Mob Yandere

Chapter 127.1

Chapter 127.1

[Part 1/4]

"...And, puzzled by the cry, I opened the shelf to look. And what happened? What came out from inside was a plump quail."

"Whaaat!? Is that true?"

Shiromoku's central city street. There, the two were chatting at the tea house facing it. One was dressed as a young samurai, and the other appeared to be a civil servant working for the government office.

The young lady of Hotoya, who belonged to Onitsuki family, and the small envoy serving the White Dog clan continued to chat happily with tea in hand.

According to what she heard, the small envoy also led a search party, just like her, and happened to meet her while taking a rest. At first, they reported each other's progress as they had the same goal, and the conversation gradually shifted to Tamaki herself. It initially revolved around practical matters related to her behavior and character, but it gradually turned into small talk.

It seems that this man, who is acquainted with Tamaki, has been serving the princess (Ezo) for a long time, just like Tamaki. He was appointed by Lord Saeki Kuni no less, and has been serving her since her childhood, when she was as small as a walking child.

According to the story, the princess, contrary to her status and appearance, is active and sometimes does things that amaze those around her. ...But she seems to think of herself as modest.

"Especially when it comes to animals... She must have a kind heart. She even tames wild creatures that should be wary. It's truly astonishing, but we are still troubled by it. After all, she is the princess of Saeki."

It's troublesome for a noble princess to play with animals, especially for the princess of the Saeki White Dog clan.

Fusō-kuni, the dominant country, is a human-centric nation just like the other nations in this world. Both gods and nature should only submit to the prosperity of humans. Playing with wild beasts is the behavior of uncultured barbarians... Though they might not be fully aware of it, even if they are in a high position, they would frown upon such acts and cover their mouths with their sleeves.

"Perhaps the princess's escapade is somehow related to that. She probably didn't intend to run away..."

Perhaps thinking of the mischievous princess who got caught up in a disturbance, the small envoy lets out a low sigh. There's an unmistakable fatigue and impatience that can't be hidden. Maybe he's being pressured by superiors due to his position.

"...Tomono-sama really cares about the princess, doesn't he?"

The chat pauses for a moment, and after taking a sip of tea, Tamaki asks. Well, it was more like a comment than a question. No, it was probably more of an impression.

Tomono, the way he describes his master, is really considerate and attentive. He must observe things closely. The way he reads the other's desires from subtle gestures and adjusts them perfectly is a kind of ideal. Anyone who uses people would want such a retainer who understands them well. A retainer who understands you well is hard to come by.

"...After all, Lord Kuni has elevated even someone as lowly as me."

The small envoy closes his eyes and speaks as if recalling the past. He speaks about his low status in his own Tribe or clan. Originally, he was destined to work the land and tend to the soil until he grew old. There, he caught the eye of the princess's father, Saeki Kuni no less, who was coincidentally visiting for an inspection.

"Lord Saeki Kuni has quite progressive thoughts. He's a person who grants opportunities to those he sees as capable, regardless of their status."

Of course, there is opposition from the prestigious families of the Tribe or clan. Some are unable to seize the opportunity they have been given. According to his Lord, "One in ten becoming something is good," but... And among those who were considered to have such talent, Tomono was especially promoted.

"It's a grateful story that Lord Saeki Kuni values me by accompanying the princess and going to Joraku (visiting capital) this time. That's why I feel embarrassed. Such a situation..."

It was a duty of trust and reliance. He didn't know where the princess he had to protect was... Tomono knew well the weight of responsibility that fell on him. He sympathized and empathized.

"It's tough, isn't it?"

"No, someone other than me... Someone is more pained than I am."

Asking who that person might be wouldn't be too impolite for Tamaki. However, deep probing isn't advisable. Delving too much into someone's affairs wouldn't please anyone.

That's why, at the very least, Tamaki wants to reassure. So Tamaki brings up the topic.

"Our search here seems to be yielding results soon, if all goes well. With some luck, we might find something by the end of the day."

It was frustrating not to be able to say "absolutely." Unfortunately, Tamaki only understood about 20% of Shirowakamaru's method. Tamaki mostly accompanied that young curse caster. It made Tamaki feel pathetic.

"Is this the search method utilizing the exorcists' abilities that you mentioned earlier? Considering our circumstances, it's quite fortunate."

Apparently, due to the situation, both the Ezo leader and the mayor are finding it difficult to conduct a large-scale search. They have selected relatively trustworthy people and ordered the search without revealing too many details.

"Moreover, in the streets it might be manageable, but indoors... problems arise constantly, and progress is slow."

And Tomono speaks about how every time such problems occur, Tomono has to go and deal with them. Tomono speaks while sipping from a teacup. It seemed like a compensatory act since he couldn't indulge in drinking.

"Is that so?"

"From one perspective, your progress might be better."

"Such things..."

Tamaki modestly interrupts and then quickly cuts it off. Besides, Tamaki's separate request for the search meant that such a discussion wasn't possible. If they cooperated, Suzune's safety couldn't be guaranteed. Tamaki couldn't read the young man's thoughts, let alone predict his actions.

"Hahaha. I've heard about your circumstances. Don't worry about it."

"No, it's just... something personal. But it's a serious matter, so if it were..."

Certainly, if their positions were reversed, Tamaki might be glaring at the other person. Tamaki might even confront them face to face about their selfish actions for their convenience. Tamaki inadvertently looks down and gazes at the teacup in hand. Even a sense of disgust arises looking at one's reflection on the water's surface.

"Let's stop thinking about things in a negative way. If you think about it, because you're independent, you can move more freely than we can. Let's focus on strengths rather than weaknesses. Negative thinking isn't very productive."

"...Yes, you're right."

A brief silence. Tamaki observes the people passing by while staring at the street. Perhaps faintly hoping that the princess in turmoil might be among them... Of course, that's not the case, and Tamaki is even more exasperated by her pointless actions.

"...Well then. It seems your companion has arrived as well. I should get back to work."

Tomono, who had finished all the tea in his teacup, declared and stood up. Rising to his feet, Tamaki is drawn by Tomono's gaze, only to find the two escorts returning from the restroom. Both still had slightly pale faces. Seeing them, Tamaki wonders if she is unexpectedly tough? Useless thoughts like these come to mind.

"Miss Tamaki, this is for you."

At that call, Tamaki's gaze returns to Tomono, who had been conversing until just now. And she sees it. Tomono extending something to her. Confused, Tamaki accepts it as if being carried along.

"What's this?"

"It's a good luck harm. I've had it prepared for a while now, thinking it would be for the Princess when she comes to visit, but I haven't had a chance to give it to her..."

Tomono laughs self-mockingly, as if deriding his own incompetence. What Tamaki received was a string of beads. A prayer beads that combined Magatama beads and pearls.

"What!? This is quite a high-quality item, isn't it!? C-could you just hand it to her directly...!?"

A hundred large and evenly-sized pearl beads. Collecting this many would require a significant amount of money. Even by the standards of the court or Daimyo (nobles) families, it's an excessively expensive item. Tamaki is about to return it instinctively, but it's stopped.

"No, it's more appropriate for Miss Tamaki. If you say it's for the Princess's sake, there won't be any unnecessary inquiries."

"Unnecessary... inquiries? Oh!"

In response to the small attendant's words, Tamaki tilts the head and suddenly lets out a voice as if realizing something. And then Tamaki's cheeks slightly blush.

"Um, but..."

"Besides, Miss Tamaki is likely to find the princess before I do. Moreover, considering the Princess's position..."

The man from Ezo bows respectfully with his hands clasped and pleads once again. Tamaki couldn't be indifferent or irresponsible enough to refuse that. It was because it felt like lacking too much human sentiment.

"I understand. I... I will take responsibility and deliver it!!"

Slightly puzzled, but ultimately responding firmly, Tamaki agrees. The attendant smiles at that attitude and bows again, even deeper than before.

"I forgot to mention. I apologize deeply for the incident with the Dagger (tantō) last night. It resulted in causing you trouble. I had a duty to fulfill, so please forgive me. ...Well then."

And without realizing, he glances at the Ezo soldiers who had come this way and leaves after leaving money for the tea. After briefly glimpsing his departing figure, Tamaki gazes at the prayer beads in hand. After staring at it for a few moments, Tamaki nods slightly and carefully hides it in the bosom so that it won't be stolen.

"Ugh, I still feel uneasy..."

"Are you alright? ...Would you like some green tea?"

Finally reaching the tea house, Tamaki gives Murasaki with a nod and then calls over a tea house girl for an additional order of tea...

* * *

It was a while later when they left the tea house. Despite causing several issues, the trio continued to revolve around the remaining key point.

"'Show mw the way'... North, or rather, northwest."

After hypnotizing the owner of an antique shop that seemed blatantly involved in dealing stolen goods using incantations, Shirowakamaru recited a curse for object detection in the warehouse behind the shop. After marking a pentagram on the floor with lime for 2 hours, a divining tool made from a piece of sacred wood was placed upright, which shouldn't have stood for long, yet it swayed for a while as if suspended by a thread, finally falling around the time she counted thirty-something. The direction it pointed was northwest. With the map spread out, Shirowakamaru drew a line.

"This makes it the third location. We can finally see the end."

"However, the sun is setting soon. Let's finish the last one quickly. After all, it's just a prelude."

Tamaki muttered with relief, and Murasaki pointed out in a firm tone. Tamaki didn't oppose it and simply nodded in agreement. Indeed, this was just a prelude. The true goal lies beyond...

"So, where was the final coordinate?"

"Wait. Yes, I believe it was supposed to be the farthest location..."

As Shirowakamaru continued to annotate, two young samurais in disguise peered at the map from behind her. After searching the map for a while... they finally spotted the black dot.

"Oh, this one. I think this is..."

With a sly smile, Shiro pointed to the location. And as she was about to utter the name of that place... her mouth twisted into a smirk. Tamaki had experienced this reaction quite a lot during the process of examining this particular black dot. It had become a sort of stylized convention. An expectation.

"Um, this is..."

Now accustomed to it. Tamaki read the characters indicated on the map, preparing herself for a sense of foreboding. She displayed a solemn expression similar to Murasaki's.

"The public bathhouse's... men's bath."

It seemed challenging for both her and Murasaki to infiltrate as guests. However, in terms of danger, it was relatively low compared to the places they had been before. Fortunately, there was one male individual here. The issue was whether this guy could perform the curse amidst the presence of others' eyes at the location.

"What's the plan over there? We might need to distract people... Shirowakamaru-kun?"


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