Mob Yandere

Chapter 130.1

Chapter 130.1

[Part 1/4]

Princess Tamamo was born as the daughter of the chief of the Saeki White Dog (Shirainu) Tribe in Saeki Land. She had a title that meant a lot more than it seemed at first.

Even though she was from the Ezo culture, the White Dog Tribe had been under the rule of the Fusō Court for a really long time. This made their ways and customs gradually become more like the Fusō culture, especially among the important people.

In fact, even Saeki Land's capital and offices looked like those in the central capital, following the Fusō style. Tamamo's clothes, stuff she had, and what she learned were also influenced by Fusō. Although there were slight glimpses of former Ezo customs and designs in the details, that was really all there was to it. If one just looked at how she acted, they couldn't easily tell her apart from a noble girl from the central court.

But there was something different about Tamamo. She was definitely a princess from the Ezo people. Most princesses from Fusō didn't go outside much, even within their own houses. They didn't want their clothes or shoes to get dirty, and they'd scream if they saw bugs. If there was an animal smell, they'd frown and hide behind screens, which was how the fancy Fusō princesses acted.

But Tamamo was the opposite. She didn't mind getting out of heavy clothes. She liked wildflowers and wasn't scared of bugs. She could sing loudly and the animals would come close without being scared. Even the bears and their moms would come to her, and monkeys would share their fruits. Birds would sing along with her.

It was like she was different in a way. Long ago, the chief of the White Dog Tribe's family used to be shrine maiden. They appeased Shizumi-no-kami, the white dog beast-god whom they worshipped. They probably had some kind of special powers, like being able to do things that others couldn't. Over time, their connection to this power faded, especially since they were under Fusō's rule.

But somehow, Tamamo had that power. For the Chief of the White Dog Tribe, it wasn't a good thing. It was like a curse from the past, a leftover from ancient times. If people found out, it could cause problems, especially since they were getting closer to the central court even though they were originally from Ezo.

So, they had to keep it a secret. They couldn't let anyone know about Tamamo's special ability. Because it would be a matter that might hinder the future marriage with the central government for the family, which had almost become Fuso by now and they didn't want to upset the central court. Maybe they would have even gotten rid of Tamamo if they didn't care about her. Instead, they warned her in a really harsh way.

One day, while she was singing in the forest, soldiers from Ezo came. Confused by what was happening, the princess tilted her head in puzzlement, feeling somewhat like a boxed-up treasure.

In the next moment, the animals that adored the princess were mercilessly taken down, one by one. The splattering of blood left the young girl trembling in terror. If the soldiers hadn't "protected" the princess so carefully, she would have never dared to step foot into the wild again.

It was probably for the best. Her power wasn't that strong anyway. As long as she stayed inside, her uniqueness wouldn't cause any problems. She could live as a princess without anyone knowing.

Her father, who was the chief of the tribe and the protector of the land, did it to keep his family and the tribe safe. He did care about her, but Tamamo had a hard time accepting it. The warning must have been really shocking for her. After that, she became quiet, timid, and gloomy, and watched everything carefully, even around her own family. It's like she changed a lot. In the end, Fusō's idea of beauty might have even liked her more this way.

One day, she found a weak animal while walking in the garden. She realized it wasn't just any animal. But she also knew that this kind of creature didn't belong there.

She didn't know why but she suddenly want to hide it. But once she secretly hid the creature in her room, there was no turning back. However, although her caretaker eventually found out, they kept quiet due to their loyalty, and the princess was deeply grateful that they even came up with a name together.

If her family or other attendants found out, she would likely face scolding, and for this young life, there wouldn't be much of a future. When she read the dusty old documents her caretaker found hidden in the books, it was clear that her fellow tribe members wouldn't let this child live. Why was it there? She had her doubts, but there was no way to understand. This little pup couldn't speak human words, and even if it could, it was doubtful a young creature could logically explain itself.

But that wasn't the real issue.

Eventually, they would have to part ways. It had to be released into the wild. Yet, this innocent creature that cherished her like a mother, wagging its tail desperately and begging to play, was so dear to her. Despite her intentions to let it go, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Especially, in this case. When had it all started? When did those beautiful silver fur spots appear, followed by the spreading rash that seemed to corrode its body? Medicine had no effect, even though she tried. Maybe normal medicine wasn't enough considering its origin? Seeing it fall in pain with sad eyes broke her heart. It reminded her of her own helplessness.

Seeing this, her caretaker spoke up. Maybe the land was bad for it. Perhaps being away from its native roots was causing its health to deteriorate. But what could be done? She couldn't go to such a far-off place in her position. Was she just supposed to watch it suffer and die?

So, it felt somewhat fateful. Her father was overjoyed by the proposal from the court. It was a great honor for a protector of the land who was more connected to the central court's nobility than her fellow tribespeople. But the problem was who to send. Among the few suitable candidates from the right lineage, she volunteered. It might have been out of impure and disrespectful motives, but it seemed like the only option.

She felt guilty for making her father happy this way, but if she missed this chance, there might not be another. It was for her family and her tribe too. It would open up further opportunities for her caretaker who had been loyal. She'd just take a brief detour along the way.

Yes, it was just a bit of mischief from a city girl who got carried away. She had planned to return as soon as she took the creature she treated like a friend back to its homeland. She intended to fulfill her duty.

But somehow, she was trapped, unable to leave the city no matter how much time passed. She couldn't escape, and she was bewildered and anxious. It was too late to bring it back now. The surveillance would be stricter now. They might even discover her friend. And if that happened...

Fear robbed her of the option to return. What awaited was the pursuit of her fellow tribespeople, realizing her escape. She couldn't get caught, at least not until she achieved her goal.

So she ran. She kept running. And in doing so, her story would lead her to encounter a certain maid, and their fates would intertwine, spinning a new chapter.

In a sudden turn of events marked by despair and astonishment...

* * *


Suddenly, things got weird. The princess from Ezo, who had just been rescued, was supposed to say thank you, but instead, she blurted out something like, "Huh?"

She felt something squirming in her pocket. Before she could even figure out what that something was, or what was going on, it was too late.

Right after, her friend who had been hiding in her pocket jumped out and was all teeth and growls at the exorcists in front of her.

"Ginka? No, stop!!"


Even when Princess Tamamo tried to stop it, it was too late. Its sharp fangs were almost touching the exorcists' skin.


Seeing her throat was about to be torn apart, she acted super fast and smart even though she had no clue what was happening. She stabbed the sharp blade of the Wakizashi right into the charging fangs, making the dog bites into the sword and its drool went flying. The huge dog then crashed into the girl exorcists, and she fell down on her back.


"What!? Suzune, stay back...!!?"

The unexpected turn of events left everyone there in shock. As Suzune rushed forward, Tamaki instinctively stopped her. There was a clash of fangs and a Wakizashi, a struggle and screams, as the two clashed.

'Grrrr!! Grrrrrrr!!!!'

The wild, beastly growl echoed right before her eyes. The warm breath hit Tamaki's face, making her feel a shiver of fear. Scary, but she couldn't back down now.

"Whoa!? Wh-what's this!!?"

Tamaki swung the Wakizashi with a scream that was almost a roar. It was like wrestling with a fierce dog. Her thin, delicate arm wasn't just ordinary strength; it was a force empowered by spiritual energy. Only through this enhanced strength could she push back the beast's fangs. She could've even sliced off the beast's lower jaw with ease.


It was a crucial moment. Just before Tamaki exerted more force with her arm, the giant dog, whose fangs were locked onto the Wakizashi, leaped back. The sound of the Wakizashi cutting through the air echoed emptily in the room. Tamaki jumped up and quickly adjusted her stance. She got a clear view of her attacker.

"A wolf... no, a dog!?"

It was a huge wolf-like dog, large enough to tear a person apart. Considering it had jumped out from Tamamo's princess's bosom, it was unbelievably big, but it was a presence beyond the human world. There were countless ways to deal with it, but that wasn't the problem.

Faint divine energy surrounded it, but it was almost overwhelmed by the dense youkai aura. It looked just like a giant dog, its appearance mirroring its aura. Its once vibrant, snow-white fur now had parts that were rotting away.

As if black ink had been dropped onto white paper, the white was overtaken by black—or rather, something more malevolent and polluted. It was tainted. The beast's eyes were wide open, as if its eyeballs were about to pop out, and drool dripped down. It looked like it was afflicted with rabies. It growled incessantly, threateningly focused on her. It was beyond ordinary.

And the threat wasn't only from the monster before her eyes...

"Huh...!? What's your intention!? Do you even know what you're doing!!?"

Tamaki aimed the Wakizashi at the front, baffled, shocked, and anxious. Of course, she would be. The Ezo soldiers, whom they had considered allies, were now pointing their swords and spears at them. They didn't even react to Tamaki's call. Instead, their palpable hostility was directed not only at the giant dog that stood between them, but also at their own princess...!!

"M-Miss...!? What's going on!?"

"Suzune, stay close...!!"

Tamaki yelled to her confused friend behind her. The situation took a drastic turn for the worse. She looks at Murasaki. She, too, hadn't fully grasped the situation. Moreover, her youkai blade had been used to capture the curse caster of Miyataka. She couldn't move like she did when she attacked earlier. Now, the Ako girl's eyes darted around, lost in thought about how to deal with this. As for the princess of Ezo, she couldn't help because of the giant dog blocking her way.



Desperately trying to figure out what to do, Tamaki's mind raced. However, time wasn't on her side, and time wouldn't wait for her. The beast in front of her barked. Her gaze shifted there and the beast leaped at the same time.


Suzune was there, so there was no avoiding it. In an instant, she prepared for impact. And... right after, the giant dog passed by Tamaki's side and pounced on the Ezo soldiers behind her.


In the blink of an eye, Tamaki's mouth dropped open in astonishment at the sudden turn of events. She was dumbfounded. The reason behind the swift shift from clear hostility moments ago left her in a whirl of confusion. The clamor of angry shouts, screams, noise, and the sound of metal scraping against metal filled the air. The Ezo group surrounded the massive dog, and the beast, using its bulk, fangs, and claws, thrashed around within the enclosure. Nobody could keep up with the situation. Not just Tamaki, but everyone was caught off guard.

Except for her.

"Oh my, hello there?"


"What the...?"

Immediately after, a shadow danced. The person who appeared, whose attire resembled a celestial maiden's robe for a moment, was actually in tatters, and as a result, her near-exposed form appeared almost half-naked. However, it seemed that the person wasn't concerned about that or the blood dripping from the holes in her palm. Carrying the princess of Ezo in her arms, she reached Tamaki's side.

While blood continued to drip from the holes in her palms opened by the blade, the suspect of Miyataka landed next to Tamaki.

"Huh!? H-How did you...!?"

"Can't you see? I slipped out, you know? Oh dear, it did tear it after all. This outfit was quite expensive, you know?"

Tamaki was dumbfounded by the scene before her, unable to believe her eyes. The curse caster of Miyataka played with her body, turning around and showcasing the seeds of her magic trick.

The mechanism was simple. Her clothes was much thicker than it seemed, and her body was thinner than expected. Though captured by the youkai blade, she hadn't been restrained tightly. If she was prepared to tear her clothing, and if she was confident in her body's flexibility, escape didn't seem impossible.

From the gaps in her clothing, white porcelain skin peeked out, with slender limbs and a hint of a well-shaped chest.

"Huh? A bulge...?"

"Come on now, Miss Snake. Hurry up and take care of those guys!"

Tamaki was taken aback by the final revelation. Then, as if to cover up the shock, a series of shouts and roars echoed as she turns her head.

"What the hell are you talking about!? Running off on your own and then complaining about it...!!?"

At the same time as Murasaki's angry voice, a massive blade in the shape of a snake thrashed around. The youkai blade thrashed about to protect Tamaki and the princess of Ezo, warding off the attackers and knocking them away using its immense size or construction materials that it scattered. As Tamaki glanced, Murasaki was glaring hatefully at the curse caster of Miyataka. However, although vigilant, Murasaki didn't make a move.


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