run will be killed. Any guardian who tries to run shall be imprisoned. As for disciples, if they chose to leave the Azlak Plains, I will not stop them. But any resources in their possession will be seized. Now leave, and return as the Earth and Flame Patriarchs of the Modern Sect. I have already extended to you the limits of my kindness. Do not test me.”


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