Modern Patriarch

Chapter 17: Recompense

Chapter 17: Recompense

After Zhou Hui accepted the position of Patriarch, the atmosphere in the room had lightened by several degrees. Many of the legacy family heads in attendance had expected a far more insidious proposal, fearing that Yao Shen’s grand ambitions and claims were just a guise to seize the accumulated wealth and resources of their respective Houses.

The Council meeting proceeded in a far more amiable environment, with even Wenyan Ren going to the trouble of feigning a cordial expression— his lacking theatrical skills besides, the effort was acknowledged by Yao Shen. Dongmei Xue was the only one present whose discomfort was nigh palpable, still undoubtedly pondering upon the ‘consequences’ that Yao Shen had yet to discuss.

The Elders presented their questions upon the future direction of the Modern Sect, and Yao Shen slowly recounted the events that had transpired since his ascension as part of the explanation. His encounter with the two patriarchs, the duel with the Elders of the Sacred Flame Palace and the Divine Mountain Sect scheduled tomorrow, at the break of dawn and the two edicts he had passed in the name of the Grand Patriarch of the Modern Sect. A few of the elders seemed amused at his antics— blaming the demonic sect for the conflict between the three righteous path sects was an unconventional move, but some of the more rising and ambitious demonic sects would only be delighted to claim credit for causing the chaos.

Yao Shen expounded upon his vision for the Modern Sect’s three divisions, his ideology to further build upon existing internal structures that had been refined across hundreds of years instead of tearing everything apart and building fresh structures from the ground up, based on well-intentioned, but ultimately misguided values. Yao Shen had not forgotten the most crucial difference between Earth and Eliria, the latter a society of superhumans— where one man could decide the fate of thousands by virtue of his cultivation alone. This was the reason why the legacy families’ ancestors had created a system where only the strongest was allowed to become Patriarch, regardless of bloodline or talent— for when the day of reckoning came, it would be up to him to defend the sect and neither bloodline, talent or comprehension would matter if he were not strong enough.

“There are two final topics I have to discuss,” Yao Shen’s voice rang out in the hall, promptly drawing the attention of the Elders who reacted with some degree of surprise since all the major points of contention they had in mind had already been considered.

“Please, Grand Patriarch Yao,” Meili Zhu’s voice seemed even sweeter than usual, perhaps satisfied, or rather relieved, that his proposed measures were not as tyrannical as she expected, but could even be beneficial for the Zhu family if she played her cards right.

“Let us not becoy any longer, Meili,” Yao Shen’s tone turned grave, as he scanned the expressions of the Elders before continuing, “I will form a divine sense ward, please do not be alarmed.”

Some of the elders seemed alarmed, wondering what matter could possibly require the Patriarch’s personal ward on top of the perception shielding wards that were built into Silvani’s Heirloom, but they did not protest his caution.

Yao Shen’s divine sense expanded, covering the entire circumference of the tower’s first floor without effort. The next instant he let it expand, forming a dome that stretched across the hall and carpeted the floor with a layer of divine sense— this way, any encroachment from below, above or the side would be discovered well in advance, and Yao Shen dared to say that there were few Soul Emperors that were capable of breaching his defenses without him noticing, if any at all.

Yao Shen activated his human sight to the highest degree of sensitivity, a sharp smile tugging at his lips.

“Wealth. Natural treasures. Artifacts. Cultivation resources. Your legacy families have passed their teachings from generation to generation longer than I have been in existence, thus one can only imagine the vast resources you have amassed across the ages,” Yao Shen began his spiel, causing some Elders to shift uncomfortably in their seats.

“But it is ultimately surprising how truly little importance you place upon them. Is that not true, Meili?” Yao Shen asked, and the atmosphere in the room immediately grew stifled. The three elders who were not affiliated with any legacy family had perplexed expressions on their faces, but the legacy elders, including Zhou Hui, were struggling to keep their emotions contained.

“I would be careful with your next words, Patriarch Shen,” Meili Zhu’s voice was no longer sickly sweet, but cold, impassive and commanding as she locked gazes with Yao Shen, her eyes narrowing in warning. “You four may leave,” the words she had chosen may frame it as a request, but her tone was no more and no less than a command, one that brooked no disobedience.

The elders turned their gazes to Yao Shen, who nodded once. They started shuffling out of the hall without complaint, the events that had transpired today already providing them with enough excitement for the next two hundred years. They did not wish to be privy to any more secrets, lest they be burned from gazing too deep into the void.

“Do not mistake my intentions, Meili,” Yao Shen’s words and expression was relaxed, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. “The west has been probing the Azlak Plains for decades now, circling the territory of our Heavenly Sky Sect— seemingly looking for nothing in particular, but persistent in their efforts even decades after. Your ancestors were impressive existences, weren’t they?” Yao Shen’s words caused the expression of some in the room to change drastically, but others, who had long expected such an outcome, calmly watched on.

Meili Zhu simply nodded, not offering a verbal reply.

“The inheritance of your ancestors. I am not conceited enough to believe that I can get you to divulge their location when even the west has failed in their efforts. In fact, I doubt you even know its true location, but that is besides the point. You are afraid to go to the Eastern Sects for assistance because you know that they will monopolize most of your inheritance, only leaving behind scraps in place. You need not look any further, for the solution lies seated before you,” Yao Shen finally exposed the last trump card in his possession, one that he was almost certain would insure the elders compliance in the short term.

“You mean..?” Meili Zhu lightly gasped, her eyes widening in shock as for once, she was the one that struggled to maintain composure.

“I display my loyalty to the sect in my own way, and I am known to conduct dealings fairly and with honor, as is befitting for one titled Patriarch. Perhaps if I were a regular Soul Emperor, I would not have the confidence to make such bold claims— but given my strength and versatility, I am certain of unsealing at least a few inheritances,” Yao Shen replied, knowing that he had won the legacy families support in that moment— at least from the dazed expression in their eyes, it appeared to be the case.

“Even if what you say is the truth, what would it cost?” Meili Zhu countered with a hypothetical question, her voice laced with an emotion dangerously bordering on hope.

“Part of the inheritance, of course— I am a Soul Emperor with no Soul Emperor level artifacts, after all. As I mentioned earlier, I am in no position to force any of you to divulge the location, and neither do I have intention to. You may approach me of your own volition, the first soul emperor in centuries that has been born in the Azlak Plains that is loyal to the Heavenly Sky Sect, and we can discuss remuneration,” Yao Shen concluded his spiel, offering the legacy families a lucrative choice instead of a demand, requiring that they divulge the location for the ‘good of the sect’. The legacy families had concealed this particular knowledge so deeply that even the West had been rendered helpless, who knew what long forgotten methods they employed.

‘Excitement’ was the one, singular emotion that Yao Shen detected across the hall, coalescing around the elders in minute quantities before diminishing entirely— the concentration so sparse it was hard to pinpoint which elder it belonged to. No further questions were asked, as it was not appropriate to do so in this forum.

“This meeting grows long, and my spirit grows weary. Dongmei?” Yao Shen’s question was more rhetorical in nature, yet as etiquette decreed, Dongmei Xue responded:

“Yes, Grand Patriarch?” she asked politely, though the undercurrent of discomfort did not escape those in attendance.

“I am conflicted,” Yao Shen confessed. “To punish you without punishing the others would be singling the Xue Family out, when that is clearly not my intention. On the other hand, my new disciple’s tears weigh heavily upon my mind, and truly, what kind of a master would I be if I let such an egregious transgression against one of my own pass?” Yao Shen mused aloud, as Dongmei Xue watched on with a bitter expression on her face— What disciple did Yao Shen talk about? The one he had accepted on a whim, a few hours ago? How was she supposed to have known that?

“Very well. Dongmei, I have decided,” Yao Shen announced with a certain gravitas to his tone, one that did not brook disobedience.

“I shall not punish you for your transgressions, Dongmei, as I do not wish to be seen singling out the Xue Family,” Yao Shen solemnly stated, but the next second a sly smile bloomed on his face.

“Instead, I will offer you a trade,” Yao Shen placed the high grade recording stone on the table with a small bang,“This high grade recording stone in exchange for the Xue Family’s natural treasure, the Nascent Soul Grade Heart-Cleansing Sea Pearl.”

Dongmei Xue’s expression turned ashen, as the sly grin on Yao Shen’s face morphed into a cruel, sadistic smirk in her mind. Instant regret flooded her mind— she truly regretted her actions because how dearly they would cost the Xue Family.

“A trade?” Dongmei asked, struggling to keep her voice even.

“Of course. There is no compulsion, you may choose to decline if you wish to.” Yao Shen smiled back at her with a tinge of vindication in his eyes, while the other legacy family elders watched the drama unfold in silence.

Dongmei Xue just sat there in a stupor for one long minute, thinking of ways to break the deadlock Yao Shen had presented her with. The reputation of the Xue family rested in one hand, while in the other was the Xue family’s most prized resource— the Heart-Cleansing Sea Pearl, a natural treasure that contained extremely high purity Water Qi that could drastically increase cultivation speed and also be utilized to heal extremely potent wounds at the Nascent Soul level with frightening efficacy.

The Xue Family only had three such Pearls in possession, and they could only be harvested every two hundred years— explaining both their scarcity and value.

If Dongmei Xue had been a demonic path cultivator, she would undoubtedly scoff at the choice— why give up such a priceless artifact for mere reputation. Unfortunately, she belonged to the righteous path— where reputation, or rather, perceived reputation, was worth more than mere cultivation resources or artifacts, at least in times of peace.

It was no secret that Demonic Sect disciples generally tended to be stronger than Righteous Path disciples at the same level, their cruel and vicious ways of cultivation often overdrafting power beyond their physical capabilities to bear. In some ways, it could be argued that the Righteous Path sought to actively limit their paths to power, and when the casualty reports started coming in, the central tenet that united the righteous path and gave them strength was that ‘righteousness and justice’ was on their side, that the demonic sects were only stronger because they had sacrificed their humanity and become abominations in the pursuit of power.

If the Xue family’s reputation was slandered so in front of the entire Heavenly Sky Sect, it would not only be an eternal blot on their reputation but their children would also no longer have the spirit of righteousness burning in their hearts, such a drastic change even having the possibility of disturbing their cultivation and causing heart demons for the ones more zealous in their belief.

Gritting her teeth, she finally forced out the words, “I accept the trade, Grand Patriarch.”

Good,” Yao Shen replied, the thought of having Dongmei Xue herself financing the cost of his new disciple’s training leaving a refreshing taste in his mouth. He casually tossed the recording stone in her direction, and Dongmei caught it with ease. “Have it delivered to me by the end of the day. With that, the council meeting is considered adjourned,” Yao Shen announced, lightly thumping upon the Eocava wood table. His actions were mirrored by the other elders, as they began to get up and slowly disperse from the hall. Today’s events had been mentally taxing for most in attendance, and some rest would serve them well before the cycle began once again tomorrow.


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