Mob Yandere

Chapter 126.1

Chapter 126.1

[Part 1/4]

"Well then, as I've conveyed, do you get it? Then, it's about time for me to go."

"Yeah, got it."

In a room within an inn in the Shiromoku city, the two conversed quietly. One was dressed in attire, while the other picked at a morning meal of rice porridge.


While preparing to go outside, Tamaki glanced sideways, sneakily observing the appearance of her wolf friend. Seated cross-legged in front of a pot, her friend consumed the rice with pickles as she usually did.

Her friend's behavior was typical. Pretending to lead an ordinary day, concealing true emotions.


Gritting her teeth, Tamaki suppressed her emotions. Despite understanding each other so well. Avoiding it, as if both were deceiving each other, felt unbearable.

The absent friend, who should be there, comes to mind. Normally, she wouldn't be indifferent to the silence in the room. In fact, she'd be the type to act first in such situations.

...No, she's actually acting. She was proactive. Tamaki knows. When Tamaki returned to her room the other night, she noticed her friend rubbing her side as if trying to conceal something. Considering her master's warning in the corridor that night, she was probably warned and disciplined before Tamaki, as a precaution.

(Though it's hard to believe she'd obediently follow that...)

Is it a curse or some kind of threat? If it's plausible, could it be related to her? If so, Tamaki feels genuinely sorry. While she'd never voice it to protect her friend's honor, she apologizes to Iruka in her heart.

(...But is it fortunate that Iruka avoids danger?)

Memories of a past event in her hometown resurface. Her friend with a torn belly while darkness closing in. And it happened just half a year ago. How much has she changed since then? She couldn't confidently answer if asked. In fact, she's become increasingly aware of her own powerlessness.

Whether in Hieda County or Mount Horaku, she's achieved nothing. Protected nothing... Paradoxically, that's why Tamaki felt relieved her friend is in a safe place. At least Iruka is safe.

So now, all she has to do is find her other friend...!!

"Hey, Tamaki."

"Huh?! Um, umm... what is it, Iruka!?"

...Tamaki was completely taken aback by the unexpected call. A huge mistake from the outset. A major failure. Internally, she felt like crying at her own incompetence.

"...Come on, you're panicking too much, aren't you? Don't get worried. Okay?"

Iruka, who called out, seemed to be exasperated, and her pitiable gaze made Tamaki feel embarrassed. Under that gaze, Tamaki hung her head in shame.

"Settle down. If you're too tense, you'll miss the mark, you know? You'll end up like that bobbed-hair freak over there."

With a sharp, almost cheerful sound, Iruka announced this while crushing a cucumber pickle between her teeth. The bobbed-hair... Was she referring to her senior disciple of the Ako family?

"Well, considering the simple prowess alone, she's probably better than you, and maybe even better than me? She's got natural luck... But she's a bit weak. She's good in training, but she acts foolishly in real battles."

"Uh, yeah..."

Iruka's tone included mockery. Tamaki couldn't deny it. Rather, she averted her gaze, as if it hit the bull's-eye. Over the past half year or so of being together, Tamaki had realized that all too well. ...No, how has her senior disciple managed to survive until today?

"...Well, to be fair, that level of incompetence is a unique kind of strength. I suppose that's what it means to be part of the Ako family. And then there's that good-natured boy, the opposite of her. He's inexperienced, but his vigilance is strangely intense. He never lets his guard down, no matter where he is."

"Well, that's true..."

Iruka's words hit the mark perfectly. Indeed, considering their personalities, her older disciple is far superior, and Shirowakamaru's mentality is completely different. He's more aware of his surroundings than Tamaki is. Both of them, exorcists, are undeniably superior to her.

And that, coincidentally, is what she had already come to understand when they went to Hieda County with the same team some time ago. Compared to the two of them, Tamaki was painfully aware of how much she lacked...

"Thanks to you, I feel relieved."


Iruka's words caused a depressed Tamaki to unconsciously mutter. Seeing her in such a state, Iruka continued with a slight sense of regret.

"Both of them are better than me and even better than you. They have experience working together, so they're probably familiar with each other's tendencies. As companions, they're optimal for peace of mind and safety."


Being better than her... Tamaki had no choice but to acknowledge the fact Iruka pointed out. She had to admit it, and though there was rationality in it, it was still frustrating.

"Hey, don't be so disappointed. They've had more years of training. It's only natural for them to be better than you and those guys. From their perspective, newbies are trying to surpass them from behind. It's truly a terrifying experience."

In a way, what Iruka said was true. Despite the mental aspect, the pure swordsmanship skill had been taught in advance, and Tamaki had often heard that it couldn't possibly be achieved in just half a year. And it wasn't just flattery. It was genuine talent.

To be pursued, caught up to, and overtaken by someone with less training experience is an experience Tamaki could hardly fathom...?

"Well, I understand what you want to say, but..."

"To be honest, I was worried that the person being an escort isn't a very good, you know? You're searching for Suzune, aren't you? In that case, you shouldn't worry about how you come across. From my perspective, I'm not only content but also not dissatisfied. ...Even though I pout when I'm left out?"


Tamaki burst into laughter at Iruka's final somewhat childish remark. What's amusing might be the fact that the words Iruka spoke in this situation weren't a lighthearted joke to lighten the mood; they were her true feelings. Iruka was genuinely pouting.

"Of course, right? Actually, you know, I'm currently under a ban from going outside. ...D*mn, they say there's a rich variety of alcohol in the city. I was thinking about sneaking out to Downtown and having a drink sometime."

All plans have gone awry. Iruka muttered this while letting out a sigh. Her friend was truly disappointed. This time, Tamaki was the one exasperated.

...Simultaneously, Tamaki felt joy in Iruka's openness about herself.

"Iruka, you were thinking about that...? If Suzune were here, she'd definitely beat you up."

It's beyond unacceptable for a servant to reek of alcohol. It's a certainty that Suzune would explode at Iruka's tipsy state.

"Yeah, that's right. It's part of the fun, including that. It's more exciting to sneak around and drink what's forbidden, isn't it?"

"What kind of taste is that?"

Tamaki dropped her shoulders in incomprehension, while Iruka laughed vulgarly and heartily at her reaction. And then, she suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Tamaki.

"How about it? Did your tension ease a bit?"

"Eek! ...Was the whole conversation just for that?"

"Well, about ninety percent was genuine."

"And the other ten percent?"

"To be honest, I'm slightly worried about the bobbed-hair girl?"

"That's harsh!!"

Tamaki couldn't help but exclaim at Iruka's brutally honest words. It's true in a way... Is there no gentler way to put it?

"Tamaki, you should assist her. ...Sorry, it's because I can't go."

Iruka threw the problem aside somewhat despondently, and then she apologized with a solemn expression. Tamaki was slightly surprised by Iruka's words, but she quickly shook her head.

"It's okay. After all, the reason I pursued Lady Sumire was also my own..."

When she thought calmly about it, her master's suggestion could be seen as a concession. Rather, she was being selfish. Considering that it was a delicate matter within Ezo, it's understandable that Iruka was banned to avoid potential trouble. Tamaki had no right to complain in the current situation.

"Well, if that guy run into Suzune, it might be a bit awkward to talk to him. But he didn't mean any harm. I mean, I didn't expect that idiot to take it so seriously and go in for it, did I?"

After tilting her head for a moment at the meaning of Iruka's words, Tamaki realized it referred to the incident at Mount Houraku. Then that means "that guy" is...

"You mean Tomobe-kun?"

"He's a pain. He doesn't keep us informed, which makes the atmosphere tense. He's gotten ahead, but he won't even show his face."

"Because he's now an aide to the head of the Onitsuki family..."

Perhaps his position changed drastically? She can't even imagine meeting him face to face and having a conversation now. She wants to thank him for his gratitude at that time... However, forcing a meeting feels uncomfortable.

"Tomobe-kun is going through a lot too. Don't be too harsh on him..."

"I don't care about that. Tamaki, keep your modesty confined to your chest, alright? There's no guarantee they'll be considerate if you hold back. You've got to be assertive, or you'll get eaten up. Besides, you're already exposing yourself quite literally; just demand it with a straight face."

"Being modest... Most people are more modest than you, Iruka. Can you please stop bringing up that topic?"

Tamaki touched her chest as if checking it and then immediately exclaimed, embarrassed memories being forcibly recalled. While she had let go of the incident, thanks to the lack of ill intentions on the other party's part, it was impossible for her to remain composed as a young woman. So, she had tried to forget it in the depths of her memory...!!

"K-k-kidding... You've become quite composed, huh? Well?"

"Thanks to you!!"

"Show your gratitude with actions, not just words. How about getting me some good drinks?"

"Forward, aren't you!!?"

Her friend was indeed someone with a thick skin. Realizing that irony and sarcasm don't work, Tamaki sighed in exasperation. She sighed, looked down, and saw her own shadow, then glanced out the window. Estimating the height of the sun, she determined the current time was about two hours before morning.

"Muu... There are a lot of things I want to say, but it's time. Excuse me."

"Sure. Well, go as if you're on a big ship."

"So irresponsible..."

Even though it's not like she's the one doing it... While thinking such thoughts, Tamaki inwardly agreed that she should be there to support her assigned bodyguard.


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