Mob Yandere

Chapter 125.2

Chapter 125.2

[Part 2/4]


"What the...!!?"

The pursuers emerging from around the corner were blown away by a sudden gust of wind. Those following behind hesitated and faced off against the intruder.

"Who are you...!!?"

"A wayward fortune teller?"

The response to the pursuers' fierce cries was laced with a playful tone.

"A fortune teller...?"

"Oh yes, indeed. My apologies. 'Is it nap time for the good little children?'"



The word "fortune teller" triggered a reaction in Suzune. But her thoughts couldn't continue beyond that. The whispered words of the intruder penetrated her mind and that of the girl she had saved.

The sweet, entrancing words stimulated Suzune and the girl's sleepiness. The small knife (kogatana) slipped from her grasp. The rapidly encroaching drowsiness was not something mere willpower could resist.

And this is the art of spoken word manipulation, a form of hypnosis. To an ordinary human without spiritual power, resistance was futile.


Suzune can hardly tell that someone is holding her limp body. Her mind starts to fade. Everything looks blurry.

"Well then, everyone. Shall we take our leave from here?"

Suzune understood that the intruder's voice, tossing out a parting remark to the pursuing attackers from afar, resonated. In the next instant, she noticed her surroundings twisting and transforming as she was being held, shifting from the dim alleyway to...

"W-where is this?"

Before she could deduce the answer, she had completely let go of her consciousness. And...

* * *

"Uh, ugh...?"

Tamaki awoke with a splitting headache. Realizing that she was lying in her own sleeping quarters, she immediately recalled and retraced her memories.

"Ugh... I remember attending the banquet..."

The boisterous and honestly not-so-enjoyable welcoming feast. She recalled being rescued from the aggressive sake-pouring by Advisor, making a promise about the food. And then...

"That's right. I got dizzy and left..."

Having originally consumed quite a substantial amount of alcohol, even without partaking in the sake-serving contest, the pungent odor of alcohol had permeated her head. She had reached her limit and decided to leave the gathering. Advisor had kindly guided her to the sleeping quarters...

"...But why is it Madam Advisor's room and not mine?"

Observing the furniture and decor around her, Tamaki realized whose room this borrowed space belonged to and felt puzzled. Her own room would have been more appropriate... So, young lady of Hotoya tilted her head quizzically.

"Is Madam Advisor still at the banquet?"

Was she looking after Shirowakamaru-kun? While pondering this, Tamaki contemplated returning.

"It would be rude to go back on my own..."

However, lingering indefinitely in her current location would also be a nuisance to Suzune and the others. Perhaps she should leave a note and exit the room. So, she scribbled a note expressing gratitude to the room's owner and explaining her departure, leaving it on the desk. She neatly folded the blanket she had used and left the room.

Her body still felt warm, and the corridor had a slight chill.

"My room should be..."

Scolding her somewhat hazy consciousness, Tamaki retraced her memories. She was renting a room, and it should be down this corridor...


Turning the corner, she briefly glimpsed the figure of Onitsuki's head wife. With several other figures, she disappeared around the corner. Tamaki stopped, then decided to follow her.

Why? She didn't know. Even later, she couldn't figure it out. Was it because she was drunk? Her thoughts weren't clear, and she acted as if guided, as if carried along by the flow... Even if she was asked for a deeper reason, she wouldn't be able to answer. She couldn't explain it herself.

And, in this situation, that wasn't the most important thing.

"...What's this? Did we lose them?"

"Seems that way. There seems to be someone who aided their escape. Two people, it seems."

"Troublesome. Just when we need to ensure Princess's safety, the situation has suddenly become quite unsettling here. Who on earth could have done such a thing...?"

Tamaki noticed the group that had stopped in the corridor and instinctively hid. She stole a glimpse and overheard their conversation. No, she hadn't intended to eavesdrop, but that's how it ended up.

"According to those who were present at the scene, one of them appeared to be dressed as a maid. The other had a strange appearance..."

"What do you mean by strange appearance? Could it be those criminals causing a ruckus in the city lately?"

"Don't joke around. We should investigate the background of those guys thoroughly and then execute them...!!"

"In any case, we need to secure them quickly. Perhaps it's time to mobilize the troops openly..."

Some were irritated, while others expressed unease. The fragmented conversation, which could only be understood in pieces due to the lack of background knowledge, nonetheless made Tamaki realize that the situation was quite dire.

"In regard to that matter, there are still things to discuss."

Interrupting the conversation, the Ezo man spoke, taking something out of his pocket after bowing slightly.

"I can't be sure if it's a clue, but... it's a Dagger left behind by the person who appeared as a maid. I would like the exorcists to inspect it for any clues..."

The Ezo man revealed the Dagger from the cloth he had wrapped it in. Simultaneously, Tamaki's heart skipped a beat as he recognized it. He recognized the Dagger the man was holding. It was his own maid's self-defense Dagger.

"...Peeping is quite impolite, isn't it, Tamaki-san?"


Just after the shock, a shiver ran down his spine. Their gazes met. Startled, Tamaki instinctively took a step back, but the next moment, she felt as if she were being drawn to her master. She wasn't being pulled by someone else. Her own feet were walking against her own will.

"Who is this?"

"Did you eavesdrop on us!?"


Half of the people present were surprised, and the other half pointed their weapons at their hips and questioned angrily. Tamaki couldn't find the words to respond. It was the truth, but... facing such suspicions in this situation drained the color from her face.

"Please calm down. ...This child is a household member under the care of the Onitsuki family, my disciple, you see? She's not an uncertain person."

Onitsuki's lady spoke softly on behalf of Tamaki, causing some of the hostility from the people in the room to subside slightly. However...

"Nevertheless, it's quite strange, isn't it? I recognize this Dagger. ...Wasn't it your maid's possession?"

With Sumire's revelation, the people in the room turned even sharper, more suspicious gazes towards Tamaki than before. Tamaki was rendered speechless. It was true. But... facing accusations that fueled doubts in this situation made her face turn pale.

"What's going on? Could you explain?"


The stern, threatening tone of questioning overwhelmed Tamaki. Nervous and flustered, she couldn't find the words to respond. Any explanation she thought of scattered before she could utter it. Her head was foggy, compounded by the remnants of alcohol. And, as a result, her attitude only fueled further suspicion from those observing.

"Tamaki-san, were you in such a place?"

Seductive words echoed through the corridor.

"Huh? M-madam Advisor?"

Turning around, Tamaki saw Onitsuki's Advisor standing there. Upon closer inspection, Shirowakamaru was beside her. When their gazes met, the old exorcists smiled kindly and beckoned Tamaki to her side.

"Did you get lost in the corridor? I told you I would guide you. Did you become embarrassed to pass by people gathered in the corridor?"

"Well, uh, that's... yes, that's it."

Although she had no clue about the conversation, Tamaki managed to feign agreement, sensing that it was her way out. The soft smile brimming with affection as Advisor nodded in response relieved her slightly. However...

"However, it's quite an odd situation, isn't it? I seem to recognize this Dagger. ...Wasn't it your maid's possession?"

Sumire's exposition prompted the people in the room to direct even more probing, suspicious gazes at Tamaki. He couldn't find the words to respond, feeling his face grow pale at the realization that he was arousing doubts in this setting.

"Could you please explain what's going on?"


The weighty, accusatory tone left Tamaki flustered and at a loss for words. His explanations dissipated before he could utter them, his mind foggy, exacerbated by traces of alcohol. And his behavior, in turn, only intensified the suspicions of those watching him.

"Tamaki-san, were you really here?"

The corridor resonated with beguilingly sweet words.

"Huh? Ad-Advisor?"

Turning around, Tamaki found Onitsuki's Advisor standing there. Upon closer inspection, Shirowakamaru was beside him. As their gazes met, the old exorcist smiled kindly and walked toward Tamaki, calling out to him.

"Did you get lost? I offered to guide you, remember? Did you feel embarrassed passing through a corridor filled with people?"

"Well, um, that's... yes, that's it."

Caught off guard by a story she knew nothing about, Tamaki still managed to realize that it could be her lifeline. She hastily aligned her words with the situation, and with an affectionate smile in response to Tamaki's compliance, Kochou turned her gaze toward the people on the other side of the corridor.

"Oh my, isn't this the young envoy? Greetings. And... well, well, even the mayor and commander are here too!"

Attacked with the initial greeting, Tomono bowed respectfully. Then, as if noticing the presence of the mayor and commander, Kochou's words flowed. Her behavior seemed somewhat exaggerated, perhaps for dramatic effect.

"Everyone, why have you gathered in the middle of the corridor like this? If you're having a secret meeting, you should be more cautious, shouldn't you?"


Pressed by Kochou's questioning, the mayor had no retort. The situation was critical, as they were well aware, and the plan was to consult with only a minimal number of individuals in a room secured against eavesdropping. However, of all things, they were now at risk of being noticed by the infamous "Black Butterfly." The mayor couldn't help but wear a bitter expression.

"I apologize. The situation was urgent. We were considering that if anyone were eavesdropping, I would apprehend them myself."

"So, by unjustly suspecting your disciple, you would be failing as a master, wouldn't you, Sumire-san? ...Leaving skill aside, you still lack such consideration, don't you?"

In response to her stepdaughter's apology, the mother-in-law replied with composure. While smiling, she subtly inserted a hint of sarcasm into her words.

"...I would love to offer guidance and admonishment, but I can't agree that it's unnecessary."


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